A new possible threat

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Lucifer pov
I walked into my room and I put my hands on the workbench and I took a bit to reflect on what Y/n said. I looked at my old decrepit halo I had from when I was an Seraphim and I walked over and picked it up and looked at it and said to no one in particular "what are you playing at god? I know you didn't do this without an ulterior motive...so what's your play?" I put down my halo and I wanted to call a meeting of all the overlords to discuss everything. I should eat and get ready first. All the overlords will need to be prepared if anything comes during the next extermination and Charlie, Vaggie, and Y/n should attend as well. I can't exactly trust Emily yet since she was on the angelic court not even a day ago.

Y/n pov
Emily introduced herself to everyone and told them a bit about herself. I had an uneasy feeling in my gut which wont go away. Something is coming...I just know it. I'll let Emily get aquatinted with everyone. I need to go somewhere and try to clear my mind. I walked away from them and decided to head towards Charlie's office. That is a quiet place to gather my thoughts. I made my way down the hall to her office and walked inside. I shut the door behind me and took a deep breath and started pacing around the office with a lot of things on my mind. Something is off that much is certain. If I remember correctly the big man upstairs wouldn't just let one of his best go...was someone impersonating him...or was it just to make room for a better angelic entity to take Emily's place. Mom is the Second most powerful and important angel up there. I should probably see if any of the other royal family's is capable of Shapeshifting or an expert mastermind...Charlie wouldn't have any files or info on the other 5 rulers of their respective ring of hell. Let's see what I can remember exactly from the dark recesses of my mind. Ok there's Lucifer which is the Sin of Pride, then there's myself which I'm the Sin of Envy, Beelzebub which is Gluttony, Satan is the Sin of Wrath, Asmodeus of Lust, Bel...something of Sloth, Mammon of Greed. Obviously Lucifer and myself wouldn't play a part...most of them don't seem like they would besides Satan. He is literally Wrath...he might be holding a grudge against him or something. But I'm not entirely sure though.

I heard my phone ring which I picked it up and seen it was from Charlie asking where I'm at. I texted that I'm in her office trying to figure something out. She texted back "Dad needs me, you, Vaggie, and Alazia. Emily isn't allowed to go so I have Husk keeping her company...try to hurry because it seemed extremely important." I walked out to the lobby and seen Vaggie, Charlie, and Alazia waiting for me." I walked over to them and Vaggie said "finally you show up" I kept quiet and we walked out to a limo and all got in. Vaggie closed the door and we started driving off. I was deep in thought until Charlie snapped her fingers which snapped me out of my thoughts and she said "You've been spacing out for a bit. Are you ok?" I feigned a smile and said "yeah I am." Alazia said "stop lying dear. Your eyes are giving you away. So wh-" the limo stopped and the imp said "we're here. Lucifer wants you 4 to go to the conference room and wait." Saved at the last second.

I got out and started bolting towards the conference room and I entered it and seen the Vees, Carmilla, Lucifer, and a two others that I don't recognize. Charlie and Vaggie came in and they stopped when they seen everyone. Alazia walked in a minute or two after and took her respective seat and Charlie and Vaggie pulled themselves a chair over and sat on it. Charlie asked "Aren't you gonna take a seat dear?" I calmly said "no I'll stand...I'll have to be ready to act at a moments notice if something goes sideways in an instant.

Lucifer said "first introductions are in order. Everyone meet my daughter Charlie, my son in law Y/n, and their closest friend Maggie. Vaggie was about to correct him but I shook my head no which she understood due to how heavy the air is in here. Lucifer then said "Y/n is also the king of Envy. Only the two unknown people were stunned. I followed up by saying "I've met everyone except the black spider gentleman and the lady in red."

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