Twenty One

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The oven gave out a short beeping sound and Heather knew the cupcakes were ready

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The oven gave out a short beeping sound and Heather knew the cupcakes were ready.

"'...So what happened with Tyler?", Kate asked while Heather brought out the cupcakes from the oven, the sweet aroma lingered in the air as she placed them on the counter.

Heather scoffed,"What exactly could have happened?"

Kate studied Heather for a few seconds, peeling the tangerine in her hand,"Seems like you truly like him". She then commented with a little smile.

Heather glanced at Kate where she sat at the counter,eating tangerine in front of her."Like my ass. Just had a tiny crush on him_no big deal". 

"Had? You don't like him anymore?" Kate tossed a piece of tangerine in her mouth.

Heather sighed and tried to clean up where she had did her baking."I don't like him, Kate".

"But you know_I don't understand you two", Kate said curiously,"When we first knew the guys_you and Tyler were actually friends, but then all of a sudden_".

"He just hates me", Heather completed for her mindlessly, cleaning the counter with a towel.

Kate rolled her eyes,"Oh come on, that's not true".

Heather paused what she was doing and looked at Kate,"After everything that happened then and now, you still don't believe that conclusion?"

"I always believed that you guys had a fight and never got to sort it out properly", Kate shrugged, taking in another piece of her tangerine.

"We never fought". Heather said,"At least not that I remembered", She flipped her long ponytail behind her, actually trying to think about ever being in a fight with Tyler. Nothing rang a bell. "I didn't like him too then, he was always so annoying. But now...ugh,I just had to follow him on that his stupid Instagram account", She added a little defensively,"I got drawn easily_and maybe attracted", She finished quietly, looking down at the counter.

Kate just watched her,a small smile on her face. "Aww, so you still like him", She gushed and Heather rolled her eyes, not denying it this time. "Don't worry, Tyler is not that tough, he'll come by. Just keep doing your thing and don't let him know_yet. I'm sure you can get him hooked, somehow". Kate shrugged.

"Whatever. Let's just forget about that_what should we have for dinner?" Heather asked, walking over to open the refrigerator.

"I thought we were eating the cupcakes". Kate said.

Heather turned back to look at her,"Katrina, how could we possibly eat cupcakes for dinner?"

"Sorry", Kate smiled at her sheepishly,"Just cook whatever".

Heather shook her head at her as she brought out some fresh carrots from the refrigerator. "Anyway, that aside. So_about your night with Dexter...", She wiggled her eyebrows slyly as she joined Kate at the counter again.

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