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Kate slowly opened her eyes when she heard the sound of someone coming into whatever room she was in

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Kate slowly opened her eyes when she heard the sound of someone coming into whatever room she was in. She felt tired on the big bed__hospital bed?_she was currently lying on and she felt a little lightheaded but she soon stabilized.

"Oh my gosh,Kate",Heather rushed to her when she saw that she was already awake."Are you okay?" She sat on the chair next to her bed,holding her hand.

Kate stared blankly at Heather for a few seconds and her eyes also roamed the room. She seemed to be in a kind of private room in a hospital,with how big and spacious the room was. Then she finally remembered she had blacked out. "I'm fine,Heather",She returned her gaze on Heather,"How long was I out?" Her voice came out a little cracked and cleared her throat lightly.

"About two hours,I don't know",Heather shrugged with worry still vibrant in her eyes. She watched as Kate slowly tried to sit herself up,"You really had me worried,you know?"

Kate let out a soft breath while adjusting the pillows so she could lean back against them. "I'm sorry about that", She ran her hand through her hair and quickly moisturized her dry lips. "Where's George?"

"He__just stepped out a moment ago". Heather said.

"Oh".Kate looked down at her fingers,feeling bad for herself and for him. He must have been shocked after witnessing her faint like that.

It had really been a while...

"Um,I already called Dex and the guys and they said they're gonna be here any minute so..."

Kate quickly looked at Heather,almost with wide eyes,"Why on earth would you call Dexter,Heather?" She queried.

"Why wouldn't I call him? He's going to..." Heather was saying but she cut herself short when they both heard someone open the door.

Like it was their cue, Tyler,Sean and Dexter just  walked in. Kate's heart uncontrollably skipped a beat when she saw Dexter slowly walking towards her from behind Tyler and Sean. Things are going to get awkward soon,she just knew it.

"Oh_my baby,are you okay?",Tyler was the first to rush up to Kate,"Move",He pushed Heather aside to take her seat and hold Kate's hand.

"Hey",Heather frowned at him.

Kate smiled a little at Tyler's cockiness towards Heather. "I'm fine. Thanks". She told him.

"Are you sure?" Tyler grabbed Kate's cheeks,trying to scrutinize her face. "No more pain?"

"Yeah. I'm okay,Tyler. You can stop squeezing my face now". Kate said through gritted teeth, with the pressure of Tyler's hands enclosing her face.

Sean chuckled from behind him,"This is why you'll always be immature,Tyler".

Tyler released Kate's cheeks and quickly turned to frown up at Sean. "Whatever". He told him and then looked at Kate again,"But don't question why I care about you". He then smiled at her. She giggled slightly.

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