245.Unexpected dog food

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"Anyways, you all should leave. I need privacy," Chaerin sighed.

"I'll visit you later," Lisa smiled at her.

Chaerin blew a flying kiss towards her.

"Jennie, you wait. I have something to talk to you about."

Although Jennie was curious as to what did her mother wanted to say to her, she did not ask many questions and waited patiently.

Before Jungkook, Jin and Lisa could walk out of the room, they heard Chaerin yell at Jennie, "You can't even do this for your mother? Don't tell me this hospital hasn't got some handsome male doctors? I would change hospitals if you say so..." They heard the lady speak.


The trio was rendered speechless when they looked at the man who was standing in front of them. The man's skin was as clear as a piece of jade and his face highly resembled the Jeon twins. His dark hair has turned messy but it did not make him look shabby. On the other hand, it made him appear quite young.

One would never be able to tell that the man was the father of three children.

It was none other than Jeon Jiyong, Chaerin's husband, and Jeon siblings' father. He was living with his younger brother in S City for the past few days. As soon as he got the news of his wife being injured, he immediately returned to Beijing.

But who would have known it would start raining so heavily which caused him to be stuck in traffic. It was too late for him to regret not using his chopper. It took him nearly 3 hours to reach the Jeon Global Hospital only to be greeted by the voice of his wife demanding handsome males.

"Dad," Jungkook and Jin greeted the man.

Jiyong indifferently nodded but one could see his dark expressions.

"Little uncle," Lisa awkwardly greeted the man who looked so exhausted.

His face was speaking how worried he was for his wife. Lisa did not know if she should pity her exotic mother-in-law who was caught red-handed or not. Looking at the man's expressions, she knew the lady inside was done for.

No matter how gentle a man is, a woman should never provoke their possessive side.

Jiyong's gaze softened when he looked at Lisa as he said "Little Princess, you are supposed to call me dad."

Lisa stiffened for a moment before she smiled, "Dad," she said.

She was certainly not used to it. It has been a habit of hers to address him as Little Uncle.

Jiyong smiled gently but before he could say something, they once again heard Chaerin's high-pitched angry voice, "Your father is in S City right now, I need some flower boys to keep me entertained. I don't want to be treated by you, get out of here, and send some handsome hunks to this room."

The man's face darkened yet again, "I'll talk to you later," He said to Lisa before entering the VIP ward without looking back.

In no time, Jennie was seen walking out of the room with her cheeks turning a shade of tomato.

They could not hear what Jiyong was saying because of the man's calm and low voice.

But Chaerin's exaggerated tone was enough to make their thoughts run wild, "Mm...You...what are you doing? No need... You don't need to entertain me at all...Not there...Mmph.."


''Pfft..." Jin laughed with squinted eyes until his stomach ached, "Hahahaha...I can't believe this...This is what we call retribution...Hahahaha...Ouch.."

Lisa pinched his arm making the man wince in pain.

He rubbed his arms and glared at Lisa grievously.

Lisa did not bother to talk to him as she looked at the man who was walking in front of her silently.

"Hey...Hey, why did you pinch me?" Jin whispered in her ear making her pause.

She turned to look at the man, "And who told you to make fun of your parents?" she asked as they walked out of the private elevator before moving towards the VIP exit.

Jin pouted. He just found it so funny. A few moments ago, their mother was acting so domineeringly when she demanded male doctors. And within a few minutes, she was begging his father to spare her. Wasn't this retribution?

"Shameless," Lisa murmured before walking towards Jungkook.

Jin's pout became more prominent. If Jennie had been here, then she would've understood his point but unluckily, she was held back by some work.

Just as Lisa was about to catch up to Jungkook, he paused causing her nose to bump into his sturdy back.

She winced slightly and rubbed the tip of her nose which had reddened in an instant.

Jungkook turned around and glanced at Lisa who was rubbing the tip of her nose with confusion apparent on his face.

He found her reactions adorable. "What happened?" he asked her.

"Why did you stop so suddenly?" she squinted her eyes at him. Her nose felt as if it got broken.

Jungkook chuckled, "I was about to say something to you."

Lisa sighed, "Speak," she said, still rubbing her nose.

Jungkook did not respond to her question as he held her hand that was rubbing her nose constantly, "Does it hurt?" he asked.

Lisa shook her head, "It's better now," she said.

Jin standing behind the couple suddenly had a restless feeling, he won't be fed with a mouthful of dog food, right?

And his premonition turned out to be accurate as he watched the scene in front of him.

Lisa was stunned when Jungkook kissed the tip of her nose, all of a sudden before peppering small kisses all over her face. He wrapped an arm around her waist before pulling her closer until her head was resting on his chest.

He enveloped her in a warm hug as he rested his chin atop her head.

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