Himmat - Chapter 12 - Saving the worlds

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The Universe is everything in space and time, including all of the matter and energy it contains, such as planets, stars, galaxies, and other objects. There are number of universes. All the universes together form the multiverse. The different universes within the multiverse are called “alternate universes”.
Rajveer was at the Terrence of Pavansutt Housing society. It was raining heavily. He was getting wet in the rain, He always loved getting wet in the rain. Suddenly his lookalike – Himmat – B teleported himself on the Terrence of Pavansutt Housing society. Rajveer was shocked. Himmat – B & his universe was in a great trouble. He requested Rajveer for his help. He informed him that, After the death of the Destrasura of his universe, there was peace till sometime but then Queen Kaaleshi showed up. Queen Kaaleshi was a witch, she was skilled in black magic, she was on a mission to rule 12 universes & she had already captured 11, now she was coming towards their universe. The universe of Himmat – B was also conquered by Queen Kaaleshi & he had to escape from there in order to call help. He requested Rajveer to find some way to stop Queen Kaaleshi. He was not able to defeat Queen Kaaleshi even though he is worthy of all the four rings of Destrasura. She was more powerful then the demons like Vaktasura & Destrasura. Suddenly Rajveer’s cell phone started ringing, he answered the call. Queen Kaaleshi appeared on his cell phone screen. He was shocked. Queen Kaaleshi
Introduced herself as a skilled fighter & a magician. She had hacked all the display devices on the earth. As a result She was appearing on all the screens of televisions, laptops, cell phones & other display devices.
Queen Kaaleshi announced that every creature on planet earth is her slave. She declared herself as the Queen of this planet. After making the announcement all the display devices came out of her control. The people were scared. Planet Earth was in danger. Chief Minister of Kiwana City attended a international group meeting through video call. All the great Prime Ministers & Presidents of other countries suggested that Team Himmat should handle this situation. They were the last hope of the world.
On the other hand, Queen Kaaleshi reached at Kiwana Cricket Stadium. There was a cricket match going on in the stadium which had postponed due to heavy rain & the sudden announcement made by Queen Kaaleshi. Still there were large number of people present in the stadium. She clapped twice. The cricket stadium turned into a grand golden palace. She turned that cricket stadium into her palace & all the innocent people got trapped in her palace. She told them that from today onwards they will work in her palace as her slaves. Unexpectedly Himmat – B teleported himself along with Himmat – A, Jeet, Agni, Saathi, Krodhavini, Yoddha & Crime Hater, in the royal palace of Queen Kaaleshi. Himmat – A teleported all the innocent citizens at a nearby Hotel & saved their lives. Queen Kaaleshi was shocked. Agni spewed fire from her mouth, the fire hits Queen Kaaleshi’s chest. Krodhavini angrily attacked her, she scratched her face twice with her sharp nails & slammed her on the ground. Queen Kaaleshi was about to get up, suddenly Krodhavini kicked her stomach. Her crown fell off her head. Agni attacked Queen Kaaleshi’s face with a fire ball. She saw the crown on the floor. She spewed fire from her mouth & melted the royal crown of Queen Kaaleshi. Krodhavini caught her neck & scratched her face with her sharp nails. Agni angrily punched her face. Queen Kaaleshi lost her balance & fell down. Agni said, “ Queen Kaaleshi, You shouldn’t have come into my world, you made a big mistake “.  Queen Kaaleshi stood up suddenly & caught the arms of Agni & Krodhavini, she gave them a powerful electric shock. She looked in their eyes & said, “ The mistake was actually made by both of you. That was my royal crown, my parents – King Kaalam & Queen Dukhiyami had gifted that to me, You melted that precious crown of mine, it is a sin for which you both will be punished “. She clapped twice. A arrow hits Agni’s back suddenly. Krodhavini was shocked. She tried to help Agni, suddenly another arrow hits her right arm. Jeet reached there, he quickly ran towards Queen Kaaleshi & caught her. He gave her a powerful electric shock. Himmat – A, Himmat – B, Saathi, Yoddha & Crime Hater reached there. Queen Kaaleshi clapped twice. A crossbow appeared in her hand. She started shooting red Lazar beams from it. She shots Himmat – A, Himmat – B, Jeet, Saathi, Krodhavini & Agni by the lazar beams & injured them seriously. Yoddha & Crime Hater were shocked. She shots a lazar beam at Yoddha but a force field appeared around Yoddha & protected him from the lazar beam. Yoddha was surprised to see this energy bubble around him. Queen Kaaleshi was shocked. Queen Udasi, The Queen of Sadness came in front of her. She was Queen Kaaleshi’s sister. Queen Udasi clapped twice. A dangerous explosion took place in the royal palace. Himmat – A, Himmat – B & their teammates were shocked. Queen Udasi created a magical force field around them & saved them from the effects of her magical explosion. Himmat – A & Himmat – B thought that Queen Udasi is by their side & she is going to help them fight Queen Kaaleshi. Intense fight breaks out between Queen Udasi & Queen Kaaleshi. After 12 hours Queen Udasi performed a dangerous magic trick, a poisonous smoke entered Queen Kaaleshi’s body & killed her. Finally Himmat – A & Himmat – B were successful in their mission. Queen Udasi looked at Crime Hater. She generated black coloured beams from her eyes. The dark beam hits Crime Hater’s chest & he died at the spot. Himmat – B realised that Queen Kaaleshi is a friend. He angrily attacked her. She attacked Himmat – B’s chest with her dark beam & killed him. Himmat – A was shocked, he asked her, “ Who are you, if you had to kill us, then why did you save us? “. Queen Udasi said, “ I am Queen Udasi, The Queen of sadness, I am Queen Kaaleshi’s sister. I didn’t want Kaaleshi to kill you all because I wanted to kill you all with my own hands “. She clapped twice. It started raining & Himmat – A got stuck by lightening. Rajveer got seriously injured & died at the spot. Agni was shocked. Jeet & Krodhavini attacked Queen Udasi. Jeet gave a powerful electric shock to her. Queen Udasi clapped twice. A snake appeared on Jeet’s arm. It bites his shoulder, he fell down & died at the spot. Saathi caught the snake but it slipped from her hands & jumped at Krodhavini. It bites her neck, Krodhavini fell down & died at the spot. Agni attacked the snake with a fireball & killed it. She spewed fire from her month, the fire hits Queen Udasi’s chest. Saathi angrily punched her face, she lifted with both her hands & slammed her on the surface. Agni firmly placed her foot at Queen Udasi’s stomach & said angrily, “ you will pay for your sins “. Queen Udasi blinked her eyes twice. Suddenly, Reena Thakur – Vandana’s mother in-law, Niranjan Thakur – her father in-law, Rakesh Thakur – her husband, Vijay Thakur – her son & Garima Thakur – her daughter in-law, appeared in front of them. Vandana was shocked, she put off her feet from Queen Udasi’s stomach. Queen Udasi stood up, she slapped twice. Reena, Niranjan, Rakesh, Vijay & Garima got stuck by lightening & died at the spot. This was the most painful moment of Vandana’s life.
Queen Udasi looked at Agni, there were tears in Vandana’s eyes. Queen Udasi said, “I love the taste of sadness, never knew this place before, I would have came here before , anyways, it’s never too late “. After the death of Himmat & most of the warriors of his team, the government of Kiwana City decided to attack Queen Udasi & try their best to save the innocent citizens from her terror. A group of army officers & police officers attacked Queen Udasi. ACP Suhana Merchant reached at the spot. She told Agni & Saathi that they are with them & they will not bow down in front of Queen Udasi. Queen Udasi clapped twice. The sky started showering arrows on the army officers & police officers. Agni did not wanted Saathi to sacrifice her life in such circumstances, she told her that sometimes it’s better to leave the battlefield & gather all the scattered power in the body & return like a warrior, who is ten times better. She told Saathi to escape from there & hide at a safe place in order to save her life. Suddenly a arrow hits ACP Suhana’s stomach & she died at the spot. Agni flew towards Queen Udasi & caught her. Saathi
Kept on running without looking at Agni. Queen Udasi injured Agni seriously, she clapped twice. Dangerous explosion took place in all the cars & tanks of the Police Officers & Army Officers. Number of innocent Police Officers & Army Officers sacrificed their lives in this Battle. Vandana asked her, who is she & why did she killed Queen Kaaleshi and number of innocent humans. Queen Udasi told her that she is Queen Udasi – The Queen of Sadness, She is from The Black Realm. She is the conqueror of 11 universes, her sister – Kaaleshi was the master of darkness. Their parents – King Kaalam & Queen Dukhiyami – had trained them to spread darkness in the world.
King Kaalam & Queen Dukhiyami always believed that Queen Kaaleshi is more powerful & responsible then Queen Udasi. As per the rules of their world, suppose a Queen completes 100 years of ruling the world then she has to declare her child, the next generation as the new Queen.
Queen Dukhiyami & King Kaalam declared that their daughter – Kaaleshi will be the next ruler of their world – The Black Realm.  After becoming the new Queen, Kaaleshi decided to conquer 12 universes to impress her parents & all the devils & witches of The Black Realm. If Queen Kaaleshi would have been successful in her mission, then the devils & witches of The Black Realm would have supported her, they would have happily accepted Queen Kaaleshi as their new Queen, so she killed her sister so that she can become the new Queen of The Black Realm. Queen Udasi had also conquered 11 Universes just like her sister. After killing Queen Kaaleshi, the 11 Universes controlled by her also came under the rule of Queen Udasi. Queen Udasi officially became the Queen of 22 Universes. Queen Udasi grabbed Vandana’s neck, she said, “ I can see fear and grief in your eyes “. She lifted Vandana & flew upwards. She gave her a powerful electric shock & threw her on the surface. Vandana died at the spot.
              On the other hand, Saathi kept on running aimlessly in a single direction. After running till some distance, Saathi took off in the sky and flew towards the north in order to save herself. After a long flight, she landed on a mountain, where there was no one. She was crying continuously. She was also thinking about her family, friends, neighbours & the members of Team Himmat. There was darkness all-around. She saw the flame of a camp fire at some distance. She also saw someone sitting near the camp fire. She ran towards the camp fire. She saw a Ascetic meditating under a tree. He had actually lighted a holy fire in front of him.
Saathi was surprised to see him sitting under a tree with eyes closed. She broke his meditation & said him that a evil witch – Queen Udasi – The Queen of Sadness, has destroyed Kiwana City, she has killed number of innocent people & she can be here any moment. Saathi was not sure weather she will be able to save her life or not. Vandana had advised her to stay safe so that she can find some way to eliminate Queen Udasi & save the universe. She was going though extreme tension, she was not able to find any way to stop Queen Udasi. The Ascetic told Saathi to stay calm & feel safe, as they both breathe in the world created by the God, here these evil powers cannot harm them till the moment they keep their mind stable. Saathi told him that Queen Udasi is extremely powerful, it’s nearly impossible for anyone to find a safe place because nothing is safe in this world. Sunidhi looked at the sky & said, “ Oh God, are we humans so bad that you are not even protecting us “. She started crying. The Ascetic wipes Sunidhi’s tears & said, “ Please don’t cry my child, one moment of happiness is enough to eradicate the sadness of hole life, keep smiling whenever you are facing a tough situation, this will solve all your problems “. Suddenly Queen Udasi reached there, she punched Saathi’s face hard. The Ascetic sat on the ground in the position of the meditation & started chanting the mantra of Lord Shiva. Queen Udasi clapped twice. A snake appeared on Saathi’s shoulder. It bites her arm. She tried to bare that pain & she maintained her smile, Queen Udasi’s attack had not affected her much. She sat on the ground in the position of meditation, she started chanting the mantra of Lord Shiva like the Ascetic. Queen Udasi clapped twice. Saathi & The Ascetic got stuck by the lightening. She kept attacking them with her magical powers but she was not able to harm them. She got angry, she performed a magic trick, a sword appeared in her hand. She stabbed the sword in Saathi’s stomach. This didn’t broke her meditation at all. She attacked Saathi’s body several times with the sword but all in vain. Queen Udasi got even more angry. She attacked the Ascetic with the sword several times but she failed to kill him. She got fed up of attacking them, she performed various magic tricks but nothing worked, she got frustrated of this. She started screaming out of anger. She spewed fire from her mouth. The fire hits Saathi’s entire body. Her entire body started burning in fire but still she was in the position of meditation. Queen Udasi got extremely angry, a dangerous explosion took place in her brain due to overload of anger. She died at the spot. Saathi & The Ascetic opened their eyes, they were Successful, all the people, who were killed by Queen Udasi got their lives back. Saathi was burning in fire, she jumped in a nearby pond & put out the fire. She went towards the Ascetic & thanked him for guiding her. The Ascetic told her that he is in this jungle from last 80 years & he has found peace here which is not there in the outside world. Saathi asked him that how did the injuries on her body got healed so quickly. The Ascetic told her that nothing is impossible for human mind. If he will feel weak, he will become weak & if he will feel strong, he will become Strong. He knew that Queen Udasi cannot harm him because God is always there by his side. The Ascetic had achieved these powers through divine meditation. He told Saathi that her friends are in trouble & she should reach Kiwana City as soon as possible. Saathi flew towards the Kiwana City. She saw that all the innocents who are killed by Queen Udasi got their lives back. The buildings & monuments destroyed by Queen Udasi also got repaired automatically. She saw Himmat, Himmat – B, Agni, Krodhavini, Jeet, Crime Hater & Yoddha at a street. She was happy to meet her friends. She informed them that she met a Ascetic in the jungle, who gave her guidance & that’s the reason she was able to kill Queen Udasi. Himmat wanted to meet the Ascetic. Suddenly Queen Kaaleshi came in front of them. She clapped twice. A arrow got stabbed at Saathi’s stomach & she fell down. Queen Kaaleshi, was also killed by Queen Udasi, even she got her life back. She blinked her eyes twice. The land started shaking & Himmat, Agni, Saathi & Jeet got struck by lighting. She clapped firmly, her clap produced a sonic wave. The sonic wave hits Yoddha & Crime Hater. They fell 4 miles away & died at the spot.
Himmat – B attacked Queen Kaaleshi. She pushed him with extreme force. He fell one mile away & got stabbed with a tree.
Agni takes off the rings of Himmat, Jeet & Saathi. She wears all the four rings & attacked Queen Kaaleshi. Himmat – B flew towards Queen Kaaleshi. Agni & Himmat – B spewed fire from their mouth & injured her seriously. Queen Kaaleshi clapped twice. A poisonous smoke spreads around them, Agni & Himmat – B started weakening. She looked at Himmat – B, She generated the dark beam from her eyes, the dark beam hits Himmat – B’s chest & he got seriously injured.  Agni gave a powerful electric shock to Queen Kaaleshi. She got seriously injured. Agni went towards Himmat – B & made him sit in a corner of the street. Himmat – B takes off his four rings & gave them to Vandana. He told her that he believes that she is more powerful then him, she is capable of defeating Queen Kaaleshi & she is the last hope of the universe. Queen Kaaleshi clapped twice. A spear appeared in her hand, she threw the spear at Himmat – B. the spear got stabbed in his chest. Vandana was shocked. Himmat – B died at the spot.
Vandana wares those four rings. She was able to handle the power of 8 magical rings. Queen Kaaleshi clapped twice. Agni got struck by lightening but it did not affected her at all. Agni spewed fire from her mouth. Queen Kaaleshi created a magical force field around herself & protected herself from the fire. Agni used the powers of the Thunder Ring & she
Quickly ran towards Queen Kaaleshi & punched the force field with extreme force,
She successfully broke the force field. Queen Kaaleshi got seriously injured. Agni angrily spewed fire from her mouth, Queen Kaaleshi turned into ashes & died at the spot. After the death of Queen Kaaleshi, Yoddha, Crime Hater & Himmat – B got their lives back. Himmat & his friends saved the world once again. All those who were killed by Queen Udasi & Queen Kaaleshi got their lives back. The property destroyed by Queen Kaaleshi & Queen Udasi also got repaired automatically. Himmat – B wears his four magical rings, he thanked Agni for saving all the universes from Queen Kaaleshi & Queen Udasi. 11 universes & The Black Realm was free from the rule of Queen Udasi. Apart from those universes, there were other 11 universes, which where ruled by Queen Kaaleshi. These 11 universes were also free from the rule of Queen Kaaleshi. Saathi & Agni had saved number of innocent lives by saving 22 universes & The Black Realm from the evil deeds & terror of Queen Udasi & Queen Kaaleshi. Agni had proven herself worthy of 8 magical rings. Himmat – B was thankful to Himmat – A & his team. He returned to his universe.

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