270.Did he hear everything?

265 3 1

"You like him that much?" Lisa asked as she looked at Jisoo's miserable condition.

"I don't," the woman replied but there was a quiver in her voice. She did not want to complicate things any further.

Lisa looked at her, doubt evidence on her face.

"Little Lili, why are you looking at me like that? You don't believe me?" Jisoo chuckled as she looked at her best friend. She was trying her best to put on a façade as she continued, "Like? Jin is just a crush. I have already made this point clear, didn't I?"

Lisa frowned, "Just a crush? Why do you look like this now?"

Jisoo had dark circles under her eyes due to her lack of sleep in the past few months but she had it concealed with her makeup. But now that she was drenched in rain, her makeup was ruined and she looked like a mess, more accurately, she appeared like a drug addict.

Jisoo laughed at this. She laughed so hard that tears spilled out from the corner of her eyes. She laughed like she heard the biggest joke despite the turmoil going on in her heart.

Lisa was the person she cared the most about. If anything, she wanted her best friend and her only family to happy forever. She did not want to tell the truth to her, afraid of the consequences.

She did not know how things worked in Jeon Family. She did not know what would happen if Lisa decided to confront Jin after knowing the truth.

Little did she know that her thoughts were far from reality. Jeon Family was not the kind she had imagined them to be. And even if Lisa confronted Jin, things would not have changed between them.

Unaware of everything, Jisoo just purely cared for her friend's wellbeing. So, she went along with her lie.

"You are a fool, Lili. I was just under stress because of my work schedules. Why would you link it up with Jin? That man is just a crush, do you not get it? He is hot, handsome, and stands at a higher position, isn't he someone worth to be crushing over? Not to mention, he is one of the most eligible bachelors, how would one not be attracted towards him?" She casually took a few steps back as she stated her points.

Lisa tilted her head to the side to glance at the woman but what caught her attention was something else.

It was Jin, standing frozen near the glass door with his hand resting on the doorknob. His expressions were unreadable. It was as if he was not the one Jisoo was talking about, and that made Lisa assume that Jin indeed did not have feelings for Jisoo.

Before the woman could talk any further and get onto Jin's wrong side, Lisa called her out, "Jisoo.." Her voice was stern.

But the woman did not seem to be in her right mind. The scene where Jin was hugging a woman flashed in her mind as her fingers curled into a fist under her long bell-sleeved blouse. He was not oxygen, could she not survive without him? She obviously could, right?

Every lie she uttered in front of Lisa, she wanted to believe that they were the truth. She was denying her heart's protest.

"What? You were not believing me right?" Jisoo glanced at Lisa, the rims of her eyes turning red as she took a step back, her voice was firm as she said, "Did you think I want Jin as my boyfriend? Or even marry him? He is childish, immature, fickle-minded, moody... He just knows how to go with the flow. Can he even take his own decisions properly? One moment, he would be all caring... the other moment, he is arrogant and cocky."

Lisa looked at the woman who was stepping away from her. She was saying everything to convince her but the truth was that she was convincing herself with those lies.

She opened her mouth to stop Jisoo from speaking any further words that she would regret later but the woman did not give her a chance to speak as she spoke up, "Men like him... You can date them but a long-term relationship is impossible. I don't know about others but I simply can't stand being in a long-term relationship with him. I...."

While walking backward, she did not realize when she bumped into a sturdy chest.

Jisoo's eyes widened. She did not notice someone else's presence here.

In a swish, she turned around to look at the person standing behind her but because of her wet clothes and heels, she lost her balance for that movement.

Her ankle got twisted as she closed her eyes ready to fall but the expected pain did not come, instead what she felt was a sudden warmth around her waist. Her eyelashes fluttered as she opened her eyes only to be greeted with that familiar handsome face close to hers.

Her breathing hitched as Jin's grip around her waist tightened. He looked at her face as if he was looking for something there and she suddenly felt self-conscious.

'Is my makeup smudged as Little Lili said?' Her eyes widened slightly, 'Do I look ugly? I should have gone for waterproof makeup today.'

Is this the point here? Wasn't she convincing herself a few seconds ago that he was not oxygen so she could live her life perfectly? Damn! She shook her head.

Wait...Did he hear everything she said just now? Panic flashed through her eyes as she looked at the man.

Jin just held her like that without moving, he kept looking at her face and registered all those expressions of hers. He of course heard everything she said. The glee that he had in his eyes when he entered all disappeared in an instant when she calmly said all those words, her voice was firm as if she meant it.

He stood up straight, pulling her up in the process.

"So, you can't stand being in a long term relationship with me?"

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