The Veils Of Past

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Ch 99: The veils of past


I want to hold onto the quiet, the bubble of comfort we have made for ourselves under this translucent sky but I know my clock's running short, I need to be a Pakhan right now, focus on removing the weed my father and his minions have spread themselves over and above everything else, tuck my wife into safety, keep my pcholka away from the evil fingers of her past, for that I have to speak to her, break our paradise and remind her of her nightmares.

"Tell me." I say. Her body stills before she releases a choked breath.

Her body shivers lightly and I know this only because I am standing so close to him.

"I saw him." She chokes out. I rub her arms smoothly even as an inferno burns inside. Whoever fucker made my wife this scared, I am going to skin him alive, cut him to pieces and have the dogs eat out his body parts.

I keep quiet as she hyperventilates. "H-h-him Ace, I want to say that was a delusion, because I saw him die, I- I saw him checking his breathing and he was... dead." She gasps.

My body has stilled, I don't think she realises this, "Who?" I ask softly.

"Andrei Mikhailov." She says after a while, lost into the abyss of her own mind as her eyes look into the black sky which matches the rage boiling inside of me, whatever she is going to tell me, I know that will be the last and most precious parts of this story, the final parts which will complete my wife's story.

"It was a normal day, me inside that prison with no hope of seeing the world or my family again, I had accepted it you know, the part where I would die here without anybody but my own rotten mind. I was looking forward to finding freedom from that torture, day by day as my energy was dying, I was happy for the numbness that was thickening, the whispers of the death sounded like a carol to my ears, every day I would count days until I was free." She whispers, her face deathly still.

"You know the day he came, that would have been the last day I believe, last day until my body fought for my worthless existence but then he came," she stops mid-sentence, her eyes shedding water like waterfall, my heart is beating very fast, my mind working about a million miles per hour but then her plump lips widen into a smile, which is anything but happy, an ominous look crossing on her face.

"Let's start from the beginning husband," she whispers, looking at my eyes, whatever she seems to find them make her contented as she continues.

"I was your normal girl with a dream but no actual idea of how to achieve them, I wanted to be a literature person, somebody out there into the world of words but dyslexia had other plans for me, after my high school I wasn't sure if it was even possible because I didn't know what I wanted. So, I decided to take a break, a retreat for me to find out what I wanted, I packed my bags and came straight to the city of dreams, New York. The thing is when you're a nobody and it's your first time trying new things, you make mistakes but I committed a crime Ace... a crime which my family had to pay in blood." She takes a breath.

Her voice is eerie unlike my cheerful little bee but rather sounding like the person who lives in my brain, the person who looks at me in the mirror.

"I met Austin," her voice catching as she releases a booming laugh, her fingers wiping her tears, her maniac eyes shining with anger, "my bad, it was Demitri Mikhailov actually, the man I thought I was in love with." She falls quiet after that.

My body is tightly coiled, my limbs twitching to ring the neck of the fucker, he raped her, he took away something from her which he would pay with his blood with.

"We had our good days you know, the day which made me fall in every fibre with him, nothing mattered apart from the passion, apart from the warmth of his comfort and his deep words, we were a match I believed, I thought I got the person I had been searching my whole life for, somebody who was mine, so utterly and only mine."

"Looks like the upper guy didn't like it," she whispers looking at the sky, "one day after we came to a club, I went out, I wanted something you know, something other than the sweet personality and his dove gaze, I don't know why but I wanted something... something more. I wanted something to make me feel hungry, something to excite me, something apart from the content, bored feeling I was getting." She whispers it, as if unsure what the thought means, I know what she means, the sense of belonging, the ownership, she wants it black, not the pink mocktail the girls drink, she doesn't want a man who is a white picket fence guy, she wants the splashes of red on her man, somebody who excites her, someone who drags her back to the moment in hand, somebody to pleasure her and be rough with her, somebody to nurture all of her.

"Demitri... I called him to meet me outside but then a man kidnapped me, all the while I saw the love of my life, standing there and smirking, I knew I was doomed, I fought my parents, called my brother names and even slapped him when they stopped me from moving out, I knew I was right, that they had better things for them if I won't be present, I was convinced I was a burden. So when the glitters turned into the pointed pins, I couldn't blame anyone but me, I was convinced I was dying but no, they kept me, tied me up there with nothing but my own poisonous thoughts, my brain which was decaying day by day, I remember sometime later, a man came to me with food, Anton, he was the good one among the three, aloof but nice, he talked to me, although clinical but my crumbling mind devoured it like a gourmet meal, he never told me anything, never really talked about himself apart from the little detail, all of them were brothers, Demitri, Anton and Andrei, they were the Mikhailov's."

I am standing there with rage shimmering down my body as I try to think how did the fucker hide something so big from anyone, he had brothers, two of them and nobody knew about them, I never really liked him and our interactions where mostly monotonous but I didn't even have a bit of information about this.

"the maniac, Adrei," she spits his name, "he was the one who..." taking a deep breath she continues, "the one who raped me." she whispers. I tighten my hold on her, my body vibrating like a volcano, I'll tear the motherfucker to bits until he is nothing but a pile of bones and skin.

"H-he used to come every night and eat me out and finger me and push his dick, every night while I cried he used to laugh, laugh at the disgust on my face, he said it makes him hard, that the blood from my virginity was a gift he knew I had saved for him, many times I wanted to scream but he would just clamp my lips shut and fuck me, it was painful Ace, so disgusting and so sick, I felt sick, I felt as if my body was being mauled and there was nothing that I could do, nothing for me to hold onto anymore, my desires, dreams, everything just ended and in place a feeling of nothingness took over me. Anton used to come with a soothing cream every morning after that, clinically applying them as I laid there looking at the grey ceiling. With days my body gave up too, so since then I laid there, taking it all the while I would think of way to kill myself."

"I left food, it was working, I just had my freedom on my fingertips I could feel, the sweet taste on my tongue until he came back, like the devil stood in front of me as he asked for answers I didn't have, I had nothing, no clue about his questions, but that made him angry, my bemused state, he thrashed me, became physical as I screamed until the door banged open while a woman along with the other two came and stopped dead in their tracks, I wonder what it might have looked like, me on my knees and Demitri's hand pulling onto my hair tightly as his dick was inches from my lips. The next thing I know, a bang sounded and then an ear piercing scream."

tomorrow I'll post the next chapter, the last chapter of Katherine's story. There has to be answers for her questions, but everything would now reside on the couple as to how they want to deal with their demons.

-love rky xoxo.

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