Himmat - Chapter 13 - Rise Of Aaraa

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Earth is a planet in The Solar System & The Milky Way Galaxy includes the Solar System. Similarly, Alfina – the planet of demons, was a planet in The Zenlith Galaxy. There are around 200 billion galaxies in our universe. Kenmos Galaxy was one of these 200 billion galaxies. There was a planet called Spirito in Kenmos Galaxy. Spirito was a planet of Centaurs.
A Centaur is a creature whose upper body is of a human and the lower body and legs of a horse. Aaraa – a female Centaur – was a native of Planet Spirito. She was conducting a research on the possibility of life on other planets, she visited all the planets of Kenmos Galaxy & discovered number of creatures. After discovering life on various planets of Kenmos Galaxy, she decided to travel beyond Kenmos Galaxy. Aaraa invented a new spacecraft & started travelling outside Kenmos Galaxy. She discovered number of galaxies, she met number of living creatures. She had never met such different types of creatures before. She had invented a magical crown, which enables her to speak any language of the universe. Aaraa could easily communicate with anyone with the help of her magical communication crown.
Once Aaraa decided to visit Zenlith Galaxy. She arrived in her spacecraft, she kept 2 magic communication stones in the pocket of her jacket. She could contact other Centaurs with the help of her magic communication stone. Suppose there is life on any planet of Zenlith Galaxy then she was going to gift that other communication stone to one of the creatures of that particular planet of Zenlith Galaxy. When her spacecraft was passing by Planet Alfina, a technical error occurred in her spacecraft & it crashed on a huge statue of Destrasura, in Planet Alfina. Destrasura’s statue broke into pieces. Aaraa was completely alright & she her magical communication crown & magic communication stones were not damaged at all. She wares her magical communication crown & came out of her spacecraft. The Demon guards of Planet Alfina caught her, they took her at the Royal Palace & presented her before King Destrasura.  Destrasura’s wife Rudravini suggested that Aaraa must be killed because she had illegally entered their planet & she had also destroyed Destrasura’s statue. Aaraa was shocked, she had never visited a planet like Alfina before. She requested Destrasura to have mercy on her. She told him that she had not intentionally caused harm to his statue, there was some technical error in her spacecraft that’s the reason, her spacecraft clashed with his statue. Destrasura takes out his sword & said, “ That statue was the symbol of power, you have destroyed a statue which was a part of our heritage, you should have thought twice before causing any harm to my statue, I will never forgive you, you will be punished & your punishment will be… Death “. Aaraa was sacred, she promised Destrasura that she will serve him as a Maid forever if he will cancel his plan to kill her. Destrasura thought, if he kills Aaraa then this will not be beneficial for him but if she becomes his maid then he can use her abilities for his personal gains whenever he wants. Destrasura declared Aaraa as his maid. He made her fight a demoness in order to check her fighting skills. He realized that Aaraa is a expert fighter. He gave her a room in his palace. Aaraa’s spacecraft was damaged & she was not able to return her homeland – Spirito.  She didn’t even remembered that she had kept two magical communication stones in the pocket of her jacket. She had accepted Destrasura as her Master.
            Once Destrasura called Aaraa in the royal court of his palace. He told Aaraa that he wants her to visit planet Earth &  fight Himmat & his friends. Himmat was his enemy, who had stolen his magical rings, he wanted her to bring his rings back from Himmat & his friends. Avnisura used ‘The Ring Tracker’ & informed Aaraa that all the rings are traced at Kiwana City. Destrasura instructed Aaraa to attack Kiwana City, kill some humans, which will attract Himmat & his friends towards her, when she will meet them, she has to kill all the members of Team Himmat & bring those rings to Planet Alfina. Aaraa was shocked, she was against of killing but there was no choice in front of her, she had to follow the instructions of Destrasura. Destrasura gave a demonic spacecraft to Aaraa, the spacecraft was already set to land on Earth. After a long travel, Aaraa landed in a jungle at Kiwana City. There were number of demonic weapons kept in the spacecraft. She chose a Trident & attacked Kiwana market. The citizens were shocked when Aaraa attacked the market suddenly. She was not able to convince herself to kill humans but she destroyed number of shops & vehicles in order to caused harm to humanity. Detective Karan Narayan came to know about it, he informed about it to all the members of Team Himmat. Aaraa lifted a car, she threw it towards a fast food centre. Dangerous explosion took place in the car. Suddenly Jeet, Saathi & Himmat reached at the spot. Aaraa looked at Rajveer & said, “ seems like you are Himmat, return Master Destrasura’s rings to him or else you will be punished “.  Jeet said, “ We won’t return these rings to your master, now we own these rings “. Aaraa angrily ran towards Jeet & she stabbed her Trident in Jeet’s chest. Jeet fell down, she takes out her Trident from his chest & ran towards Himmat. Himmat flew upwards, Aaraa looked at him. Saathi used her telekinetic powers, she starred at Aaraa’s Trident & it automatically got attracted towards her hand. Aaraa was shocked. Saathi breaks her Trident into two. She kicked Aaraa’s stomach twice. Himmat sat on her back, he caught Aaraa’s both hands from behind and Saathi started punching Aaraa’s stomach. Aaraa hits Saathi with her forepaws. Himmat grabbed Aaraa’s neck from behind. She hits Rajveer’s stomach with her elbow and knocks him down from her back. Himmat fell on the street, he was not able to get up. Aaraa hits his chest with her forepaws. Agni, Yoddha & Crime Hater reached at the spot. Agni spewed fire from her mouth. The fire hits Aaraa's chest & she got seriously injured. The wound on Jeet's chest got healed, he quickly ran towards Aaraa & punched her stomach. She angrily grabbed Jeet’s neck. He caught both her arms tightly with his hands & gave her a powerful electric shock. She fell unconscious. The situation was under control. After 2 hours, Aaraa regained consciousness, she was in a cage. There were two police officers standing outside the cage. One of them said that Himmat & his friends are true helpers, they had saved the city once again. The other police officer said that Himmat is indeed a great helper, the one who helps innocents, he had saved the city from Maleensura & he was always ready to risk his life in order to save the innocents from these aliens. Aaraa heard that Himmat helps the one who is in trouble, she told the police officers that she needs help & she wants to meet Himmat. The Police Officers ignored Aaraa’s request. Senior Inspector Vishal Bansal & ACP Suhana Merchant reached there. Aaraa requested them to let her meet Himmat. Senior Inspector Vishal asked her about her motifs to visit Planet Earth. Aaraa told him that Destrasura – the King of Alfina, had forced her to attack Planet Earth, she is not against Himmat or any other earthling, she was just following the instructions of King Destrasura. Senior Inspector Vishal immediately calls Yoddha & requested him & Himmat to meet Aaraa.  Senior Inspector Vishal decided to let Aaraa meet Himmat so that they can collect some more information about Aaraa’s motifs behind landing on earth. After 20 minutes, Himmat, Jeet, Saathi, Agni, Yoddha & Crime Hater reached at Aaraa’s cage. Aaraa’s cage was kept in a Special Room at Kiwana Police Station. Aaraa told her truth to them, she informed them that she is a Centaur, a native of Spirito – the planet of Centaurs. Spirito was a planet in Kenmos Galaxy. She was passing by planet Alfina, when a technical error occurred in her spacecraft & it crashed on Alfina. Destrasura treated her like a slave & he wanted her to get his magical rings back form humans. Himmat , Jeet, Saathi, Agni, Crime Hater & Yoddha were stocked. Aaraa apologized for causing harm to Kiwana City & she told them that she will never try to harm human beings again. Suddenly Destrasura entered the special room of Kiwana Police Station, he had secretly attached a demonic audio-visual chip on Aaraa’s shoulder, to keep an eye on her. He was watching Aaraa from a long distance.
Himmat, Jeet, Saathi, Yoddha, Agni, Crime Hater & Senior Inspector Vishal were shocked. Destrasura said, “ Aaraa, If you will not help me then I have to do the honours myself “. Destrasura takes out his sword & stabbed it in Himmat’s stomach. Senior Inspector Vishal shots at Destrasura’s chest but his bullets didn’t harmed him at all. Destrasura takes out his sword from Himmat’s stomach. He grabbed Himmat’s neck tightly with his right hand & lifted him. He slammed Himmat on the floor. Saathi punched Destrasura’s face hard. She dragged him out of the police station. She kicked his chest hard. Destrasura’s sword fell off his hand. She starred at the sword & used her telekinetic powers, the sword rose up from the street & quickly got stabbed at Destrasura’s chest. Aaraa came out of the Police Station. She ran towards Destrasura & caught his horns. She punched his face & hits his chest with her forepaws. Destrasura fell down. He takes out his teleportation device from the pocket of his outfit. Aaraa hits his arm with her forepaws. The teleportation device slipped from his hand & fell on the surface. Aaraa placed her forepaw firmly on Destrasura’s teleportation device & breaks it. Saathi lifted Destrasura with both her hands & slammed him on her knee. This caused some serious damage in the backbone of Destrasura. Destrasura was not able to move her body at all. Agni placed her foot firmly on Destrasura’s chest. Unexpectedly Dushtasura reached there. He safely teleported Destrasura from there. Dushtasura looked at Aaraa & said, “ You have committed a sin by hurting King Destrasura, have you forgotten that you are our maid? “.  Agni attacked Dushtasura’s face with a fireball. She said, “ Aaraa is no more a maid, she is our friend “. Dushtasura teleported himself from there & escaped. Finally Aaraa was freed from the slavery of King Destrasura. She thanked Himmat & his friends for saving her life. She had kept 2 magic communication stones in the pocket of her outfit & she had forgotten about them. She gave a magic communication stone to Himmat & told him that he can contact her whenever he needs her help in the future. In order to use this magic communication stone, he has to hold it in his right hand & think about her, then she will receive his call, in such way they will be able to speak with each other. Himmat thanked her for this gift. Himmat & Aaraa became friends. She had lost all the hope to return her homeland but Himmat had saved her life. Aaraa’s spacecraft was destroyed when she had crash landed on Planet Alfina. She had used a demonic spacecraft to travel from Planet Alfina to Earth. Once again she used Destrasura’s demonic spacecraft & reached her homeland – Spirito. She reunited with her family & friends at her homeland.

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