A fight between father and son.

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(This is leviathan)


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Y/n pov
I looked at my father and said "so Alazia is underneath your control then?" He said "very Observant like your mother Sera. I asked "Who is Sera?!?" He said "Could it be that you never heard of the highest Seraphim on the court." I kept quiet and I said "father I ask you to let me take Alazia's contract from you." He smirked and said "ahh so you already know of the demonic dealings. Quite clever...but unfortunately son once a demon makes a deal there is no changing so Alazia is my property. He pulled her over and she was trembling in fear and he went to touch her but my mind clicked and my blade appeared and I shot a massive ball of F/c flames at him. Which caught him off guard.

He looked at me and said "aren't you a bold one. I'm quite envious of your little harem but Alazia is a pawn...nothing more...nothing less. My horns shot out and I was absorbing everyone's envy in the castle. I begin to understand why my father was tossed out." He tossed Alazia aside and I put my hands on my blade and he said "ahh such an ignorant child you are. Desperately hanging onto your hopeless virtues. You're so much like your mother but it's time for a bit of to- GGUURRKK! I kneed him in a gut and he doubled over in pain. He laughed and said "Lucky shot but I won't fall for it twice." He stood up and a massive scythe appeared in his hands and he said "so this is it. I gave you those powers and you throw it back at me. Let's see which one of us will live and die." We circled each other waiting for the other side to make the first move. He may be my biological father but he was not THE father I needed!" He's far more experienced than myself but he lacks something I don't...that is an END goal. So I will prevail in the end no matter the costs. I have people waiting on me."

I threw a ball of fire at him and at the same time I speed dialed Charlie and tossed it as far as I could where no one can see or get it." He deflected the ball of fire and my eye glowed and I had it attach to him like a parasite. He smiled and said "it looks like your powers developed differently than mi-" I channeled my flames into my leg and I went to strike at his chest but he countered with one of his own. Just like a fly in a spiders web. I gave a two finger salute and I fell backwards and entered a rift and he looked around and he said "a distraction huh."

I said "ABOVE YOU SHIT LORD!" He looked up and he went to grab me but I phased through him and solidified underneath him and I whistled and he went to do a downward slash but I decided to go through another portal and I had my sword affected by my invisibility. I kept doing the mysterious vanishing act until I had him surrounded at every angel by my blade. Just like a fly. About to be trapped and killed like the fool he was. I reappeared and I was a bit of a distance away and I kept absorbing the envy around me."

I said "checkmate." I pressed the button on my blade and he was captured successfully. He looked at me and said "who knew I was the one being played...but you forgot something boy." He disappeared and I was backhanded across the throne room and he said "We have the same powers but differently developed. Play time is over the real game is about to begin. He launched at me and I barely dodged his blade. He's to fast with that blade. I have to get rid of that oversized gardening tool first before anything." I clenched my fist and the fire on his arm grew and I used it as a way to gain distance." He had trouble removing it so he tore off his shirt. He said "neat little trick." I launched at him at light speed and started making contact with him multiple times. I noticed his skin started pulsing which I jumped backwards and a the area which was pulsating shot a massive bone shot out. He coughed some blood and he said "look what you done. I'm beyond pissed now." He launched at me and I had to be on the defensive now. Multiple sharp bones came out of his body and he launched at me while spinning. Damn I can't get close to him now. Hopefully my demonic magic doesn't let me down now!" I pushed Alazia through a rift directly to Charlie and sealed it shut.

Somewhere else

Charlie pov
I can hear the sounds of battle through my device and my fear and anxiety skyrocketed. I seen a rift open and Alazia fell through. She was quivering. I ran over and asked "WHAT HAPPENED?!?" She pushed herself to her knees and she whispered "Y/n what you're doing is a suicide mission. I'm powerless against Leviathan. Do you know what you're even doing?" I can tell she was shaken up terribly. I called my dad and he picked up and asked "Char Char did Y/n wake up?" I said with fear in my voice "Dad...Y/n...He's...gonna get himself killed fighting Leviathan...Help him...please I beg you. He hung up and a rift appeared and My father stepped through and could read the room. Alazia said "My...little Bambi is gonna get himself killed fighting his father head on." He walked over to Alazia and crouched and said "I don't know your name but I can tell you know something on the matter. Talk to me. "Alazia said "Y/n is fighting his father to free me of the contract. Leviathan almost sexually assaulted me in front of Y/n." Help him Lucifer...please." He stood up and he looked at me and said "Charlie stay here." I said "NO I CAN HELP!" My father walked over to me and grabbed my shoulder and gently squeezed it and said "Charlie I wasn't asking. Alazia needs your support desperately. I will come back with Y/n I promise...but I need you to stay here." I nodded and he stood up and a portal open and he flew through and I looked at Alazia and did as my father said.

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