Meeting heavens representative

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Y/n pov
As I was on the roof thinking to myself I felt a gust of hot air hit me from behind. I didn't care to look until the person stood next to me. I heard an all to familar voice say  "Son what has you up here deep into thought?" I said "just some problems I have to deal with on my own father. I turned and seen Lucifer with a concerned look on his face and he said "It's about the hotel and upcoming extermination isn't it son?" I took a deep breath and said "yeah it is...we're falling so far behind with getting new residents and we have only a little over 5 months until the next extermination. I don't want Charlie to begin losing hope on her dream as it starts caving in on top of her and she's not prepared for that to happen...I'm lost you can say. I have a feeling that isn't the only reason your here isn't it?"

Lucifer said "son I just received a messege from the big man upstairs that he is sending someone to represent heaven to meet us...but he specifically wanted you to represent hell. As much as me and him don't get along HE did create since your representing hell as a whole he wanted both you and his representative to meet on a 1v1 in the living realm. I'll try to keep Charlie under control while you're out...I suggest you to wear something nice since your meeting his representative in person tomorrow. I suggest you to start on your own way to bed now. I nodded and said "I understand King Lucifer." He pat me on the back and I watched him go through the portal to his castle. I won't be able to sleep after getting all of that thrown at me. I decided to look at the night sky and get lost in it.

Timeskip till 4 AM

I decided to make Charlie something to eat before I head to the living Realm for the Day. I decided to make her an egg bacon tortilla wrap. After cooking I made my way to the roof and I was wearing a nice outfit.

(This is your outfit)

When I made it to a roof a rift appeared to a grassy hill

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When I made it to a roof a rift appeared to a grassy hill. I guess this is it. I walked through and I got hit by a wave of nostalgia which gave me the jitters. I couldn't help but smile warmly. I walked up the small grassy hill and sat down and Its been so long that I forgot the sky was blue. I heard a female ask "May I sit next to you y/n" I smiled and said "sure I don't mind." I could tell she took a seat. I then remembered why I was here. I looked at the female and I said "I'm guessing you're representing heaven?" She said "yeah I am." I nodded and said "May I know your name since you already know mine?" She nodded and I held my hand out and she said "Are you trying to make a deal with me Y/n?" I shook my head no and said "I don't like making deals. I'm just offering a friendly handshake." She eyed me and she was a bit cautious which I understand why." She shook my hand and she said "I'm Emily one of the Seraphim's along side your mother."

I nodded and said "ahh ok...Anyways as much as I would love to sit here and remember the nostalgia from when I was once alive...I feel like there won't be much to talk about if we stay in one place. So how about we go walk and talk. I'm pretty happy to be here one last time even if it's only for an entire 24 hours." Emily nodded and said "where do you have in mind Y/n?" I stood up and stretched and I said "just keep up with me. Since we are in the living realm let's keep our status on the down low so we don't accidentally freak people out." Emily agreed and I made a rift to my hometown from when I was once alive and I said "no one is here so I'm just making a quicker way to get to our destination and I want to check up on a couple people if we may."

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