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Kate Dixon

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Kate Dixon

The reunion party was starting soon and Kate was still trying to fix her hair. It had been two years since she last saw her high school friends,most of them were out of the country and she had lost contact with some of them. Her heart suddenly skipped a beat when she thought about the chances of meeting a particular person at the party."You're pathetic,Kate". She cursed herself frustratingly as she fumbled with her hair pin. He was gone and she'd never meet him again,she reminded herself for the umpteenth time.

Richard,one of her classmates whom she had came across on social media two weeks ago, had came up with the idea of a reunion party and he had managed to gather all their classmates and got them to agree on attending the party.

Kate was excited about it at first but then,she thought about the chances of feeling inferior among her old friends. What if they had all upgraded and she couldn't meet up to their standards anymore __that got her worried and nervous for some reason. She sighed again as she debated on tying up her hair or just let it down freely.

After a while of dressing up,Kate was convincingly ready to go,she looked at herself in the mirror one last time __her make up was on point,her white closefitting gown seemed to make her curves more prominent,she decided to let her hair fall freely across her shoulders,making her look perfect for a girl who was now in college. Speaking of college,she still has some assignments to finish up....That would be later,she told herself. She smiled a little at her reflection in the full length mirror and took her purse on her single bed,she then rushed out of her apartment.


".....Kate Dixon!" She smiled when she entered the hotel hall where the party was taking place and was immediately met by her friend. Best friend actually.

"Heather",Kate allowed herself to be engulfed in a tight hug by Heather. "Gosh,how're you doing?" She asked as they pulled apart to grin at each other.

"Very fine. What about you? Oh,it's so good to see you". Heather ranted chirpily,tucking her long black hair behind her ear. She was such a really attractive young lady and the golden short dress she wore protruded her hourglass figure.

"Come on,we still had a video chat last night".Kate rolled her eyes jokingly.

"Duh___yeah. I meant it's good to finally see you _in person". Heather locked her arm with Kate's as they slowly made their way to a snack table.

"Of course. You've been out of town for too long". Kate then took her time to examine the whole event,she had been blinded by the enthusiasm of meeting her friend for a moment. "Whoa. Richard really put in a lot of work in this. This is so __fancy",Her eyes roamed about the big hall. The white and yellow layouts of the decorations were really grand and beautiful,it actually brought some sort of life to the hall. The hall was practically packed with many excited students who were all happy to reunite with their high school mates. There were drinks and snacks everywhere and the classic music underground created such a relaxing mood.

"I know right?" Heather grinned,taking a cupcake from the table and offering it to Kate. "Everyone actually came __some are not here yet but..."

Kate nodded slowly as she collected the cupcake from her,"I see".

"He's coming too". Heather lowered her voice to sound a little serious. "You know who".

"Hmm?",Kate tried to feign ignorance. Her heart even skipped a beat when Heather brought him up again. She pretended to be cool with what Heather meant but in the back of her mind,she was nervous about running into him __if he was actually coming.

Heather rolled her eyes incredulously. "Oh,really? Kate,you know who I'm talking about". She shook her head slightly at her.

"Yeah,so? What if he's coming? So?" Kate gave a strong shrug of her shoulders,muffling her words with some cupcakes in her mouth to at least sound casual.

"Oh,Katrina...",Heather was beginning to say as she touched her shoulder.

"Oh my gosh,is that you,Kate?!" Three seemingly classy and attractive ladies came to join them. Kate and Heather looked at them with a smile__not the so-excited kind of smile though. .One of them was a brunette,wearing a really short dress and she was the one who spoke first,"Wow,it's been ages".

"Yeah. Hey,how're you guys doing?" Kate said,willingly hugging the three of them.

"Fine,as you can see". The over-spirited brunette said again,gesturing to herself and her friends. Heather chuckled slightly,hoping they wouldn't sense her sarcasm.

"That's good then". Kate smiled tightly. Unlike Heather,she wanted to converse with them casually__since they were first to approach them. Although,she was wondering why they even acknowledged her and Heather__the last time she checked,they were never on likely terms during high school. Especially Irene,the leader of the pack.

",are you still in touch with Dexter?" One of the two other girls asked Kate. The brunette,Irene,also looked at her expectantly.

Kate nearly rolled her eyes. She knew it __she knew they came to her and Heather for a reason. Gosh,they Just had to ask her about him again! They knew __they knew how the whole 'Dexter' thing ended up. They knew that he....

"Why do you want to know?" Heather finally spoke up,crossing her arms slowly. Kate secretly gave her a thankful look,she almost threw up on these slimy girls.

"Well,you know __we were just wondering why you guys didn't come together,but it's okay".The girl who asked the question said,smiling knowingly at her friends.

"So I'm guessing _you guys never made up",Irene said in between chuckles. Kate gritted her teeth and she resisted the urge to paste the rest of her cupcake on Irene's annoying face.

"They could never make up. I'm sure Dex already has his new chick by now". The third girl said. She was a little shorter than her friends and she did long braids compared to her friends' curled up hair.

"You're right,Jane". Irene agreed with her. Kate and Heather just looked at them disapprovingly. "Dexter even called me yesterday and we had like a long conversation over....",Irene continued to say as they turned to walk away.

"Don't mind that,Kate",Heather looked at Kate,"They're just bluffing". She tried to assure.

Kate took in a very deep breath and smiled at her friend,"It's fine. So__how's school and everything?" She continued with her cupcakes,waving off the insecurities she just had a moment ago. Dexter wasn't her business anymore,she always has to remember that.

Heather raised an eyebrow lightly at her. She knew when Kate was trying to hide her feelings and bury them somewhere in her heart,she was good at that,but being the close friends they were _Heather could always tell. "Good. I'm having my last paper next week". She said,realizing Kate wasn't ready to discuss more about Dexter.

"Oh wow _so fast?" Kate raised her eyebrows in interest.

"Yeah". Heather nodded,looking around the hall again. "Oh,it's Richard, Sean and Tyler. Let's go say hi". She smiled pleadingly at Kate.

Kate also looked at the direction of the three guys. They were Dexter's close friends,especially Sean and Tyler. She was friends with them too but she was a little worried they'd mention Dexter. She might as well faint if another person mentioned his name again. "....Alright. Let's go".

Hello guys!!! So,what do you guys think of my new story?? You can let me know if I should continue with it __I just wrote it randomly. Thanks so much!!😊💕

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