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It was Saturday night when Dominic asked me on a date, it was late but I still wanted to go. I got all dressed up in a grey dress and decided to curl my hair and put on some lashes.


I didn't do a lot because I wasn't expecting to go out but still I dressed up

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I didn't do a lot because I wasn't expecting to go out but still I dressed up. "Faith hurry up" I heard Dominic yell from downstairs. "Mia come"  I said looking for my purse.


After finally getting the divorce papers I decided to take faith out and tell her before I tell anyone else. I rented a restaurant for the night and got her flowers.

When we got to the restaurant I opened her door and bring her inside then I take out the chair for her and then the hostess came to us.

"good night welcome to the blue sky Italian restaurant, I'm Tamara your hostess for tonight and this is your server for tonight, I'll leave you guys to it have a good night thanks for coming" and then the waitress introduced herself and asked if we wanted top water or bottle and as usually faith said bottle.


When we got to the restaurant he was such a gentleman which wasn't surprising because he's always a gentleman but this was over doing it. "A wonda if a leff e boy a plan fi leff mi " I thought to myself.



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We had a very wonderful dinner and conversation but then it was time for me to tell her that I'm getting a divorce.

"Faith" I said to her "we need to talk and" "when mi seh "wi" Mi mean me", "okay" she replied I've decided I'm leaving my wife mi nuh love har no more  and it makes no sense mi stay, I already have the divorce papers ready and tomorrow I'll be moving out and leaving it with her.

"I will no longer live at the guesthouse tho but I'll still stay over on Monday, your aunt Linda will be coming back from har work program a Canada.

This divorce is about to be nasty and I don't want you to get involved in it so I'll be texting you on a burner phone because my wife is going to be trying to take everything and mi nuh want she take mi pickney dem.

She go try find everything to prove I'm an unfit parent." "Faith" I said to her I saw her looking at me shock so I decided to give her a moment.


Hey y'all what do you think about this chapter let me know❤️😘


See you next chapter ⬇️

Jamaican love story: The Mafia Princess and Her hot bodyguard Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora