chapter - twenty - six

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Previously :

" Hoye, mei uke that man chu ( yes, I love him ) " Which of course I didn't translate as Rudra kept smiling throughout the interaction.

Third-person POV:

After that, the grandma made her way outside the hotel.

" Naina! I didn't know that you could speak Kumauni " Grandma asked along with Grandpa as Rudra grasped her shoulder and looked at her with pride.

" Oh! I am a native here. I was born in Uttarakhand actually but because of my late parent's job we shifted to Mumbai " Naina explained

" You...... " Meena was about to taunt again but Rudra's glare toward her made her zip her mouth.

"It's nothing big " Radhika commented as everyone became busy on their own after a little talk.

As me and Rudra spend the whole day together boating and rafting. While tracking too.
Even though we came here with them we traveled around alone because " They will only ruin it " That's what Rudra said to me. Which was true.

We visited many places like the Valley of Flowers, Kedarnath, and Mussoorie. Overall we had fun, Rudra also bought land to build a villa here "You are attached to this place," he said, and just like this today we are on our way home back to Mumbai.

" Naina, you can have your dinner downstairs, so sorry dear. I have an urgent meeting today so I will attend it in the room. I will have my lunch later " Rudra explained to Naina while kissing and caressing her cheeks.

" No worry, meeting is important Rudra" Naina replied as she smiled.

Naina walked outside the room only to bump into someone.

" How are you? " She uttered sweetly as Naina became recognized the voice . While getting suspicious.

"Radhika, I am perfect " Naina smiled with a small laugh to lighten the tension building inside her.

" Ok bye", naina uttered as she passed her only to have her wrist grabbed by Radhika.

" What is this Radhika? " Naina utter a little angry

" Aren't you getting too high? To whom are you showing this attitude? Do you think just because you got married to Rudra means he cares about you or loves you " Radhika taunted with a smirk.

"Of course we love and care for each other " Naina narrowed her eyes.

" That's your dream if you think he loves you 'cause that's not possible. I also wasted my whole life thinking he would love me back" She uttered in a mocking tone.

" Not every person needs to reciprocate your love that's why only some people find true love, like me " Naina smiled.

" You don't know that don't you Rudra love Someone else " Radhika laughed.

" That's not possible he had confessed to me" Naina uttered as her heart thumped painfully.

" Why not? Let's just think he confessed one year ago or two to you but he loved her since he was 15. Think do you think you can forget someone you have loved for 10 years? " Radhika said.

" You are lying !! Just move away don't play with my emotion " Naina yelled as she tried to escape from there.

" He only married you cause you are blind and can't see anything he does. What he needs to do is just say some sweet words and you have all fallen into his trap. I feel so sorry for you Naina " Radhika uttered as Naina still tried to shove her hand away.

" Sigh* if you don't believe me then just check the room which you are not allowed in you will find a big painting hanging there which is of course the portrait of his first and last love. I guess then you will stop living in dreams " Radhika whispered in her ear as Naina continued pushing her which made them move closer to the stairs.

" Such a pity Naina neither your family nor your husband loves you " Radhika spoke in a pitying voice.

" Just move !! " Naina roared as she pushed her with all her might which made both of them fall backward.

Radhika fell other side of the stairs on the plane surface and Naina fell toward the stairs. While making a huge impact on a surface her head started bleeding along with her scraped knees and hand which made her lose consciousness.

" Naina !!! " Everyone uttered as the grandpa and grandma ran toward her after seeing her state and all the other family members stood like a crowd like watching an entertaining show.

Rudra also came outside the room after listening to the screams.

" What happened "He muttered in a loud and clear voice as the crowd started to disperse.

" Damn! Someone is going to die today " His uncle whispered and yelled as Naina's bleeding body came into Rudra's sight.

At first, he stood there like a statue but the next second he had naina in his arms which made his whole clothes covered with red.

Then he ran toward the car with Naina in his arms.

" Drive fast " He roared like crazy as He settled in the backseat with Naina in his arms. His fingers and hands trembled as he moved them toward Naina's face.

" Why? God why? Why do you punish me every single time? Why did I leave her alone..???? Why ?? " He cried while hugging body her tightly with his trembling hands.

" What are you f ***** doing? Drive fast !!!! " He again roared like an animal without a leash. For the first time in his life . He cried and begged to god for forgiveness for all the sins and lives he had taken, even though they were not innocent.

' hello lovelies, hope you are amazing. I need your opinion dear so please do tell me how many chapters would you like for this story. So if I end the story it won't look rushed or too complicated '
30 - 40 chapters
40- 50 chapters
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Enjoy !!
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At last lots of love ❤

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