chapter- eleven

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Rudra pov

* sigh * the day was so stressful as I was trying to increase security and reduce the risk of attacking as I have many rivals while working in the mafia and business world.

Just as my car steps inside the mansion gate. The beautiful enormous garden came to the site. Even though it's dark outside the garden is still sparkling with lights. It has been my paradise since the day I remember. I spend most of my time here whenever I am disturbed especially in the red rose garden as it reminds me of her. My haven and nightmare.

My car came to a stop in front of my mansion. All the servants were standing there as usual.
I got out of my car and passed my suitcase to the butler then started walking toward inside the mansion.

" Is my wife resting? " I asked the maids serving my wife while walking toward our room.

" No sir, madam is in an art room," They said slowly.

" Why did you leave her alone? .didn't I tell you strictly to not leave her even for a second" I roared at them.

" Sir, ma.. .M told us to leave. As she wants a private space. We tried our best to stay. But she didn't let us. She told us that if she needed help she would call for us " They Stated while shivering like hell..... I care. How dare they leave her alone what if she fell, what if she hit something hard, what if...... First, I need to check on her...
Then I turned and ran toward the art room desperately i could feel myself sweating with nervousness.

I almost broke the door with how much force I opened it.
Thud**.there wait an opposite scenario of what I imagined. A breathtaking scene is in front of my eyes. My wife is sitting on a stool in front of the canvas which is colored in black and white with a picture of a bird in an open cave. A bird on a canvas is beautifully drawn like it's about to take its first flight. Even her clothes and face have some black paint. Mostly her hands as she is painting with it, not with a brush. Her hair is tied up in a messy bun with a paintbrush. Some strands of her hair are busy playing with her cheeks.

Sigh** she will be the death of me.
I walked to my addiction slowly. Not to disturb her. After reaching near her I moved my hand to brush the strands behind her ear and cupped her checks.

" Star, did you Miss me? " I said slowly to her

" Ummm..... Yes " She whispered shyly while Biting her lips. Hearing her a smile graced my face while my eyes were gawking at her lips

"It's beautiful," I said as I perked her lips.

" Thanks,oh rudr.." She said with a gasp.

" Ok, now it's time for dinner. You would be tired after painting such a masterpiece " I said as I lifted her in my arms.

" Rudra no, I am covered in paint. You will get dirty " She yelped.

"It's okay, every stain you gave me is always beautiful and I just came from the office so I also need to change, " I said while exiting the art room.

" Ok.... " She said.

" Tell me more about your painting. I am curious "I asked her.

"Oh! I love to paint about my feelings and this one is also a replica of one of my feelings. Here bird means me been caged all her life but now I found the door or way to fly away from it .well I tried my best to paint as now I am blind not like before when I used to paint with color now I can only use black. my world is also black like I painted ." She said as a single tear left her eye. My free hands moved on my instinct and caught it before the tear fell on the floor

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