I Fear

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Ch 94: I fear


My hands shake and my heart is pounding as I look at her and his daughter moving to the door, the fact is I can't shake off the feeling of being watched, I have looked around more often than not when Ace was up and meeting with people around but there's no one. No one which puts me right on alert, I know it sounds wrong since I am in a room full of mobsters and bad men but with my husband? I feel as if I am cocooned from the evil, he is the biggest bad wolf in the room and nobody dares cross him.

I might have assured Ace that everything is alright in my world, but I can't assure myself.

I feel agitated and bothered but I don't want to bother Ace because I know how important this day is to him.

After what feels like a thousand years and millions whisper about how crude and daring I am just because I called my husband with a little nickname Ace comes to me.

I look at him and inhale his dark alluring smell, "May I have a dance?" he asks softly.

I bite my lip, my mind conjuring things about all the eyes on us.

"It's just us pcholka." He murmurs.

I nod my head taking his hand and letting him lead me away to the dance floor. The music starts as Ace starts to sway us and just like that everything blurs around me, I have read this in the novel, read the world fading away when the main couple are together but I have never believed it, never believed that it happened in real life, but here I am with the man who has forced me into marriage with him, the man who took everything from me, here I am with that man as we sway alongside each other looking into his charcoal grey eyes, feeling the warmth reaching to my bones.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" he asks me pulling me closer.

"Falling in love, are you?" he jokes with a light toned voice but there isn't an ounce of mirth in his face, there's this sensuality, this burning desire in his eyes that it looks like orbs of fire.

"Maybe." I whisper, because this comfort... this safety... this healing, it has to mean love, right?

"Fall irrevocably then, I know I have, so it's only fair you return the favour." He whispers. My whole body stills, I gasp looking into his eyes. His intense eyes hold me into place, I open my mouth to speak, to say something when the sound of claps penetrate through the haze, Acee's mood visibly dissipates, his mouth forms an angry line, with tightly clenched jaw he slowly turns us towards the table but I need some time... I need some time... some time to straighten my head.

"I need to use the washroom." I say and all but run out of Ace's hold, his hand tightens around my waist but I look into his eyes panicked and whatever he sees in there finally loosens his hold on me, I dart towards where I assume are the bathrooms.

I don't look back as I move rapidly, I could feel Viktor following me but he can do whatever he wants, as soon as I see the sign for the ladies' room, I dart towards it and only relax when I feel the click of the bathroom stall after me.

Leaning back on the wall I lick my suddenly dry lips and try to breathe in through my nose, my chest feels too tight, it's like... it's like there's something stuck there, something which is making me feel anxious, agitated.

I close my eyes, the familiar eyes I have not seen in my dreams for a while look back at me, they are calm so calm, the scene slides and the chocolate brown set of eyes morph into a midnight black, they are so cold, so dead that I fear the person's soul is as dead too.



I wake up, the throb between my legs, reminder of what happened yet again.

My vision is blurry, and my body feels numb, I try to count till ten to assure myself I am still alive, maybe I am dead, I am not sure if it's worse than feeling this pain.

The door opens but I don't look at it, it has to be the good one, he is the one who comes at day, comes to make sure I am not rotting while starving.

I don't move, because honestly, I can't even if I want too.

"Alive, angel?" his voice gives me a pause, a shudder goes through my body. His pale skin and chocolate brown eyes as he hugged me come into my mind, I slowly twist my head, praying to everything's that's holy that he is someone else, anyone but him.

A gasp tears through, because it is him, standing composed in his signature white shirt and pressed pants I have seen in his cupboard so many times.

"A-Austin." I whisper, his name a plea on my lips.

His lips curve into a rueful smile, so cold that it sends shivers down my body, gone is the warmth I saw in his eyes, instead they look like the remains of a storm, volatile and dangerous.

"Tsk... Not Austin, Demitri Mikhailov, Katherine Martin." He says lowly in a menacing tone.

I knew it, strategically I knew this, in my mind I had conjured the cause of it all but I didn't want to believe that the man I fell in love with would betray me like this.

Warm liquid flows down my cheeks, a sound of something breaking pulls my body under the wet blanket of darkness, I shouldn't be this easy to break, shouldn't be so weak, but as my consciousness drift, I look at his face, a tiny flicker of something there, something akin to regret and pain and longing but then my eyes close just like my heart.


I open my eyes, the view of the bathroom stall coming into view, my heart aches painfully in my chest, I inhale deeply through my nose.

When I feel a little better, I straighten up and go to the basin and pump some handwash in my hands.

I scrub properly and dry my hands with a towel when a snort like sound pulls my attention to the farthest stall, my lungs freeze and my mouth drops open, because standing in the dark is my biggest nightmare, no voice come out of me, there's no use, he has finally reached, he is finally here to make me pay for escaping him, and for the first time in three years I am not ready because I trusted my husband.

What do you think will happen next? Do tell me your views on the chapter, I would really love from you guys.

-love rky xoxo.

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