Himmat - Chapter 14 - Rise of Gorilla

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Sonalika Lokwani was a 18 year old college going girl, she was an engineering student & she use to study at Vikas Urja Engineering College. She was the captain of her college hockey team. She was studying in her room. Sonalika use to stay in a bungalow near Bajrangbali Temple. She was working on her college assignment in her room. Suddenly Sonalika’s brother – Hriday Lokwani knocked the door & disturbed her. She opened the door. He had bought Ice Cream for Sonalika & he was very happy. Hriday was Sonalika’s elder brother, he was 19. He was a Literature student & he use to study at Gyaanveer College of arts. He was 6 feet tall slim teenager. Hriday was complete opposite of Sonalika. He told Sonalika that he is in a mood to celebrate this special day with her. He showed him the result of his 3 semester exam. Sonalika saw the result & she was surprised. She was not able to believe that Hriday has failed only in 3 subjects this time. In the previous 2 semesters, Hriday had failed in all the six subjects & he had to appear for the retest. This was for the first time when he had passed in 3 subjects in first attempt. Hriday & Sonalika had ice cream & celebrated this special moment.
           At Evening, Hriday & Sonalika’s parents, Praveen Lokwani & Jaya Lokwani reached home. They saw Hriday’s result, they were feeling happy. Praveen was a businessman, he was the owner of Lokwani Sound Systems. His wife, Jaya Lokwani was also a a Businesswoman, she was the owner of Lokwani Textiles. Jaya ordered a brand new smartphones for Hriday & Sonalika. 2 days ago, Sonalika had topped in the 1 semester examination in her class & today Hriday had given the news that he has failed only in 3 subjects this time. Praveen & Jaya were very happy. Hriday & Sonalika got new smartphones.
        Few days passed, this was for the first time in the history of Vikas Urja Engineering College when the college had organized a Intercollegiate Multilingual Drama Competition. Sonalika formed a team with her friends & participated in the competition. Only self written plays were allowed to be performed in the competition. Sonalika wrote a play on the theme of ‘ women empowerment ‘,  she had titled the play as ‘ Miss Courageous ‘. She had written this play in English language. The play was about a girl, whose parents were against her wish to become a cricketer. That girl’s brother, who studies in the same college, was the caption of the boys cricket team. Her brother tried to convince her that cricket is a men’s game & it’s not for her. Ultimately she went against her parents & participated in an college cricket tournament, she became the caption of the girls team, she faced her brother’s team & won a trophy. At the end, her parents realised that boys & girls both are equal. Sonalika’s friends praised her first self written original drama. Sonalika gave a copy of her script to Hriday & told him to read her script & give his suggestions, as he was good at writing skills. Hriday found the story of Sonalika’s play was boring. He felt that she has not chosen the right theme for her play, he suggested her to write a new play with a new theme. Praveen & Jaya were not satisfied with Hriday. Jaya motivated Sonalika & told her that she has done the right job by choosing the theme of ‘Women Empowerment’, she had also written her play very well & she should not listen to the suggestions of Hriday. Praveen told Hriday that he being the elder brother, should not demotivate her sister by criticizing her first self written play. Hriday had written around 35 Stories & poems, his writing skills were praised by his Teachers, Praveen wanted him to motivate his younger sister by praising her first ever self written play but instead Hriday started criticizing Sonalika’s play. Hriday cleared that he is not against Sonalika but he is against the theme of ‘Women Improvement’. Jaya & Praveen got angry on Hriday for the first time in his life. They advised Sonalika to ignore Hriday & his suggestions. Hriday told Sonalika that she may perform this play in the competition with perfection but he was sure that she will not win in the completion.
After few days Sonalika performed this play in the intercollegiate multilingual drama competition & she won the first prize. Hriday was shocked by the decision of the judges. Hriday had never underestimated women but he felt that Sonalika had depicted a negative image of boys in her play. He felt that the story of Sonalika’s play was unrealistic because he had never seen his parents discriminating among them. Hriday & Sonalika were treated equally by their parents & relatives. He was not able to believe that when every women in his family is treated equal to men then why did Sonalika came up with an thought of writing a play in which men are given more opportunities then women. Hriday asked Sonalika about her inspiration behind her drama. Sonalika showed him a news article on her cell phone. The news article was 2 months old, it was about a 19 year old girl, who wish to become a cricketer but her parents did not supported her, she was going through extreme stress, at the end, she committed suicide. Hriday felt sad for that girl. Sonalika told Hriday that the world is very good for a man & the same world is cruel for a woman. Hriday felt bad for the girl who committed suicide but he was not satisfied with the statement that, ‘ the world is very good for a man & the same world is cruel for woman’. Sonalika told Hriday that Women are powerful & pure in nature, they are stronger then men but the society never treats Men & Women equally.
Next Morning, it was already 7 AM & Hriday was soundly sleeping in his room. Jaya wakes him up, she told him that he is late & he is suppose to be in the college before 7:30. Hriday was shocked because he had set the alarm for 6:30 a.m. but the alarm did not ring at 6:30 a.m. Jaya checked his cell phone & told him that he had by mistakenly set the alarm for 6:30 p.m., Hriday was shocked. He immediately took a bath, got ready & rushed towards his college. He had missed his regular bus. He went to college by rickshaw. Finally he entered his classroom before time. Hriday had two best friends – Harleen Kaur & Deven Mahadevan. Harleen & Deven were already present in the classroom. He met them. Harleen loved reading books, she told them that nowadays she is reading a new book, which is about animals, she came to know that Gorillas are generally known to be gentle, peaceful and friendly primates, and they share 98% of their DNA with human beings which proves that they are more like human beings. Gorillas are social animals and they only become aggressive towards humans when they feel threatened. Deven & Hriday never knew that Gorilla & Humans are so similar. Suddenly their Teacher – Professor Radha Patil entered the classroom & she announced that today she is going to take a surprise test on all the 4 short stories which were taught in the previous lectures.
Professor Radha Patil was one of the most strict teacher of Gyaanveer College of arts. Hriday was sure that he is going to fail in this test. Students were given 30 minutes for the class test. Deven was one of the class toppers & he had revised all the 4 short stories 2 days ago, he was very confident & exited for the surprise test. Harleen didn’t even remembered the plot of those 4 short stories & she had not even revised those short stories recently. Deven told them that he will try his best to help them in the class test. Hriday told him that he will prefer failing in the test but he will not cheat. Harleen told Deven that Hriday is a fool, who wants to mess with Professor Radha Patil by scoring less marks but she is smart & she is ready to take his help in the test. Professor Radha wrote the questions on the blackboard & instructed the students to write the answers within 30 minutes. Deven secretly showed his answers to Harleen during the test. Hriday didn’t remembered much from the short stories, still he managed to attempt all the questions. After 30 minutes, Professor Radha collected the answer sheets & informed them that she will declare the results in the last lecture.
Finally in the last lecture, Professor Radha declared the results. Hriday had scored 2 out of 20 marks in the surprise class test. He was one of the 30 students who had badly failed in this test. The lowest marks in the surprise class test were scored by Hriday. Harleen scored 17 & Deven scored 19 out of 20, he had topped in the class. Hriday was not even expecting 2 marks in this test so he was happy.  Professor Radha was once again disappointed by Hriday. He had never scored satisfactory marks in any of exams & class tests. When Hriday reached home, he showed his test paper to Praveen, Jaya & Sonalika & told them that he has made the new record of scoring minimum marks in a class test.  Sonalika thought that Hriday was not prepared for the class test that’s the reason he has not scored well. Jaya & Praveen knew that Hriday is good in writing skills but he is not at all interested in studies so they had never forced him to score good marks like his friends – Deven & Harleen. The situation was getting worse, Hriday had stopped progressing in his studies & Jaya & Praveen were disappointed. Praveen politely tells Hriday that he doesn’t want him to score like his friends, he just wants him to take his studies seriously & he wants him to progress in his studies. Jaya & Praveen never scolded him for getting less marks, so Hriday never took his studies seriously. Hriday realized that his parents are very cooperative & they always wants him to stay happy but that doesn’t mean he should not take them for granted.
At Midnight, Praveen, Jaya & Sonalika were sleeping soundly whereas Hriday was studying a poetry in his room. He was trying to understand the poetry by reading it but even after reading the poem, he was not able to understand it properly. Suddenly he head some noise from his patents’ room. He came out of his room. A masked girl was standing in front of him. He caught her. She twisted Hriday’s right arm & slammed him on the floor. She firmly placed her foot on his chest. Hriday got seriously injured & fell unconscious. After some time when Hriday regained consciousness, he realised that Praveen, Jaya & Sonalika are unconscious & the masked girl had stolen all the cash & jewellery sets from the locker of Jaya’s cupboard. Hriday bought his family members back to consciousness. Praveen calls at Kiwana Police Station, he spoke to Inspector Diljit Singh & informed him about the incident. After 1 hour, Senior Inspector Vishal Bansal & Inspector Kaveri reached at Hriday’s house. Inspector Kaveri interrogated Praveen, Jaya, Sonalika & Hriday. She came to know that they were attacked by a masked girl. The masked girl had worn a black coloured mask. Senior Inspector Vishal Bansal found a screwdriver under the cupboard. He traced a fingerprint on it. He checked the criminal records, the fingerprint traced on the screwdriver matched with the fingerprints of Kashish Lahiri. Kashish Lahiri was a thief, 4 years ago, she was arrested for stealing 3 KG gold from an famous businessman’s bungalow. She was in the jail for 4 years, she served her sentence & was released from the Kiwana Jail 2 months ago. There was no change in Kashish Lahiri even after being in the Jail for 4 years. Senior Inspector Vishal found Kashish Lahiri’s cell phone number in the criminal records.
On the other hand, Kashish Lahiri was having tomato soup at Swaad Swadesi Restaurant. Suddenly Senior Inspector Vishal & Inspector Kaveri reached there. Kashish recognized them. She was about to escape from there but Inspector Kaveri caught her. Kashish takes out a knife from her pocket & stabbed it at Inspector Kaveri’s shoulder. She angrily punched Senior Inspector Vishal’s face. She picked her bowl & splashed the hot tomato soup on Vishal’s face. Kaveri caught her. She stabbed Kaveri’s forehead on the table twice. Kashish twisted Vishal’s left arm & slammed him on the floor. Kaveri was about to catch Kashish but she punched her face so hard that she fell unconscious. Kashish came out of the restaurant. Unexpectedly Inspector Diljit Singh & Constable Surili were standing in front of her. Constable Surili punched Kashish’s face hard & made her kneel down. Diljit kept her on his gunpoint & Surili handcuffed Kashish immediately. Kashish was interrogated till 11 hours, finally she confessed her crime. She had kept all the stolen cash & Jewellery sets at her house. The cash & Jewellery sets of Jaya & Praveen were returned to them. Kashish Lahiri was put behind the bars. The cash & jewellery sets which were stolen from Jaya’s locker, were finally returned to her.
1 week passed, Sonalika & her friends were gathered at her house for the rehearsal of their drama. Sonalika was enacting all the roles in order to make her friends understand what they are suppose to do on the stage. Hriday watched the rehearsal & felt that everything in Sonalika’s play was not true. They were talking about women empowerment & according to Sonalika’s drama, there are no opportunities for the women in the society but as per his experience there are ample opportunities for a woman & there are women who are evil like the one who conducted the theft at their house. When the rehearsal ends, Sonalika’s friends left from her house, Hriday spoke to Sonalika. He told her that the depiction of women in her play is very artificial. It seems like the women in her play stays in a negative world where no one supports her, the depiction of society is negative in her play & he is not satisfied with this. Sonalika told Hriday that he may think that there are ample opportunities given to women but that’s not the truth. He may not be aware that there are various sectors in our society where a girl child is not considered as important as a boy child. Hriday did not wanted to argue with her sister but he was sure that such type of society exists only in the frictional world of Sonalika’s stories. Whereas in the real world, there were innocent women like Sonalika and there were also cruel women like Kashish Lahiri. The real world was more complicated & different from the imaginary world of Sonalika.
        One day, Praveen, Jaya, Sonalika & Hriday were returning from a late night movie show. It was 2 am. They were in a taxi & they were about to reach home. They were passing by the highway near The Gold Mall, suddenly the taxi stopped due to some technical error. The taxi driver was shocked, unexpectedly a masked man came there. He attacked the taxi driver’s head with a hockey stick & knocked him unconscious. The masked man angrily punched Hriday’s face. Praveen, Sonalika & Jaya were shocked. The masked man said, “ Put all your jewellery and money in this bag or else I will kill you all “. Sonalika got angry, she kicked the Masked Man’s stomach & punched his face hard. The masked man hits Sonalika’s arm with his hockey stick. He kicked her stomach hard.  She got seriously injured & fell down. He angrily pushed Praveen & Jaya. He told them that he will kill Sonalika & Hriday if they will not put all their jewellery and money in his bag. Praveen & Jaya gave all the their cash & jewellery to the masked man. He also took their wristwatches & cell phones. The masked man looked at the taxi driver & said “ You have acted a lot, get up now “. The taxi driver got up suddenly. Praveen & Jaya were shocked. The Taxi Driver & The Masked Man escaped from there in the taxi. Sonalika got angry on Hriday & called him a coward. She was not able to believe that two men looted four individuals & escaped so easily. She felt that if four of them would have fought with the taxi driver & the masked man then they would have taught them a lesson & saved their money & jewellery. Praveen told Sonalika that none of them is a expert fighter, they may have lost their jewellery & money but they should thank god because at least all of them are safe. Hriday & Jaya were satisfied with Praveen. They went to Kiwana Police Station & registered their police complaint. Sonalika gave the description of the taxi driver’s face which helped the sketch artist to make the sketch of that taxi driver. Senior Inspector Vishal Bansal promised Praveen that the robbers will be caught soon.
1 week passed, Detective Karan visited Kiwana Police Station. He wanted to know the current status of rate of crime in Kiwana City. He spoke to Senior Inspector Vishal. He told him that his team is working on Praveen Dadlani’s case since last one week. Praveen & his family members were robbed by a taxi driver & a masked man, it was nearly impossible for them to find these two robbers. Detective Karan requested Senior Inspector Vishal to give him a copy of the sketches of these two robbers. Senior Inspector Vishal immediately gave a copy of both the sketches to Karan & told him that he wants him try his best to find them. Karan came to know that Praveen & his family members were attacked at the highway near The Gold Mall. Karan discussed about this case with Neerajj Rathore. Karan disguised as Yoddha & Neerajj disguised as Crime Hater & they reached at the highway near The Gold Mall. They were not able to find any clue at the crime spot. They saw some shops at the service road. Crime Hater & Yoddha interrogated the shopkeepers of all the shops but they were not able to collect much information about the robber. There was a tea stall at the service road, Crime Hater & Yoddha met the owner of the tea stall. Suddenly The Masked man & the taxi driver came there. The Masked Man shots at Yoddha’s shoulder. The Taxi Driver shots at Crime Hater’s feet. The masked man puts red chilli power in the eyes of Crime Hater & Yoddha. He grabbed both of them in the taxi & rushed from there. The tea seller calls at Kiwana Police Station.
After 1 hour, Yoddha regained consciousness. Crime Hater was laying beside him. He bought him back to consciousness. They were in a warehouse. Suddenly The Taxi Driver & the masked man entered the warehouse. The Masked Man said, “ Hello Friends, let me inform both of you that you are still alive because I wanted you to experience the darkest day of your life “. He angrily lifted Yoddha with both his hands & slammed him on the floor. He kicked Crime Hater’s chest hard. He puts red chilli powers in the eyes of Crime Hater & Yoddha. Their eyes started burning. The taxi driver had already spread kerosene all-over the warehouse. They locked Neerajj & Detective Karan in the warehouse. They set the warehouse on fire. The Masked Man & The Taxi driver escaped from there. There was fire all-around Detective Karan & Neerajj. Their eyes were burning badly. Detective Karan’s shoulder & Neerajj’s feet was also bleeding. Detective Karan had kept his cell phone in the pocket of his pant. He managed to take out his cell phone from his pocket. He calls Rajveer & informed him that they are in trouble. Rajveer immediately wares the power ring & teleported himself at the warehouse. He forgot to disguise as Himmat, as he was in a hurry. He was shocked when he saw Detective Karan & Neerajj in this condition. He teleported them at the street outside the warehouse. Karan & Neerajj were safe. Rajveer calls Sunidhi. Sunidhi immediately reached at the spot. She blew powerful air from her mouth & put out the fire. Karan & Neeraj had got seriously injured. Rajveer kept the masks, weapons & equipment of Yoddha & Crime Hater safe. He took Detective Karan & Neerajj at The Kiwana Hospital. He informed the families of Karan & Neerajj that both of them were attacked by The Masked Man & The Taxi Driver, they were admitted in The Kiwana Hospital.
          On the other hand, The Masked Man & The Taxi Driver made a video. In that video they said that they have killed Yoddha & Crime Hater, now there was no one in the city who could stop them. The video went viral on Internet. Rajveer got even more angry on The Taxi Driver & the masked man, he decided to teach them a lesson. The Masked Man & The Taxi Driver had assumed that Crime Hater & Yoddha are dead but this was not the truth. Sonalika Dadlani saw the viral video of The Masked Man & The Taxi Driver, she was shocked.
           1 day passed, it was 12:40 AM, Patty came out of The Gold Mall after watching the last show of a latest film. He was not able to book a cab as there was some network problem in that area. Suddenly a taxi came there, Patty hired the taxi and arrived towards his house. After going till some distance. The taxi driver stopped the taxi near a tree. The Masked Man angrily entered the car & kept Patty on his gunpoint. Patty was shocked, The taxi driver & The Masked Man robbed his wallet, gold watch, smartphone, gold chain & earphones from him. They splashed tomato ketchup on Patty’s face & pushed him out of the taxi in the mid of highway. This was the darkest day of Patty’s life. After some struggle, Patty managed to visit Kiwana Police Station, he registered a complaint against the Taxi Driver & The Masked Man.
          2 days passed, Kittu was in a taxi & she was passing from The Gold Mall. Suddenly the taxi stopped near a tree, The Masked Man entered the taxi. He shots the taxi driver & threatened Kittu. Kittu got scared, she gave her purse , gold chain & gold wristwatch to The Masked Man, she begged for her life. There was no one for her help, Kittu was going through extreme tension. Suddenly a masked girl came there, she attacked the taxi driver & the Masked man. She beats both of them with a iron rod & injured them seriously. The Masked Man said, “ Who are you? How dare you beat me? “. The masked Girl kicked his stomach hard & said, “ I am Miss Justice, I am here to punish you for your sins “. Miss Justice injured The Masked Man & The Taxi Driver, she unmasked the face of The Masked Man. The Masked Man & The Taxi Driver were trapped. The Masked Man said that his name is Sajal Thapa, he along with his friend – The Taxi Driver, use to rob the innocent citizens since past few weeks. Sajal requested Miss Justice to forgive him. She angrily slapped him & said, “ you are going to regret for all your sins “. She used Sajal’s cell phone & called at Kiwana Police Department. She spoke to Senior Inspector Vishal. Senior Inspector Vishal reached at the spot. He arrested Sajal & the Taxi Driver. Senior Inspector Vishal was happy to meet Miss Justice. She promised him that she will try her level best to help the police department. Miss Justice became the symbol of Justice in the Kiwana City. Rajveer came to know that a masked girl -  Miss Justice has caught the Taxi Driver & Sajal Thapa. He was happy to know that Sajal & The Taxi Driver are put behind the bars. He realised that Miss Justice is not only a great fighter but she is the symbol of justice for the citizens of Kiwana City.
        2 Months passed, Kashish Lahiri bribed The Jailer & he helped her to escape from The Kiwana Jail. It was not possible for her to escape from the Kiwana City so she had to hide at some safe place. The Jailer helped her to hide at a secret room till the time she finds some way to escape from the city. Senior Inspector Vishal was shocked when he came to know that Kashish has escaped from the jail. When The Jailer was having dinner in a restaurant, Miss Justice unexpectedly reached there. She angrily stabbed his forehead on the dining table & punched her face twice. Miss Justice said, “ A criminal escaped from jail while you were there, how did you allow this to happen?”. The Jailer replied, “ I don’t know what are you talking about? “. Miss Justice punched her face angrily. The Jailer got injured. Miss Justice slapped her twice. He confessed that he had helped Kashish Lahiri to escape from the Kiwana Jail. Kashish had bribed him for helping her. Miss Justice punched his face & asked him that where can she find Kashish Lahiri. The Jailer gave her the address of Kashish.
On the other hand, Kashish Lahiri was at her house. It was 4 AM, She had packed her bags, her ticket to a different state was also booked, she was ready to leave Kiwana City. The doorbell rings, Kashish was shocked. Before she could decide whether she wants to open the door or not, Miss Justice breaks the window glass with her hockey stick. She jumped in the house from the window. Kashish was shocked. Miss Justice hits her shoulder with the hockey stick. She was extremely angry, she hits her knee with the hockey stick & kicked her stomach. Kashish got seriously injured. Miss Justice punched her face hard. Kashish fainted. When she regained consciousness, she was in The Kiwana Police Station. Senior Inspector Vishal & Miss Justice were standing in front of her. Miss Justice had worn Blue coloured Domino Mask, while t-shirt, dark blue coloured jacket & dark blue coloured track pant. Senior Inspector Vishal thanked Miss Justice for helping The Police Department. Finally Kashish was put behind the bars once again.
On the other hand, Hriday’s alarm rings at 6 AM. This was after a long time, when he had managed to wake up before time. He went towards the bathroom, while he was passing by Sonalika’s room. He noticed that the door of her room was not properly closed. He heard some noise from her room. He immediately opened the door. He was shocked when he saw Sonalika in the outfit of Miss Justice. She was holding her mask in her hand. She was shocked. She realized that she had not closed the door of her room properly. Hriday was not able to believe that his sister – Sonalika is the crime fighter – Miss Justice. Sonalika shuts the mouth of Hriday & told him to say quite. She told him that 2 months ago, she was extremely disappointed from herself when The Masked Man whose actual name is Sajal Thapa, had looted them. She wanted to teach him a lesson, so she started studying his modus operandi. She came to know that he targets rich people, who usually travel by the highway near The Gold Mall. She disguised as Miss Justice, in order to keep her actual identity secret & she caught Sajal Thapa, he was put behind the bars. Then today she disguised as Miss Justice again, as she wanted to teach Kashish Lahiri a lesson. Hriday told her that she should not risk her life by putting herself in danger. Criminals like Kashish Lahiri & Sajal Thapa are very dangerous, Hriday felt that she should have not messed with them. Sonalika told him that she had took the identity of Miss Justice in order to keep her actual identity secret. Kashish & Sajal will never come to know that Sonalika is behind the mask of Miss Justice. She told Hriday not to share her secret with anyone. Hriday promised her that he will never reveal her secret to anyone. Suddenly Hriday got a news notification on his cell phone . He checked the news article. The headline of the article was – ‘ Kashish Lahiri Jailed, thanks Miss Justice ‘.
At Planet Alfina, Destrasura visited the cave of Lizrini. Lizrini was a 5 feet tall famine humanoid demoness, she had dark blue coloured long hair, light blue skin, green eyes & sharp nails. She was one of the most strongest demoness of Planet Alfina. She had the powers of body reconstruction, healing, super strength & flight.  When Destrasura gave her the task to bring his rings back from humans, she got excited for the task, she said “ I just hate these earthlings, don’t worry Master Destrasura, I will not disappoint you “. Lizrini flew towards Planet Earth.
At Planet Earth, Sunidhi & Kareena were having Pani Puri at Chatpata Pani Puri Stall. Kareena had 6 plates of Pani Puri & still she was not feeling satisfied. Suddenly Lizrini landed in the mid of the street. The civilians were shocked. She scanned the mind of a man & learned the human language. She said angrily, “ Present Himmat to me or I’ll kill you all “. Sunidhi had bought The Wind Ring with her. She wares the wind ring & quickly flew towards her home. She disguised as Saathi & returned at Chatpata Pani Puri Stall within 1 minute. Kareena went behind a car, she takes off her ring & took the form of Krodhavini. Krodhavini & Saathi came in front of Lizrini. Lizrini takes out her sword. She was about to attack Krodhavini but Saathi used her telekinetic powers, she looked at a garbage box, it rose up from its place & got stabbed at Lizrini’s face. Saathi looked at a car, it got attracted towards Lizrini. The car hits Lizrini badly. A dangerous explosion took place. Lizrini was laying on the street, she had got seriously injured & she had lost her right arm in the explosion. Saathi came towards Lizrini, she looked in her eyes & said, “ You should have not followed the instructions of Destrasura “. Lizrini got up suddenly, she regrows her right arm. She punched Saathi’s face hard. Krodhavini scratched her face with her sharp nails. Saathi saw Lizrini’s sword at the street. She picked the sword. She attacked Lizrini’s neck with the sword & she cuts off her head. Lizrini’s body fell down & her head disappeared. Krodhavini had never met Lizrini before, she didn’t knew much about her powers. She was shocked when Sunidhi killed Lizrini. Krodhavini & Saathi went close to Lizrini’s body. Her body made some movement. She regrows her new head suddenly. Lizrini slammed Krodhavini on the street & placed her feet on her face firmly. Krodhavini fell unconscious. She punched Saathi’s chest hard. She fell 1 mile away due to the force of her punch & got stabbed to a car. She got seriously injured & fainted.  Lizrini picked up her sword & said, “ Return Destrasura’s rings to me or else you all will suffer “. Yoddha, Crime Hater, Jeet, Agni & Himmat reached at the spot. Jeet said, “ We won’t give these rings to Destrasura, extremely
Sorry “. Lizrini got angry, she was about to attack Jeet but unexpectedly Agni spewed fire from her mouth, the flame hits Lizrini’s chest. Himmat kicked her stomach hard,  Jeet quickly ran towards Lizrini & punched her chest with extreme force. Lizrini fell one mile away. Jeet flew towards Lizrini & caught her with both his hands. He was about to give her electric shock but suddenly Lizrini bits Jeet’s shoulder. She punched her stomach twice. Suddenly Agni attacked Lizrini’s right arm with a fireball. Her right arm turned into ashes. Himmat kicked her stomach hard & slammed her on the surface. Lizrini regrows her right arm & got up. She injured Agni & Himmat seriously. Jeet caught Lizrini’s neck firmly & gave her a powerful electric shock. Lizrini screamed in pain. She got seriously injured, she kicked Jeet’s stomach hard. She takes out her teleportation device from the pocket of her outfit, she teleported herself from there. The injuries of Jeet, Agni, Saathi & Himmat got healed. Himmat thought that Lizrini is a though opponent, she was probably more powerful then Destrasura himself.
           2 days passed, Gyaanveer College of arts organized a 2 day nature trip to Dhruv Vann Jungle. Hriday Lokwani, Harleen Kaur & Deven Mahadevan decided to go to the trip. Professor Radha Patil told all the students that they are going to practice different Yoga techniques & mindfulness exercises in Dhruv Vann Jungle. Harleen was excited for the trip. After attending all the lectures, Hriday, Harleen & Deven left for their home. While they were passing by Hinglaj Mata Temple. Suddenly Lizrini landed on the street. She lifted a car & threw it one kilometre away. Dangerous explosion took place in the car. The citizens were terrified. Himmat, Jeet, Saathi, Yoddha, Agni, Crime Hater & Krodhavini reached at the spot. Krodhavini scratched Lizrini’s neck with her sharp nails & cuts off her head. Lizrini’s body fell down. Himmat was shocked. Suddenly Lizrini regrows a new head & angrily caught Krodhavini. She injured her seriously. Lizrini caught Himmat & twisted his right arm firmly. She forcefully takes out the power ring from Rajveer’s finger & punched his face. Rajveer was shocked. Lizrini wares the power ring. She was worthy of The Power ring & could easily handle the powers of this ring. Jeet quickly ran towards Lizrini & grabbed her neck. He gave a powerful electric shock. Agni attacked her face with a fireball. Lizrini used the powers of the power ring & teleported herself from there. Himmat, Jeet, Saathi, Yoddha, Agni, Crime Hater & Krodhavini failed to catch her. They lost the power ring.
             1 week passed,  Professor Radha Patil took the students of Gyaanveer College of arts to Dhruv Vann Jungle. Hriday Lokwani, Harleen Kaur & Deven Mahadevan were enjoying the trip. When the students reached at Dhruv Vann Jungle. Professor Radha gave them some important information about Yoga techniques & mindfulness exercises. She also took a 40 minutes yoga session. Hriday was facing a lot of difficulty in doing Yoga. Professor Radha told Hriday that Yoga will help him to be more focused in day to day life. She also told him that he is not in a good physical health, especially because he does not exercises daily. Hriday was not at all interested in all these Yoga techniques & mindfulness exercises, he ignored the advice given by Professor Radha. At 10 PM, all the students set up their tents, they lighted up a bonfire & played some games around it. At 12 AM,  everyone went to their respective tents and went to sleep. At midnight a monkey entered Hriday’s tent, it started playing with his bag. Hriday woke up suddenly. The Monkey got sacred, it wares the bag & ran out of the tent. The monkey climbed on a three & started jumping from one tree to another. It was very quick. Hriday started chasing it. He chased the monkey till 1 kilometre. He got frustrated, he picked up a stone and threw it at the monkey but he missed the aim. The monkey climbed on a tall tree. Hriday was looking at him but he was completely helpless. The monkey opened his bag, it found a packet of biscuits, it started having the biscuits. Hriday was not able to do anything. Suddenly Hriday saw an asteroid in the sky, it was coming towards him. The asteroid fell on Hriday. Dangerous explosion took place in that area & the surface shook due to the asteroid crash. As soon as the asteroid crashed on the surface it turned into ashes. When the asteroid hit the surface it created a hole & turned into ashes due to the explosion. Professor Radha & the students of Gyaanveer College of arts were shocked. When she came to know that Hriday is missing, she along with some selected students started searching him. Harleen reached at the spot where asteroid had crashed. She saw Hriday laying in the centre of the huge hole. She started screaming for help. Two chimpanzees came there, Harleen got scared. They wiped her tears & made her sit under a tree. Two gorillas came there, they jumped into the hole & rescued Hriday safely. One of the gorillas applied a Herb on Hriday’s wounds, it realized that the asteroid had changed Hriday’s body. Hriday was unconscious but her body was healing automatically & faster then the other humans. The Gorilla looked at Harleen, it tried to tell her that he thinks that the asteroid crash has caused a drastic physical change in Hriday’s body & his body was healing automatically. Harleen was not able to understand anything. Professor Radha & other students reached there. They took Hriday in one of their tents. After some time, 2 Doctors reached there. Hriday was sent to Kiwana Hospital at Kiwana City. Praveen, Jaya & Sonalika reached at Kiwana Hospital. The Doctors told them that Hriday’s health is improving & they need not to be worried. Hriday was discharged from the hospital after 2 days. He was feeling more powerful then ever. After the incident, Hriday’s body started getting muscular. He did not shared this with anyone. Until one day, Sonalika forced him to tell her that why he seems to be disturbed from past few days. She told him to forget about that incident & concentrate on his future. Hriday told her that he is feeling very strong nowadays. He feels as if he can do impossible things. Sonalika felt may be Hriday needs some rest. He was not at all interested in taking rest. He decided to have something. He went to the kitchen & takes out an apple from the fridge. While he was cutting the apple, his finger accidentally got cut by the edge of the knife and started bleeding. Unexpectedly his finger got healed within 5 seconds. Hriday was surprised. He immediately spoke to Sonalika. She was not able to believe the truth. She deliberately cuts Hriday’s finger slightly & realized that Hriday’s body heals faster then ever. He observed that Hriday’s body was also a bit more muscular then past. Suddenly a cat enters the kitchen from the window. Hriday got scared. The cat jumps at the milk bowl. There were washed utensils kept on the platform. The utensils at the platform fell on the floor. Sonalika chased the cat away. They started gathering the utensils. When Hriday bends down, suddenly his body size decreased up to 6 inches. Sonalika was surprised because for her, Hriday had disappeared suddenly. There were only Hriday’s clothes laying on the floor. Hriday was shocked. Everything around him appeared very big. Even the clothes on his body had disappeared. He realized that he has decreased his size. There were no clothes on his body so he was feeling very cold. He ran towards his room & tried to find some way to get rid of cold. He looked upwards at his cupboard, it looked very huge. Suddenly his size increased up to 6 feet. He was shocked. He was not wearing any clothes, he immediately closed the door & got dressed up. He went to the kitchen. Sonalika was shocked, Hriday told her that he don’t know how but he had decreased his size when he was in the kitchen. Sonalika was not able to believe the truth. Suddenly Hriday heard a scream of a child from a nearby tower. He quickly ran out of the bungalow. He reached at the tower. A child was playing in the balcony, He was trying to perform a stunt which he had seen in a movie. suddenly his foot slipped and he fell off the balcony, unexpectedly Hriday flew upwards & caught him. He safely landed on the ground with the child. The child had closed his eyes tightly. He didn’t saw Hriday flying. Hriday discovered that he can fly, he also had the powers of super strength, super hearing , super speed, healing & the power to increase or decrease his own body size and mass. Sonalika told him that he should keep it a secret. Slowly he came to know about his powers & Sonalika helped him understand his powers. She also motivated him to fight criminals & stand against crime.         
Next Morning, Hriday woke up early, he was in his room. It was 5 AM, Suddenly he heard the screams from Swagat Housing Society, a nearby building. He quickly ran towards Swagat Housing Society. The building was burning in flames & number of Innocents were trapped inside the building. He heard the screams of children from 3rd floor. He quickly ran towards the children. They were in a flat. Hriday tried to open the door. His hand was so strong that he accidentally broke the door. When he entered the house, His foot hit a paint can and he fell, he fell on another paint can and his face and body got discoloured yellow. Hriday was shocked. There was painting and renovation work going on in the house. The wires were not in a proper condition which had caused a short circuit in the flat, a small short circuit had lead to the fire. Hriday wanted to rescue all the children & the other residents of that house at the same time. He wished he could save them all at once. The chandelier was about to fell on a child, Hriday heard the sound of that chandelier, he increased his size up to 12 feet & caught the chandelier. His shirt ripped as he grew his size. Hriday was surprised, he lifted all the children with both his arms & jumped off the window. He rescued them safely. He quickly ran inside the building & soon he rescued every single resident of in the building. He flew towards the Terrence of Swagat Housing Society. He uprooted the water tank & lifted it on his shoulder. He flew downwards towards the society compound, he came in front of the
Building. He splashed the water on the burning building with both hands, and extinguished the fire of the building. The situation was under control. Hriday decreased his size up to 6 feet & flew towards his house. He secretly entered his room from the window, he took a bath & changed his clothes. His nightdress was torn, not a trace was left of his shirt. Hriday’s ability to change his size was very dangerous. He quietly went to bed. At 7 AM, Jaya entered Hriday’s room, he was soundly sleeping in his room. Jaya wakes him up, she told him that he is late & he is suppose to be in the college before 7:30. Hriday was shocked, he immediately took a bath, got ready & rushed towards his college. He had missed his regular bus. He went to college by rickshaw. Finally he entered his classroom before time. He met Harleen Kaur & Deven Mahadevan. He did not informed them about his recently discovered powers & tried to behave normal. After the college, When he returned to his home, he told Sonalika that he can increase his size up to 12 feet. She was surprised. They were trying to understand these supernatural abilities of Hriday. Sonalika thought that Hriday should use his powers to fight criminals. Hriday was satisfied with her, he thought if he has the power to bring some change in the world then he should use his powers to help the Innocents in order to bring some positive change in the world. Sonalika advised him to make a outfit & specially a mask for himself so that he can fight criminals in disguise. The motto of Hriday’s life was to use his powers to bring some positive change in the world. He wanted to help others like a friend. He remembered that Harleen had told him that Gorillas are generally known to be gentle, peaceful and friendly primates. They are social animals and they only become aggressive towards humans when they feel threatened. He felt that A Gorilla is the symbol of peace & friendship. He decided to make a gorilla themed outfit for himself. Hriday learned some stitching techniques from the videos available on internet. He also collected some information about synthetic cloth. He made a Gorilla mask out of synthetic cloth. He also stitched a black coloured Full sleeves T-shirt  & a black coloured Track pant out of synthetic cloth. He had read that Synthetic cloth can be stretched repeatedly more than 500% of its original size and can also recover back immediately to its original size and shape once the tension is relaxed. After wearing the Gorilla Mask, full sleeves T-shirt & track pant, he went out of his house. He flew upwards in the sky. He increased his size up to 8 feet. His outfit got stretched & it easily adjusted itself as per the change in the size of Hriday’s body. Further He increase his size up to 12 feet. Once again, His outfit got stretched & it easily adjusted itself as per the change in the size of Hriday’s body. Finally, he returned to his normal height, similarly the outfit got relaxed & came back to its original size. Hriday was surprised. For Hriday, Gorillas were symbol of peace & friendship.
He had learnt that Gorillas are social animals and they only become aggressive towards humans when they feel threatened Thus Hriday took the identity of ‘The Gorilla’. He named his masked look as ‘The Gorilla’.
At Evening, Lizrini used the ring tracker & tracked the locations of the remaining 3 rings. She came to know that Agni is in the Kiwana Market. She decided to attack her. She flew towards the Kiwana Market. Vandana was purchasing vegetables in the market. At the same time, she was also thinking about Rajveer’s Power Ring. Even Krodhavini was not able to find any way to reach till Lizrini. They were completely helpless. Lizrini wares the Power Ring, she teleported herself in the Kiwana Market. Her presence caused a lot of chaos in the market. The innocents were sacred. Vandana was shocked. She immediately wares her fire ring. She quickly ran towards her house, she secretly entered her room, disguised as Agni & quickly returned in the market. Intense fight breaks out between Agni & Lizrini. Agni caused number of burning injuries on her body but Lizrini use to heal fast, thus Agni failed to cause much harm to her. Lizrini injured her seriously. She caught her neck firmly & said, “ I hate earthlings & I hate planet earth, you all are thieves, all are sinners “. Unexpectedly Gorilla & Miss Justice came in front of her. Gorilla said, “ Lizrini, Let her go, or else I will have to take some strict action “. Lizrini asks, “ Who are you? Another week earthling? “. Gorilla replied,
“ You can call me Gorilla…. Oh! I forgot… After sometime, You won’t remain alive to call me ‘Gorilla’”. Lizrini got angry. She attacked Gorilla. Intense conflict took place between Gorilla & Lizrini. Lizrini takes out her sword. She stabbed the sword in Gorilla’s stomach. Miss Justice & Agni were shocked. Hriday screamed in pain. Lizrini takes out her sword from his stomach & she was about to attack him once again but suddenly Agni attacked her back with a fireball. The injury on Hriday’s stomach got healed. Lizrini slammed Agni on the street & she looked at Hriday. She jumped high & she was about to attack him with her sword, Hriday in fear brought his right hand in front of his face, unexpectedly an energy beam came out of his hand and hit Lizrini’s stomach. Lizrini got seriously injured. She got up, she picked her sword & she was about to attack Hriday. Hriday got scared, he stretched both his arms frontwards & tried to save himself from Lizrini’s sword. He said, “ Stop!”.  Once again, an energy beam came out of his hands and hit Lizrini’s stomach. Hriday realised that he can produced Energy beams from his hands.
He Increased his size up to 12 feet. He attacked Lizrini’s arm with a powerful energy beam. She fell 10 kilometre away. She lost her arm. Hriday flew towards her. He punched her face twice. He placed his hand too close to her face & attacked her face with a powerful energy beam. Lizrini got seriously injured. Hriday placed her foot firmly on her stomach. Agni & Miss Justice were surprised. Lizrini looked at Gorilla & said, “ Gorilla, you are strong… I have never fought a warrior like you…. But… I am the strongest…. No one can defeat me “. Lizrini regrows her arm & stood up. She angrily bits Hriday’s knee & punched his stomach. Hriday’s fell down. Lizrini flew upwards & landed firmly on Hriday’s chest. Suddenly Agni spewed fire from her mouth. The fire hits Lizrini’s face. Hriday decreased his size to normal & punched her face hard. He caught both her hands firmly. Agni takes out the Power Ring from her finger. Lizrini was shocked. She pushed Hriday. Agni wares the power ring & kicked Lizrini’s stomach hard. She screamed in pain. She telepathically connected her mind with the minds of the other members of Team Himmat & informed them about Lizrini’s sudden attack. Lizrini scratched Agni’s neck with her sharp nails & punched her face hard. Gorilla attacked Lizrini’s face with a powerful energy beam & cuts off her head. She regrows a new head within few minutes. She slammed Gorilla on the surface. He got angry, he got up & lifted Lizrini with both his hands & increased his size up to 12 feet. He slammed her on his knee & broke her backbone. She got seriously injured. She tried to stand up but Gorilla attacked her with a energy beam & cuts off left hand. Her backbone got healed & She regenerated a new hand in few minutes. She pushed Gorilla with extreme strength. He fell 12 miles away & got stabbed with a car. Dangerous explosion took place in the car & Hriday got injured. It was nearly impossible for Hriday to kill her. Lizrini caught Agni & Gorilla. Suddenly Miss Justice came in front of her. She punched her face. Lizrini was surprised to meet Miss Justice. She pushed her lightly, it cased a powerful force for Sonalika, she fell 2 kilometres away & got stabbed to a car. Unexpectedly Jeet reached at the spot, he attacked Lizrini. He caught her right arm & twisted it firmly. He gave a powerful shock to Lizrini, she was not able to bare the electric shock. She screamed in pain. Jeet increased the power of his electric shock & killed her. Crime Hater, Yoddha, Krodhavini, Himmat, Saathi & Krodhavini reached there but Jeet had already accomplished the mission. Agni returned The Power Ring to Rajveer. Destrasura got the news of Lizrini’s death, he was not able to believe the truth. He also come to know about the two human warriors – Gorilla & Miss Justice, who fought against Lizrini along with Himmat. Rudravini, Dushtasura, Avnisura & Destrasura gathered in a meeting. Rudravini got extremely angry on the humans. She ensured Destrasura that she will find some way to teach humans a lesson. She worked hard till few hours & invented a bow & a set of arrows. She constructed a full proof plan to kill each member of Himmat’s team.
At Planet Earth, Gorilla & Miss Justice met Himmat. Agni was impressed by the fighting skills of Gorilla & Miss Justice. She had realised that both of them are against evil & they care for the common people. Himmat welcomed them in his team. He took them to the secret base of his team. Rajveer & all the members of his team revealed their actual identities to Gorilla & Miss Justice. Hriday & Sonalika too revealed their actual identities. Gorilla & Miss Justice became an inseparable part of Team Himmat.
2 days passed, Hriday & Sonalika were in Hriday’s room. Hriday told her that one cannot say that ‘ the world is very good for a men & the same world is cruel for women’ because the world is different for every individual. Our behaviour changes from person to person & it’s impossible for us to treat everyone equally. Hriday spoke about his self invented term – ‘ Positive Discrimination ‘, he use to believe that ‘equality’ doesn’t work all the time, we have to discriminate in certain situations but it is necessary for us to discriminate positively. Few months ago, Sonalika had written a play titled as ‘Miss Courageous’ in which she had shown the stereotypical mind-set of the society where people consider cricket is an men’s game, which is not appropriate for the women. Hriday explained her that in her play, She observed characters as per their gender rather she should have observed them as individuals. He felt that everyone likes to be special, they like discrimination but still they talk about equality. Sonalika thought that Hriday is confused, he himself is not clear about the concept of ‘Positive Discrimination’.
On the other hand, Rudravini teleported herself in the Kiwana Market. The humans were shocked. She shots a arrow at a car. Dangerous explosion took place in the car. Coincidentally Rudravini started moving towards Hriday’s house. She destroyed some shops & vehicles on the street.
Hriday saw Rudravini from the window of his room. He disguised as The Gorilla & flew towards Rudravini. He confronted Rudravini. Rudravini said, “ The Gorilla, You are trying to mess with demons, I will suggest you, don’t ever hinder our path again “. The Gorilla replied, “ Demons should know their limits, you cannot rule everyone, I met Krodhavini, she informed me that Destrasura wants to rule the universe, please tell him, he is not worthy to rule this universe “. Rudravini angrily shots a explosive arrow at The Gorilla’s chest. Hriday got seriously injured. The injury on his chest got healed within seconds. He attacked Rudravini’s stomach with a energy beam. She shots a explosive arrow at him but Hriday quickly dodged the arrow. He attacked her arm with a energy beam. He Punched her face twice & snatched her bow. He angrily breaks the bow. Rudravini was shocked. Hriday attacked her chest with a energy beam. She fell 2 kilometres away due to the force of the energy beam. Hriday quickly flew towards her. He angrily caught her & punched her face. Rudravini was completely helpless. He was about to kill her but unexpectedly Avnisura & Destrasura reached at the spot. Gorilla increased his size up to 12 feet. He stretched his arms front words & produced a powerful blue coloured energy beam from his hands. The energy beam hits Destrasura & Avnisura, they got seriously injured. Gorilla lifted Rudravini with both his hands. Destrasura came towards him. Gorilla angrily kicked Destrasura’s chest & slammed Rudravini on his knee. Avnisura immediately teleported Destrasura & Rudravini from there. Gorilla angrily looked in the eyes of Avnisura. He got sacred, he immediately teleported from there &  escape successfully. Himmat, Saathi, Jeet & Agni reached at the spot but it was too late, Gorilla had already handled the situation in the market. It was difficult for them to accept that Gorilla alone was able to fight Destrasura, Rudravini & Avnisura.
          At Planet Alfina, Avnisura & Destrasura told Rudravini that she should have not attacked the earthlings out of anger because one should never take decisions in anger. One who attacks without planning always fails to win. Rudravini realised that The Gorilla was ten times more powerful then her.

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