A day in heaven finale part

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Y/n pov
I followed my mother to her room and she took a seat and asked me to sit as well. I took a seat across from her and she tapped her fingers together and said "I'm proud of you for keeping  your composure but did you take over for Charlie. Wasn't this meeting for her?" I said "Charlie never had a meeting this way and she was going the wrong way about it. Even though Angel has been making some progress she keeps purposely screwing it up. Plus Sir Pentious is the only one making the most progress and isnt screwing it up. He is our best resident at the hotel. Plus we record all progress our residents make and you seen it yourself. The other reason I took over is because this project is a group effort and Charlie wasn't fully prepared for this meeting so it was a wise move for me to take over."

My mother nodded and asked "did Adam really hurt you and be honest son." I said "Yes he did. He barged into the room and was gonna stir problems for us any way possible. He has been going all about how he is gonna kill me and then ravage all the females at the hotel. He didn't even know I was his son. So when I revealed that I was your son he was skeptical about it. so I decided to prove it to him. I grabbed his wrist and assisted him with drawing my blood which is what he wanted from the start and he was shocked. You told me not to fight him but nothing about scaring him. I decided to knock him down a peg by approaching him and forcefully feed his ego. He's terrified of becoming a fallen so I knew if I "helped" feed his ego it would terrify him even more.

Plus I know your ability with seeing the Purity in people...I gained that ability but it was the exact opposite of your vision. I can see the Impurity. Adam is letting his pride and power to corrupt him and its continually corrupting him as we speak. He is gonna become a fallen either way. If you kick him out or his pride and power will corrupt him to the point of no return. he'll be thrown out of heaven either way. I know that I shouldn't have scared him but I'm not just gonna stand idly by and let him force his power on us.

He is gonna be killed at the next extermination and It'll be by this. I held my hand and my wings all shot out and Golden Blaze started Materializing in my hands. My mom was shocked seeing the holy weapon materialize by my own hand. She said "You awakened your Angelic side didn't you? When did you awaken it exactly?" I walked over and looked out the window and said "remember when I told you about me killing father?" She nodded which I said "that's when and it was right after I first met you in that unconscious state...Plus I was able to do this." I thought about the seraphim eyes and imagined them appearing."

Sera pov
I watched Seraphim eyes begin to open one by one on his wings and they had F/c irises." I was in shock because there are very few that were able to do that which was god, myself, Emily, Lucifer and now my son." He turned and looked at me clearly scared of what I might think." He said "I defeated father by using something called the seraphim million eye gaze." I watched the eyes close on his wings and he also hid his wings. He took a seat and I said "son there is nothing to be worried or afraid of. I won't think of you any other way than I already am." He hugged me softly which I returned the hug.

We held it for a while until he separated and said "I still have one more thing to do before I return back to hell mother...I need to still talk to "him" I nodded and said "follow me and stay close. When he heard about the case he wanted to talk to you himself."

Y/n pov
I nodded and followed my mother and I seen this massive palace which my mom pressed a button which the golden gates began to open. I followed her inside and we walked around and I was getting strange looks which made me feel a bit uneasy. We stopped in front of two giant doors which I heard a masculine voice said "Come in...both of you." I held my mother's hand which I don't care how childish I looked. I was trembling in absolute fear and anxiety. My mother whispered "We'll be ok hun alright." I nodded but kept holding her hand. We entered and a tall man with 4 floating eyes and say "feel free to take a seat...would you like anything to drink?" I took a seat and said "No thank you sir"

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