Himmat - Chapter 15 - Rise of Queen Valour

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Sananand Pandey use to live alone at his bungalow. He was cooking Pav Bhaji in the kitchen. Suddenly someone attacked his head from the back & everything became blurry in front of his eyes. Sananand fainted. When Sananand regained consciousness, he was in the hospital room. Yoddha & Senior Inspector Vishal Bansal were standing in front of him. Senior Inspector Vishal told Sananand that according to his neighbours, he was found unconscious in his kitchen & everything at his house was scattered. It looked like he was attacked by someone, who stole all the valuables from his house. Sananand was not able to remember exactly what happened with him. Senior Inspector Vishal took the details about the amount of money & other valuables kept in his cupboard, he came to know that the one who had attacked Sananand, had stolen cash & other valuables like flower vase, wall clock & gold wristwatch, from Sananand’s house. Gorilla, Miss Justice, Crime Hater & Yoddha checked each & every corner of Sananand’s bungalow but they were not able to find any clue to reach till the thief.
On the other hand, Asatyasura – the King of Untruthfulness, reported at Destrasura’s palace. Asatyasura was a 7 feet tall bald headed, brown coloured muscular humanoid demon. He was a expert swordsman with immense strength & he had the powers of Flight, super speed & he could shoot green coloured energy beams from his eyes. He was holding his sword & a shield & was fully prepared to fight Himmat & his friends. Destrasura instructed Asatyasura to bring his magical rings back from Krodhavini, Himmat & other earthlings in their team. Asatyasura collected all the information about Himmat & each member in his team. He analysed the abilities of each one of them. He discussed about his mission with his wife – Mithyavini – The Queen of Untruthfulness. He told her that he is chosen by Master Destrasura to bring his rings back from Krodhavini & the Earthlings. Mithyavini was sure that Earthlings are weak, they are powerless without Destrasura’s rings & Asatyasura will definitely accomplish the mission. Asatyasura flew towards Planet Earth. He landed at the street outside Gyaanveer College of arts. He roared like a lion, looked at a car & shot the car with green coloured Lazar beam. Dangerous explosion took place in the car. Hriday was in the lecture of Literary Criticism. All the students were shocked. Hriday secretly rushed towards the washroom with his bag. He use to always carry his Gorilla outfit & mask in his bag. He disguised as The Gorilla & flew towards Asatyasura. Asatyasura said, “ Hello Gorilla, please call Himmat & Krodhavini, I am here for Master Destrasura’s rings, please call them, I am in a hurry, I need those rings right now “. Gorilla said, “ We won’t return those rings to your Master, go tell him, he is not worthy of those powerful rings “. Asatyasura got angry, he takes out his sword & ran towards Gorilla. Gorilla shots two powerful energy beams from his hands, the energy beams hits Asatyasura’s chest & he got seriously injured. Gorilla increased his size to 12 feet & caught Asatyasura. Gorilla slammed Asatyasura on the street & punched his chest twice. He placed his foot on Asatyasura’s face.  Suddenly Asatyasura stood up, he shots green energy beams from his eyes, the energy beams hits Hriday’s chest. He got injured. Asatyasura stabbed his sword in his chest. Hriday streamed in pain. Asatyasura takes out the sword from Hriday’s chest. He fell down. Asatyasura angrily stabbed his sword at Hriday’s chest once again & injured him even more. Suddenly Agni, Himmat, Saathi, Jeet, Yoddha, Miss Justice & Crime Hater reached there. Agni spewed fire from her mouth, the fire hits Asatyasura’s chest. He got seriously injured. He takes out his sword from Hriday's chest & attacked Agni’s leg with his sword. She got injured. Jeet caught Asatyasura & gave him a powerful electric shock. Asatyasura angrily slammed him on the street. He looked at Himmat & shot green coloured energy beam from his eyes. The energy beam hits Himmat’s chest badly. He got seriously injured. Hriday tried to stand up, Asatyasura angrily punched his face, Hriday fell 1 kilometre away due to the force of Asatyasura’s punch. He was unable to get up, Asatyasura shoots green coloured energy beam from his eyes. The energy beam hits Hriday’s chest. He screamed in pain. His body was completely motionless. Asatyasura looked around him, the citizens were terrified. Himmat, Jeet & Agni were unconscious & The Gorilla was dead but he was not able to find Miss Justice, Saathi, Jeet, Crime Hater & Yoddha anywhere around him. Suddenly he saw Yoddha coming towards him very quickly, he had worn his roller skates. Yoddha jumped high & kicked Asatyasura’s face hard. Crime Hater splashed mud on his face. Miss Justice threw her metallic boomerang at Asatyasura. It hits his face hard & returned at Miss Justice. Jeet came towards him with extreme speed & punched his chest. Asatyasura fell 2 kilometre away. Suddenly Krodhavini came in front of him. Asatyasura tried to get up but Krodhavini scratched his face with her sharp nails. Asatyasura fell down. He looked at the sky. Saathi was up there in the sky, she was looking at him. She quickly came downwards & firmly landed on Asatyasura’s chest. She lifted him with both her hands & slammed him on her knee. Asatyasura got seriously injured. Krodhavini caught him & kicked his stomach hard. Saathi looked at the public bench at the street. The public bench rose up from it’s place & got attracted towards Asatyasura. It got badly stabbed with his body. Asatyasura stood up, Miss Justice attacks his knee with her metallic boomerang. Asatyasura got angry. Krodhavini was about to attack him but Asatyasura attacked her chest with green coloured energy beam. Krodhavini screamed in pain & fell unconscious. Saathi looked at Asatyasura’s sword, it was in the corner of the street. She used her telekinetic powers, she looked at the sword, the sword rose up from it’s place & came towards Saathi. Saathi holds the sword firmly with her hand. She was about to stab Asatyasura with the sword but unexpectedly he attacked Saathi’s chest with green coloured energy beam. She fell one mile away & fainted. Asatyasura picked his sword, he was unable to walk properly, he had got injured. Suddenly Miss Justice came in front of him, she angrily threw her metallic boomerang at Asatyasura. It hits his cheeks hard & returned at Miss Justice. Asatyasura said, “ keep your toys away, you are causing a lot of trouble “. Miss Justice once again threw her Metallic boomerang at him, it hits his nose hard & returned at Miss Justice. He angrily punched the street hard, his punch created a vibration and Miss Justice fell a mile away. The body’s of Rajveer, Hansal, Vandana & Sunidhi got healed but still they were unconscious. Asatyasura takes out the power ring from Rajveer’s finger & looked at the sky. He said, “ The thieves are punished finally “. He also took The Thunder ring, The Fire ring & The Wind ring. He was unable to find his teleportation device. He thought that he may have misplaced it during his conflict with the earthlings. He used his communication device & contacted Avnisura. He told him that he has misplaced his teleportation device & he needs his help. Avnisura reached at earth, he was not able to believe that Asatyasura has defeated all the members of Team Himmat. Avnisura teleported himself & Asatyasura at Planet Alfina. Asatyasura met Destrasura in his royal palace. He gave all the four magical demonic rings to Destrasura & told him that he has accomplished the mission. He had not only bought the rings back but he had also killed The Gorilla, the strongest member of Team Himmat. Destrasura was impressed by Asatyasura. He reworded him with a special position in his court.
On the other hand, all the injuries on Hriday’s body got healed, he was perfectly alright, he took all the injured members of his team at Team Himmat’s secret base. He unmasked them all. Then he took them at the nearby hospital. He also made Krodhavini sit comfortably in the secret base. Her body had started healing. He returned to the spot were they were defeated by Asatyasura. He worked with the Kiwana Rescue Force & helped the innocent citizens, who had got injured because of Asatyasura. While working with the Kiwana Rescue Force, The Gorilla found Asatyasura’s teleportation device under a public bench. He felt that this alien device could be dangerous for humans so he kept it with him. After 2 hours, he went to Team Himmat's secret base & met Krodhavini. She told him that this device is used for teleportation. She explained him the method to use the teleportation device. Hriday constructed a plan to bring those rings back from Asatyasura. He used the teleportation device & teleported himself at Planet Alfina. He suddenly appeared in the royal palace of Destrasura. Destrasura, Asatyasura, Dushtasura, Rudravini & Avnisura were shocked. Gorilla saw all the four magical rings in the hand of Destrasura. Asatyasura said, “ Gorilla? How is this possible? “. Destrasura said, “ Guards! Crush this earthling & throw him out of my palace “. Gorilla quickly ran towards Destrasura & twisted his right arm & slammed him on his throne. He heard the footsteps of Asatyasura, he was coming from the backwords. Gorilla quickly turned around, he stretched his arms straight & attacked Asatyasura’s chest with a powerful energy beam. He increased his size up to 12 feet & punched Rudravini’s face twice. He caught Avnisura & Dushtasura with both his hands. He caught their necks firmly & slammed them on the floor. Rudravini takes out her sword, she came towards him. Gorilla punched her face hard. She got seriously injured. He caught Destrasura & punched his face twice. He takes out all the four rings from Destrasura’s hand & slapped him. Destrasura got seriously injured. Two demon guards came towards him. Gorilla angrily attacked them with powerful energy beam & injured them seriously. He caught one of the demon guard, he strangled him & killed him. He attacked the other with a powerful energy beam & killed him. Destrasura was shocked. Gorilla takes out Asatyasura’s teleportation device from his pocket. He teleported himself from there & escaped successfully with the four magical rings. Asatyasura was not able to believe the truth. Destrasura got angry at him, he said, “ Asatyasura! You are a liar, you told me that you have killed the Gorilla, but look, that Earthling alone defeated us all so easily, my family members are injured, two of my guards are dead and we could not do anything “. Asatyasura got scared, he was not able to believe the truth. He promised Destrasura that he will bring his rings back & this time he will make sure that The Gorilla is dead.
When Hriday reached back on earth, he met Krodhavini. She was not able to believe that Hriday attacked Destrasura in his palace, defeated him & bought these rings back from the demons. She said, “ You are indeed the most powerful human I have ever met, you have proved that nothing is impossible for humans “.
             1 week passed, Jannseva College organized a Chess Competition between the students of Jannseva College & Gyaanveer College. There were 3 qualifying rounds conducted within both the respective colleges & the best player was chose for the chess competition. Hriday Lokwani was the chosen player from Gyaanveer College. He was successful in all the qualifying rounds & he was given the opportunity to represent Gyaanveer College in his chess competition. Hriday’s opponent was Jasveer Kaur Jagga from Jannseva College. Hriday tried very hard but Jasveer defeated him in the chess competition. She won a golden trophy & the title of ‘Chess Queen’. Jannseva College had defeated Gyaanveer College in the chess competition. Hriday was feeling very sad, he wanted his college to win but nothing worked as per his plan. Hriday’s Teachers & The Principal of Gyaanveer College motivated him, they were happy that he tried his level best & gave a though fight to Jasveer Kaur in the finals. After winning the competition, Jasveer reached at her house with her trophy. She use to stay at flat no. 302, at Krishna Housing Society. Just like Hriday Lokwani, Jasveer was also a 19 year old College student. She was not only a chess champion but she was also a trained Kick Boxer, she was known as the Kick Boxing Champion in her college. She was 6 feet tall, physical strong & intelligent. She had never lost in any Chess or Kick Boxing competition since her childhood. Jasveer was from a Sikh family. Harnaam Singh Jagga & Poonam Kaur Jagga were her parents. They were not surprised when Jasveer told them that she has stood first in the Chess competition. There were number of trophies at Jasveer’s house. She had won more that 20 trophies in chess, kick boxing & other different competitions. Harnaam & Poonam were proud of her. Harnaam Singh Jagga was an Electrician & Poonam Kaur Jagga was a Lawyer. She use to spend most of her time in her office & the court. Jasveer wanted to celebrate her victory by having Chole Bhature in the lunch. Poonam started preparing Chole Bhature for the lunch. While cooking, she realised that there is no salt left at home. She told Jasveer to bring some salt from their neighbour, Tanuja Arora. Jasveer went to Tanuja’s flat. She pressed the doorbell. A 10 year old girl opened the door. Jasveer had never seen her before. Tanuja came in the hall. She was surprised to meet Jasveer after a long time. Jasveer proudly told her that she has won the title of ‘Chess Queen’ in her college. Tanuja was surprised, she told her that she is a multi talented genius & she is proud of her. Jasveer requested Tanuja to give some salt to her. Tanuja told the girl to bring some salt from the kitchen. Jasveer had never seen that girl before, she asked about her to Tanuja. Tanuja told her that she is Florina. She had recently visited an orphanage, where she met Florina for the first time, that was the moment when she felt like she should start a new life with Florina. Tanuja didn’t had kids & she had also lost her Husband 3 years ago in an accident. She use to live all alone at her house. Florina had filled her colourless life with bright colours of happiness. Jasveer felt very happy when she met Florina. She told Florina that she would love to play chess with her. Florina said in a very low voice that she doesn’t know anything about chess. Jasveer promised her that she will train her not only in chess but also in Kick Boxing. Florina was surprised, she told her that she would love to play with her. Jasveer took the bowl of salt from Florina & went to her house.
Next Morning, Jasveer was leaving for the college. When she was passing by the gate of Krishna Housing Society, suddenly someone hits her head with a marble. She was shocked. She looked at her building. Florina was in the balcony & she was trying to say something. She threw a paper ball at Jasveer & by her actions it looked like she wanted her to read the paper. Jasveer read the paper, Florina had written that she was kidnapped by a cruel man who bought her at Tanuja’s house, Tanuja use to make her do all the household works, she use to wash her dirty utensils, clean her house & she use to treat her like a slave, she had never shared this with anyone but yesterday when she met her, she felt like she is the only one who will defiantly help her in this situation. Jasveer was shocked. She looked at Florina, there were tears in her eyes. Jasveer got extremely angry. She immediately rushed towards Tanuja’s flat. She angrily punched the doorbell & broke it. She said, “ How dare you do trouble a child, open the door, you sinner “. She kicked the door twice. Tanuja was shocked, she ran towards the main door, suddenly Jasveer kicked the door with extreme force & broke it. Tanuja was shocked. Jasveer caught her with her right hand & she held Florina’s hand with her left hand. She dragged Tanuja & took her near the society gate. She hired a rickshaw & took both of them to Kiwana Police Station. The Rickshaw driver had never faced such situation before, even he got sacred of Jasveer. Jasveer entered in the Police Station with Tanuja & Florina.
Senior Inspector Vishal Bansal came out of his cabin. Inspector Diljit Singh, Inspector Kaveri & Constable Surili were shocked. Jasveer told Senior Inspector Vishal Bansal that Tanuja is a cruel Lady, she treats Florina like a slave & she should be punished. Inspector Kaveri interrogated Tanuja, she confessed her crime. She had purchased Florina from a rich businessman, who sells human slaves at a very cheap rate. Jasveer got angry because she felt Tanuja was talking about Florina as if she considers her a product & not a human. A man entered in the police station, he had worn a black hoodie. Suddenly all the lights turned off. The Police Officers were shocked. The Man shots Tanuja dead. Jasveer grabbed Florina in her arms & hides behind a chair.  The man in the black hoodie, threw a smoke bomb in a corner. Florina closed her eyes. After some time the smoke cleared. The man in the black hoodie was not found anywhere. Tanuja’s dead body was laying on the floor. Senior Inspector Vishal was sure that The Man in the black hoodie was the one who had kidnapped & sold Florina to Tanuja. He was a human trafficker & there was 100% possibility that he must have kidnapped number of kids like Florina. He thanked Jasveer for helping Police Department, he ensured her that the Man in the black hoodie will be caught soon & he will make sure that Florina is safe, he will find her parents & send her home as soon as possible. Till the time they find Florina’s parents she will stay safe in the Police Custody. Jasveer was feeling satisfied, she requested Senior Inspector Vishal to take good care of Florina till the time she meets her parents. Florina thanked Jasveer for helping her. Jasveer went to her home. She informed about this incident to her parents – Harnaam Singh Jagga & Poonam Kaur Jagga. They were shocked. Poonam told her that she should never put her life at risk in such way. Still she was feeling happy for Florina. The doorbell rings, Jasveer opens the door. The Man in the black hoodie was standing in front of her. She was shocked. He punched her face hard & sprayed a chemical on her face. Jasveer fell unconscious. After few hours when Jasveer came back to consciousness, she was in a factory. The Man in the black hoodie was standing in front of her. He said, “ Now you will be working here, learn how to use these machineries & cooperate everyone else in this factory “. Jasveer was not able to find her parents there, she asked about them to him. He said, “ I didn’t needed them, so I threw them in the garbage box “. Jasveer got angry. She kicked his stomach hard & slammed him on the floor. Two muscular guards entered the factory, they caught Jasveer. The Man in the black hoodie instructed them to torture Jasveer till the moment she agrees to work with them. One of the Guard punched Jasveer’s face hard & the other twisted her right arm firmly. She got seriously injured. Jasveer had no option left in front of her, she learnt the method to use the machineries &
Started working in the factory like other forced labourers. Harnaam & Poonam were laying unconscious near a public garbage box. A noble man took them to a nearby hospital. When they regained consciousness, they registered Jasveer’s missing complaint, Police department started  searching Jasveer but they were not able to find any clue to reach till her.
1 week passed, At 7 am, Rajveer Tejwani was walking towards his school. Suddenly a car stopped at him. The Man in the black hoodie was driving the car, he grabbed Rajveer in the car & handcuffed him. There were two goons with him. Rajveer was shocked. One the goons sprayed a chemical on his face. Rajveer fainted. After few hours he regained consciousness, he was in a factory. The Man in the black hoodie was standing in front of him. He said, “ Now you will be working here, learn how to use these machineries & cooperate everyone else in this factory “. Rajveer was shocked. He checked his bag, he remembered that he had kept the Power Ring at his house & he was feeling completely helpless without it. A Muscular Guard came there, he caught Rajveer & forced him to work with others. The Guard twisted Rajveer’s right arm firmly. Jasveer got angry, she said, “ leave him! “. The Guard slapped Jasveer. Rajveer was shocked. He started following the instructions of The Man in black hoodie. He started working like others in the factory. When no one was watching him, he spoke to Jasveer. He came to know that all the workers in this factory are forced labourers. All were kidnapped just like him.
On the other hand, when Rajveer didn’t returned back home & it was not possible to contact him, his parents – Kishori & Manohar started searching him. They registered a police complaint. The Police Officers started searching him. Detective Karan came to know about it, he met Kishori & Manohar & ensured them that he will find Rajveer in hook or crook. Suddenly he received a call by Hriday. He told him that Asatyasura has attacked the Suhani Sawak Garden & number of innocents are in danger. Detective Karan takes out his roller skates from his bag & arrived towards Suhani Sawak Garden. Soon he reached at the garden. He immediately went behind a bus & disguised as Yoddha. He jumped across the Garden fence & entered in the garden. Jeet was already present at the spot. Asatyasura had badly injured him. There was a sword & a shield in the hands of Asatyasura. He attacked Jeet’s chest twice with his sword. Yoddha ran towards him. Asatyasura was about the attack him with his sword but Yoddha smartly dodged the attack. The Gorilla landed in the garden. He caught Asatyasura & slammed him on the ground. Jeet's injury got healed, he quickly ran towards Asatyasura & punched his face. Asatyasura shoots green coloured energy beams from his eyes, the energy beam hits The Gorilla’s chest. Jeet angrily kicked his chest hard & caught his right arm tightly. He gave a powerful shock to him. Asatyasura got injured. He angrily pushed Jeet, he twisted his right arm & removed the Thunder Ring from his finger. Jeet became completely helpless. Asatyasura wares the Thunder Ring. He was worthy of it & he could access all the powers of this ring. The Gorilla increased his size up to 12 feet. Asatyasura shoots his knee with green coloured energy beam & injured him. He caught his right arm firmly & gave him a powerful electric shock. Miss Justice, Agni, Saathi, Krodhavini & Crime Hater reached at the spot. Asatyasura caught Miss Justice & Crime Hater, he threw them 2 kilometres away, at the street. They both got seriously injured. Gorilla angrily punched Asatyasura’s face hard. He slammed Hriday on the ground & quickly punched his face more than 50 times. Hriday lost his consciousness. Krodhavini & Saathi caught Asatyasura & Agni punched his face hard. Asatyasura gave a powerful electric shock to Krodhavini & Saathi. He shoots Agni’s chest with green lazar & injured her seriously. He takes out the Fire ring from Agni’s finger. Sunidhi was about to get up but he firmly placed his feet on her stomach. He wore the fire ring & looked at Sunidhi. He said, “ Now it’s your turn, Saathi “. He spewed fire from his mouth. The fire hits Sunidhi’s face, she got seriously injured & fainted. He took off the wind ring from Sunidhi’s finger. He looked at the ring carefully & then wears it. He had defeated The Gorilla, Miss Justice, Agni, Saathi, Krodhavini, Crime Hater & Yoddha. He had also proved himself worthy of The Fire, The Wind & The Thunder Rings. He used his communication device & contacted Avnisura. He told him to use his Ring Tracker & find the location of Himmat & The Power Ring. Avnisura sent the location details of the Power Ring at Asatyasura’s communication device. He arrived towards The Power Ring. He reached at Pavansutt Housing society. The Power Ring was traced at flat number 606 – which was Rajveer’s flat. He was about to enter the society but suddenly Gorilla attacked his back with a powerful energy beam. Asatyasura was shocked. Krodhavini kicked his stomach twice & punched his chest hard. The residents of Pavansutt Housing Society were terrified.
Gorilla slammed him on the street. Agni reached there, she went to Rajveer’s house, she met Kishori & Manohar & ensured them that they are safe. She entered Rajveer’s room & found the Power Ring in a drawer. She wares the Power Ring & jumped off the window. The Gorilla, Agni & Krodhavini overpowered Asatyasura & snatched the rings back from him.  Asatyasura got seriously injured. Agni punched his chest with extreme force. She lifted him with both her hands & slammed him on her knee. He got injured, he immediately teleported himself from there & escaped.
On the other hand, The Man in the Black hoodie came in the factory. He was not satisfied with the work done by Rajveer. He punched his face hard & scolded him. Jasveer got angry. She caught The Man in the Black hoodie & stabbed his forehead with a factory machine. All the guards were shocked. Rajveer snatched the gun of one of the guards & shots at The Man in the Black hoodie's arm. Jasveer caught his arm firmly & Rajveer kept him on his gunpoint. He checked his pocket & found his cell phone. He called at Kiwana Police Station & requested Senior Inspector Vishal Bansal to help them. Senior Inspector Vishal, Inspector Diljit Singh,
Inspector Kaveri & Constable Surili reached at the spot. Senior Inspector Vishal uncovered the face of the Man in the black hoodie. He was interrogated till 3 hours. He introduced himself as Siddesh Rao, he was the Master Mind of this illegal business of Human Trafficking. He use to kidnap the common citizens from Kiwana City & he use to sell them to the one who use to charge him a suitable amount of money. He use to sell & supply humans in different cities. Siddesh Rao & his entire team was put behind the bars. They had chosen an illegal way to become rich.
Finally after a lot of struggle,
Rajveer met his parents & the Members of his team. Even Jasveer met her family members. Harnaam Singh Jagga, Jasveer’s father & Poonam Kaur Jagga, her mother, were happy to see her back home. Siddesh Rao & his entire team was caught because of Jasveer & Rajveer. Siddesh & his team members were put behind the bars.
1 week passed, Pinkoo, a 12 year old child was returning from his school. He was passing by a street, suddenly a van stopped at him. The driver grabbed him inside the van & rushed from there. The people at the street were shocked. Coincidentally Jasveer was waiting at the traffic signal on her bicycle. She saw the driver grabbing Pinkoo in his van. She started chasing the van on her bicycle. She went as fast as she could. After a long chase, The Kidnapper stopped the car at a old hut. He kept Pinkoo captive in the old hut. Jasveer reached at the old hut, she wanted to save Pinkoo but then she returned back to her house quietly. The Kidnapper calls Pinkoo’s parents – Ushika & Rewaan, he threatened them by saying that he will kill Pinkoo if they will not fulfil his demands. He demanded a huge amount of money from them in exchange of Pinkoo’s life. Ushika & Rewaan were shocked. They started gathering money in order to fulfil The Kidnapper’s demand & to save Pinkoo’s life.
On the other hand, Jasveer was at her house, she kept her plain red coloured full sleeves T-shirt & black coloured track pant on her bed. She went to the market & purchased a saffron coloured domino mask & some chocolates. She had made her mind to help Pinkoo, she felt that if she will disguise then this will reduce the risk on her life. Luckily there was no one at her house. She wears the red coloured full sleeves T-shirt & the black coloured track pant. She puts on a jacket on the T-shirt & kept her domino mask in the pocket of her jacket. She reached at the Old Hut on her bicycle.  She puts off her jacket & kept it on the backseat of her bicycle. She covered her face with the saffron domino mask. She went close to the warehouse. She kicked the door hard & broke it. The Kidnapper & Pinkoo were shocked. Jasveer caught the kidnapper & punched his face thrice. She kicked his stomach with extreme force. He fell down, Jasveer placed her foot firmly on his chest. The Kidnapper got seriously injured. She unmasked his face. She asked loudly, “ Who are you? How dare you harm Pinkoo? “. Pinkoo got scared. She gave some chocolates to him & wiped his tears. Pinkoo said, “ Thank you very much, I have never met a brave person like you…Who are you? ". The Kidnapper said angrily, “ she is a coward, hiding behind a mask “. Jasveer punched his face twice & said,” Pinkoo…..You can call me…. Queen Valour “. Queen Valour angrily looked at the kidnapper & said, “ Now tell me, who are you, and why did you kidnap this child? “. The Kidnapper said that he Is Viraaj, he confessed his crime, he was in urgent need of money, few days ago, his 10 year old son was playing in the garden, while returning back home, he tried to cross the road hurriedly & had an accident with a car. He had got seriously injured & was immediately hospitalized. Vanraaj was unable to bare the treatment expenses of his son so at the end, he collected some information about the rich businessmen in the city, he came to know about Rewaan. He kidnapped Pinkoo & threatened Rewaan to give him a large amount of money, which he actually required for the treatment of his son. Queen Valour calls Police. Senior Inspector Vishal Bansal, Inspector Diljit Singh, Inspector Kaveri & Constable Surili reached at the spot. Vanraaj was arrested. Senior Inspector Vishal asked Queen Valour that is she a part of Himmat & Yoddha’s team. Queen Valour told that she doesn’t believe in team work, she likes to work alone.
Next Morning, Detective Karan was reading a newspaper. ‘Queen Valour – the Queen Saviour of Kiwana ‘, was the news headline. He read the article on Queen Valour, he came to know that in an recent interview, Senior Inspector Vishal stated that he has personally met The Masked Girl – Queen Valour, she is a crime fighter, she had saved a child form a kidnapper & she likes to work alone, she is not a part of Team Himmat. She had clearly started that she doesn’t even believes in team work. Detective Karan was curious to know why does Queen Valour likes to work alone. Suddenly Hansal calls him, he told him that Asatyasura & Mithyavini have attacked the Sajjan Mall. Karan immediately disguised as Yoddha & puts on his roller skates. He rushed towards Sajjan Mall. Asatyasura & Mithyavini had damaged a lot of public property. Himmat, Jeet, Agni, Saathi, Crime Hater, Gorilla, Miss Justice & Krodhavini were already present at the spot. Asatyasura stabbed his sword at Himmat’s chest & pulls it out immediately. Gorilla produced powerful energy beam from his right hand & angrily attacked Asatyasura’s shoulder. He got seriously injured. Gorilla quickly ran towards him & snatched his sword from his hand. Saathi & Agni caught Asatyasura & made him kneel down. Mithyavini was about to attack Gorilla, suddenly Jeet caught her. He gave her a powerful electric shock. Mithyavini stabbed her sword in his stomach. She pulls out the sword & kicked his stomach. She scratched his face with her sharp nails. Jeet got seriously injured. Unexpectedly Krodhavini caught her. She angrily slammed her on the street. She caught her & stabbed her forehead on a car. She punched her face twice, she scratched her neck & killed her. Asatyasura was shocked. Krodhavini had killed his wife – Mithyavini in front of his eyes & he was completely helpless. He got extremely angry, he pushed Saathi & Agni & roared like a lion. Queen Valour reached at the spot. She found Asatyasura’s sword in a corner, she lifted it up & went towards him. Asatyasura produced red coloured energy beams from his eyes & injured Gorilla, Krodhavini, Himmat, Jeet, Agni & Saathi. He angrily caught Crime Hater’s neck. He said, “ I hate earthlings, you have made a demoness kill another demoness, you all
Are sinners “. Suddenly Queen Valour came in front of Asatyasura & attacked his arm with the sword. He got seriously injured. She angrily stabbed the sword in his chest & killed him. Himmat was not able to believe the truth. The dead bodies of Mithyavini & Asatyasura disappeared from there. Rajveer was successful in his mission. He spoke to Queen Valour. He told her that he needs a brave & fearless warrior like her in his team. Queen Valour had realised that she alone cannot stop these aliens, she has to be a part of a team in order to tackle these powerful aliens. She accepted Himmat’s offer & became a part of his team. One of the Destrasura’s secret informer gave the news of Mithyavini & Asatyasura’s death to him. Destrasura was shocked to know that Mithyavini & Asatyasura both are dead.
        On the other hand, Hemeshwar Modi, a rich businessman was at his house. He was watching the live interview of a Minister on the television. The Minister said that he believes In equality & he also believes that the women & men are equal, they must be treated equally. He announced that he was planning to launch a special facility for girls in all the public schools of Kiwana City. Through this special facility, the government was going to provide free books & other required stationary products to all the girls of all the public schools of Kiwana City. Hemeshwar was surprised, he felt that the Kiwana Government is truly working for the people. Suddenly a masked man entered in the hall from the kitchen. He said, “ These politicians are criminals & people like you are fools “. Hemeshwar was shocked. The Masked Man said, “ look, these politicians are providing free books to all the girls of public schools but what about me? Who will fulfil my requirements? Tell me Hemeshwar “. Hemeshwar got scared, he said in a low voice, “ You are a thief, why will the government help you? “. The Masked Man punched Hemeshwar’s face hard & said, “ I was not a thief, the circumstances forced me to conduct such thefts & risk my life every second, I always wanted to study but the society was too cruel for me “. He slapped Hemeshwar’s face & punched his stomach. He angrily lifted a chair, he hits the television hard with the chair. He said, “ Shut your mouth, I hate these cruel Politicians, Let me tell you, Mr. Hemeshwar…… few weeks ago, I had conducted a theft at Sananand Pandey’s house, these Police Officers are still unable to catch me, this entire system is corrupted, no one actually works for the innocent citizens “. He locked Hemeshwar in the bathroom & entered his bedroom. He broke the locker & stole all the jewellery sets & cash. He jumped off the window & escaped. Hemeshwar struggle till 10 minutes but he was not able to come out of the bathroom. Finally some of his neighbours gathered at his house & they helped him. The Masked Man was clearly visible in the secret CCTV camera at the entrance of Hemeshwar’s bungalow. Senior Inspector Vishal Bansal, Inspector Diljit Singh, Inspector Kaveri & Constable Surili reached at the spot. They started the investigation. Suddenly Yoddha, Miss Justice, Gorilla & Queen Valour reached at the spot. Hemeshwar gave the statement that he thinks that The Masked Man hates Politicians & he is extremely short tempered. Yoddha checked each & every corner of the house. He found a broken cell phone under the sofa. He restarted the cell phone. The cell phone was not password protected, he checked it. The cell phone was owned by Mr. Tom Joseph. He read the chats of Tom & came to know that he is a College going Youth. He was removed from the college chat group 2 months ago. Miss Justice & Gorilla visited Tom’s college & they took all the details about him from the college authority. They came to know that Tom had dropped out from the college 2 months ago & he had probably given up his studies.
On the other hand, Tom Joseph was at his bungalow. He was having Sev Puri. Gorilla reached at Tom’s bungalow. He decreased his size up to 6 inches & entered the bungalow from the window. Miss Justice broke the main door. Tom was shocked. He picked his knife from the table. Gorilla increased his size up to 6 feet & appeared suddenly in front of him. Miss Justice had worn her magnetic gloves, she pressed the button of her glove. Tom’s knife got attracted towards the glove & Miss Justice caught the knife. Gorilla slightly pushed Tom. Tom got stabbed to the wall behind him due to the force. He got seriously injured. Miss Justice kicked his stomach hard & overpowered him. Tom confessed his crime. He was a 18 year old Young boy.
He was a college student but he had to dropout from the college after his parents’ death in an accident. None of his friends or relatives helped him during those dark days. At the end, he started conducting thefts in order to fulfil his needs. The Gorilla was about to call Detective Karan but suddenly Tom takes out a chemical spray from a drawer. He sprayed the chemical at Gorilla’s face. His eyes started burning. Miss Justice threw her metallic boomerang at Tom. The boomerang hits his chest hard & returns back at Miss Justice. Tom got seriously injured. Gorilla entered the bathroom & washed his face. He came back at Tom & looked at him angrily. He said, “ Don’t cross your limits, I an crush you in a second, I am not doing so because the law doesn’t allow me to kill, don’t try to act smart, or else… I will actually crush you under my feet “. Tom got scared. Police Officers, Crime Hater, Yoddha & Queen Valour reached at the spot. Tom confessed his crime, he was handcuffed. When he sat in the Police Van, he looked at Miss Justice & said, “ These handcuffs, jail, Police or The Masked Crime Fighters like you , no one can stop me, I will definitely come back, Mark my words… I will return soon “. Miss Justice said, “ I don’t think so “. The Police Officer started the van & took Tom to the City Jail.
After few hours, Hriday met Jasveer in the Green Melody Garden. Hriday told her, he thinks that Tom Joseph was not wrong at his place. He had collected some information about the Government Provisions, plans & special services in the field of education. He came to know that there are services for both girls & boys but there are also certain special services specifically for the girls. There are more that 30 schools where Kiwana City government provides free education to girls & they charge only 15 rupees as the fees for the boys. There are politicians who provide free textbooks to all the girls of public schools. All these services are for the empowerment of the underprivileged girls. There are people in our society, who don’t give much importance to girl’s education, that’s the reason, there are such facilities & provisions for the empowerment of the underprivileged girls of Kiwana City. Tom should have tried to find some other ways to help himself during those tough situations, instead he became a criminal & ultimately spoiled his own life. He told her that he does not believes in equality, all are not equal for him, he believes in ‘Positive Discrimination’. Jasveer had never heard the term ‘Positive Discrimination’ before. Hriday told her that he believes that we cannot treat everyone in the equal manner & we always treat everyone differently. When people give equal service to a particular group of individuals, they also expect same returns from every individual, which is wrong, they compere one individual with another because they assume that all are equal, but the reality is that we may give equal service to a particular group of individuals, but we cannot expect same returns from every individual in that group, we should not compere one individual with another because every individual has his own capacity & their individual specialities. Sometimes People give importance to the gender of a human, instead they should give importance to the capabilities of every individual. According to Hriday, Positive Discrimination is to respect individuality of every person & to eradicate negative equality & negative comparison from the world. Jasveer was satisfied with the idea of Positive Discrimination.

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