Himmat - Chapter 26 - Heroes in danger

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           Detective Karan dropped Gopal Narayan and Gulki Narayan at Kiwana Airport. He ensured them that he will take care of himself in their absence and they need not to be worried about him. Gopal and Gulki went to Sakha Nagar, for one of their relative’s wedding. Detective Karan returned to his home. It was 8 pm. Detective Karan watched television till sometime, he thought of inviting all the members of his team at his house for dinner. Some of the members of Team Himmat were busy in their day to day life But Rajveer, Kareena, Jeskaa, Sunidhi and Hriday managed to visit Detective Karan’s house. They enjoyed having dinner with him. Sunidhi and Hriday asked Detective Karan that why didn’t he went with his parents to attend the wedding. He said that he was concerned about his city’s safety and if he is busy in attending the wedding then he would not be able to help Team Himmat if there is any problem in Kiwana City. Rajveer told him that Team Himmat can handle the problems of Kiwana City even in his absence so he need not to worry about the City, he can take a break and attend his relative’s wedding. Five of them convinced Detective Karan to attended the wedding event at Sakha Nagar. He felt it's too late to book a flight ticket. Rajveer takes out the Power Ring from his pocket and said, “ You will not need a flight, my friend “.  Hriday and Sunidhi helped Detective Karan in packing his bag. Kareena and Jeskaa washed the used utensils. When Karan got ready, Rajveer teleported him to Sakha Nagar. Karan was thankful to his friends. He visited the hotel where his parents and other relatives had stayed. He gave a surprise to Gopal, Gulki and his relatives. His cousins were surprised to meet him after a long time. Karan told all his family members that he was planning to meet time since long and finally now he is going to spend some quality time with all of them.
2 hours passed, Kareena, Jeskaa and Sunidhi were at Team Himmat’s secret base. They were having Chole bhature. Suddenly the door knocks, Kareena opened the door. Her lookalike was standing with Rajveer and Hriday. Kareena’s lookalike said, “ look! I was right, this Earth is exactly like our Earth, I knew that my alternate version would be enjoying some earthly food at this hour “. Sunidhi, Jeskaa and Kareena were shocked. The lookalikes of Krodhavini, Rajveer and Hriday explained Kareena, Jeskaa and Sunidhi that they are from a different universe. Sunidhi & Kareena remembered that they had met Rajveer’s lookalike. The Rajveer’s lookalike stated that he is not that Rajveer, he is a different one. The situation was getting more confusing for Sunidhi, Jeskaa and Kareena, they were not able to understand what was going on. Suddenly another Rajveer’s lookalike entered Team Himmat’s secret base. Sunidhi, Jeskaa and Kareena were shocked. He said that he is the Rajveer’s lookalike whom they had met. Sunidhi found this entire situation too confusing. Suddenly Detective Karan entered there, Kareena asked, “ Karan? You were at Sakha Nagar? What about the wedding event? “. Detective Karan said, “ Sakha Nagar ? Wedding? What are you talking about? “. Sunidhi, Jeskaa and Kareena were more confused, they were not able to understand what was going on in front of them. Rajveer’s lookalike reminded them that he has met them before and the Himmat of their universe had helped him kill the Destrasura of his universe, Queen Udasi and Queen Kaaleshi. Sunidhi and Kareena recognized Rajveer’s lookalike. Rajveer’s lookalike requested them to call Rajveer right now without wasting any time. Soon Rajveer reached there, his lookalike said that from now onwards they will refer Rajveer as Himmat – A, him as Himmat – B and the third Himmat in the secret base as Himmat – C. There were two Sunidhis and Kareenas in the secret base, Himmat – B said that they will refer the Saathi from Himmat – A’s Team as Saathi – A and the alternate version of Saathi i.e. the member of Himmat – C’s Team, as Saathi – C. Soon Other members of Himmat – A’s Team reached there. Himmat – B explained the same thing to all of them. This cleared the confusion till some extent. Himmat – B asked Himmat – A about the Yoddha from his team. Himmat – A informed him that the Yoddha from his team is on a leave. Himmat - A referred the Yoddha from Himmat – C’s Universe as Yoddha – C.
          Finally Himmat – B told Himmat – A that now he will explain them that why they all are here. He said that Prachandita, a powerful demoness from the universe of Himmat – C  had defeated them badly & she was currently ruling their earth. Himmat – C’s friend – Aaraa – C invented a Super spacecraft, which enabled them to travel from one universe to another in the entire cosmos. Himmat – B introduced Himmat – A to Aaraa – C, she was different from the Aaraa Himmat – A had met in his universe. Himmat – A was surprised to see the lookalike of Aaraa. Himmat – B said that The Destrasura from Himmat – C’s universe will also be referred as Destrasura – C so that there is no confusion. Himmat – C and his team was defeated by Prachandita & Destrasura – C. Both of them were supremely powerful & the experience of Himmat – C says that it is nearly impossible to defeat them. Hriday was curious to meet his lookalike. He asked about The Gorilla of his team to Himmat – C. Himmat – C told that Yoddha – C, Saathi – C, Agni – C, Krodhavini – C, Jeet – C and Aaraa – C were the last 6 members left in his team. Destrasura – C had invented a mind controller wristband. He had made The Gorilla – C ware that mind controller wristband and the Gorilla – C was in the control of Destrasura – C. The Gorilla – C had killed Queen Valour – C, Miss Justice – C, Mr. Brave – C, Vayusakhi – C and Miss Brawny – C. Himmat – A was not able to believe the truth. Aaraa – C knew that they are not strong enough to defeat The Gorilla - C, Prachandita & Destrasura – C so she decided to travel in the multiverse and meet their alternate versions and take their help. Himmat – A told Himmat – C that even he has a friend whose name is Aaraa, Himmat – B had never met anyone named Aaraa in his universe, Himmat – A told him that maybe in the future he will meet a Centaur named Aaraa in his universe. Hriday was not able to believe that The Gorilla – C, his alternate version killed five members of his own team. He got extremely angry and he decided to teach The Gorilla – C a lesson. Himmat – C told Hriday that it’s not the fault of The Gorilla – C, this is the fault of Destrasura – C and they need to punish him. He revealed that they have lost all the four rings and Destrasura – C had wielded all the four magical rings. Himmat – A was not able to believe the truth. He promised Himmat – C that he will help him defeat Destrasura – C.
Himmat – A, his Team, Himmat – B, Himmat – C, the remaining members of his team and Aaraa – C headed towards the universe of Himmat – C to fight Prachandita & Destrasura – C. Aaraa – C had invented a new super spacecraft , which could travel from one universe to another, in the entire Multiverse. Soon they reached in the universe of Himmat – C. The Earth of Himmat – C appeared very different. There was darkness everywhere. Humans were treated like slaves. The Demons had destroyed the buildings. Destrasura – C was the King of Planet Earth. He had worn all the four magical rings invented by him and he had appointed The Gorilla – C as his personal bodyguard. Himmat – C and his friends were powerless without the rings. Himmat – A ensured them that they will defeat Destrasura – C in any situation.   Suddenly Destrasura – C landed in front of them with a mace. He said, “ I was in search of one Himmat and look I got three, I am the King of this world, bow in front of me “. Himmat – B said, “ I bow only in front of god “. He attacked Destrasura – C with a powerful fireball. Intense fight breaks out between Destrasura – C, Himmat – A and Himmat – B. The Gorilla – C saw Himmat – C, he aimed at him and produced a energy beam from his hand. The energy beam was about hit Himmat – C but at that moment, Jeet – A quickly saved Himmat – C. The Gorilla – C quickly ran towards Jeet – A and caught him. He angrily slammed Jeet – A on the surface and quickly punched his face 100 times. Saathi – A and Mr. Brave – A caught The Gorilla – C and Agni – A attacked his face with a fire ball. The Gorilla – C grabbed Saathi – A’s neck with his right hand and Mr. Brave – A’s neck with his left hand, he angrily slammed both of them on the surface. Mr. Brave – A fell unconscious. Saathi – A tried to stood up, suddenly The Gorilla – C kicked her stomach with extreme force. She fell one mile away and got stabbed to a pillar of a building. The building collapsed, she got struck in the rubble and fell unconscious. Agni – A was shocked. Unexpectedly The Gorilla punched her face, he grabbed her jacket and slammed her on the surface. He quickly punched her face 100 times. Agni had got injured, still she stood up and punched The Gorilla – C’s face. The Gorilla – C attacked her chest with a powerful energy beam. The force of the energy beam dragged Agni two miles away, she got seriously injured and fell unconscious. The Gorilla – A saw her, he got angry and he attacked The Gorilla – C. Himmat – A was about to attack The Gorilla – C but suddenly Prachandita caught him. She was a 7 feet tall, blue skinned Demoness, she had long black hair, sharp nails and a powerful tail. She had the powers of super strength, flight, fire breath, telekinesis and she could shoot red Lazar beams from her eyes. Krodhavini – A came by the side of Himmat – A, she said, “ I have never met a demoness like Prachandita before but I think we both together can defeat her “. Prachandita said, “ I will crush you both under my feet “. She jumped on Himmat – A and scratched his face with her sharp nails. She grabbed Krodhavini’s neck with her tail and slammed her on the surface. Himmat – A punched her face twice, Krodhavini scratched her tail with her nails and she got up immediately. Prachandita shoots red lazar from her eyes, the red lazar hits Krodhavini’s chest and she got seriously injured. Himmat – A punched her face hard, she attacked his arm with red lazar and punched his face. He fell down. Prachandita placed her foot firmly on Himmat – A’s chest and said, “ let me remind you, I had said that, I will crush you both under my feet “. Himmat – A screamed out of pain and fell unconscious. Himmat – C ran towards Prachandita. He attacked her arm with a iron rod. Prachandita started laughing, she grabbed Himmat – C’s shirt and said, “ You are nothing more then a weak earthling without that power ring, it will take me less then a second to eliminate you “. She pushed Himmat – C lightly and he fell on the street. Suddenly Jeet – A and Mr. Brave – A came running towards Prachandita. Mr. Brave punched Prachandita’s face hard. Jeet – A grabbed her neck. He gave her a powerful electric shock and punched her face. Before she could counter attack Jeet – A , Mr. Brave – A kicked her face. He takes out his sword and He attacked her back twice with his sword. Jeet – A quickly slapped her 20 times and pushed her at Mr. Brave – A . Mr. Brave – A produced a sonic scream. Prachandita fell 1 kilometre away due to the force of the destructive sound waves of his scream. She stood up, suddenly Jeet – A punched her back. She turned around. Jeet – A ran in the other direction, he quickly punched her back again. She had got seriously injured.
Jeet – A came in front of her, he grabbed her right arm and gave her a powerful electric shock. Prachandita died at the sport. The Gorilla – C came flying towards Jeet – A and Mr. Brave – A. He landed near Prachandita and roared in anger. He was about to attack Jeet – A but The Gorilla – A caught The Gorilla – C from the back and slammed him on the surface, Vayusakhi – A grabbed the arm of The Gorilla – C and she quickly breaks his mind controller wristband. Suddenly they heard the roar of Destrasura – C. He came in front of them and said, “ I am the most powerful, I am the ruler of all the words, no one can defeat me, Himmat… It’s not over yet “. 100 demons landed all-around them. Destrasura – C instructed them to attack the earthlings. The Gorilla – A and The Gorilla – C attacked the demons. Destrasura – C generated a fireball in his hand and threw it at Himmat – C, before the fireball could hit Himmat – C, Himmat – A came in front of him and protected Himmat – C like a shield. Himmat – B suddenly punched Destrasura – C’s face, He attacked his face with a powerful fireball and grabbed his right arm. He twisted his right arm firmly and Himmat – A takes out all the magical rings from the fingers of Destrasura – C. Himmat – B gave a powerful electric shock to him. Destrasura – C got seriously injured. Himmat – B punched Destrasura – C’s chest hard. Destrasura – C fell 1 kilometre away and died at the spot. Himmat – C and his universe was free from the terror of Destrasura – C. Himmat – A returned his magical rings to Himmat – C. Himmat – B had saved the world of Himmat – C from the terror of Destrasura – C. The Team members of Himmat – A and Himmat – C defeated the entire demon army of Destrasura – C. Himmat – C & his team along with Aaraa – C thanked Himmat – B, Himmat – A & all the members of Team Himmat – A. Himmat – A and his friends returned to their universe. Himmat – B too returned to his universe.
In Team Himmat – A’s Universe, Destrasura, Dushtasura, Rudravini and Avnisura were not able to trace the magical rings anywhere in the universe, they were confused. Destrasura felt as if he has lost his magical rings, he immediately arrived towards Planet Earth with Dushtasura, Rudravini and Avnisura. They landed in the centre of Kiwana City. Avnisura checked the Ring Tracker. The magical rings were not traced anywhere in the universe. Destrasura instructed them to search Himmat and his friends everywhere In the Kiwana City. They attacked number of public places in search of Team Himmat.  Destrasura felt that he has lost all his rings forever because he was not able to find his rings nor the members of Team Himmat. Destrasura destroyed a mall out of rage, he entered a garden, he angrily uprooted a tree and threw it away. He screamed, “ Himmat! Where are you? Bring me my rings, or else I will destroy your planet “. Detective Anushka landed in front of him. She said, “ Weak cannot destroy planet Earth, don’t you get it? “. Destrasura looked at her angrily, he said, “ Detective Anushka, how can I forget you? “.  Destrasura charged at Detective Anushka, he forcefully hits her with his horns. In an instant, she was pushed back and stabbed against a car. She stood up and came towards Destrasura. Dushtasura grabbed her neck and punched her face. Avnisura kicked her stomach, Dushtasura pushed her. Rudravini grabbed her jacket and slapped her. She pushed her in front of Destrasura. She fell at Destrasura’s foot. Detective Anushka got seriously injured. Destrasura said, “ Tell me, Where is Himmat? Where is he hiding? “. Detective Anushka got up suddenly, she punched Destrasura’s chest hard. He got stabbed to a wall. Rudravini caught Detective Anushka, she slammed her on the street. Unexpectedly Agni reached at the spot. She attacked Rudravini’s face with a fireball. Jeet grabbed Destrasura from the back, he gave him a powerful electric shock. Himmat and Saathi came in front of him. Himmat punched Destrasura’s face hard and Saathi lifted him with both her hands. She slammed him on the street. Destrasura got seriously injured. Destrasura noticed that Dushtasura, Rudravini and Avnisura had also got seriously injured. Krodhavini came in front of Destrasura, she angrily scratched his face. She kicked his chest, she snatched Dushtasura’s sword and she was about to kill Destrasura with the sword but suddenly he said, “ please forgive me “. She was shocked. Krodhavini asked, “ What do you mean? “. Destrasura said emotionally, “ Daughter… please, I beg of you, forgive me. I cannot bear the weight of this battle any longer. Himmat and his friends are worthy of my rings—more than I could ever be. Please, forgive the sins of my past, the pain I’ve caused you. Let this conflict end. Keep the rings, cherish them. I promise, I will never return to Earth. Just grant me this one mercy, my beloved daughter “. Destrasura was regretting for his sins, there were tears in his eyes. Himmat and his friends came close to him. He bowed in front of Himmat. Agni came close to him. Suddenly Destrasura stabbed Agni’s stomach with a demonic knife, he grabbed the fire ring and wares it. He spewed fire from his mouth, which hits Himmat’s chest. Team Himmat was shocked. Avnisura and Rudravini attacked them suddenly. Vandana was about to die but Sunidhi came towards her and she made her ware the Wind Ring. Her injury got healed. Detective Anushka, Vayusakhi, Crime Hater, and Miss Justice attacked Avnisura, Rudravini and Dushtasura. Mr. Brave, Gorilla, Miss Brawny, Himmat and Jeet caught Destrasura and Queen Valour forcefully takes out The Fire Ring from his finger. Avnisura was about to harm Crime Hater but Detective Anushka caught him. She punched his face twice and slammed him on the street. Queen Valour threw the Fire Ring to Vandana, who caught it and put it on. Then she gave the Wind Ring back to Saathi. Agni attacked Destrasura’s face with a fireball and injured him seriously. Destrasura takes out his teleportation device, he said, “ I am leaving now, but I will surely return “. Destrasura, Avnisura, Rudravini and Dushtasura escaped from there. Himmat thanked Detective Anushka for protecting Kiwana City in his absence. She told him that she had almost failed against Destrasura until he came at the right moment and saved the city.
Few days later, Detective Karan returned from Sakha Nagar. He was surprised when he came to know about the alternate versions of the members of Team Himmat. He felt that Detective Anushka is more powerful and responsible then he had thought when he came to know that she had protected Kiwana City in the absence of Team Himmat.
At Planet Alfina, Destrasura met Bhayasura in a dark cave. Bhayasura was a 6 feet tall, humanoid demon. He had a muscular body, red eyes, grey skin, long black hair, black moustache and long Beard. His sharp long nails were red in colour. He was the master of dark magic and illusion, He was not physically as strong as Destrasura but his physical strength use to increase whenever his opponents use to be in fear. He could shoot red Lazars from his eyes, these red lazars were destructive and could easily kill his opponents. He use to always carry his sword and a demonic knife with him. Destrasura told Bhayasura that he is fed up of Krodhavini and Himmat, he wants him to bring his magical rings back from Destrasura and the earthlings. Bhayasura felt that Destrasura should have consulted him before attacking Planet Earth. Destrasura instructed him to teach those Earthlings a lesson. Bhayasura said that he won’t directly attack Team Himmat, first he will play with their minds, he will test their strength and soon he will kill each one of them and bring his rings back to Planet Alfina. Destrasura was sure that Bhayasura will be successful in his mission.

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