Chapter 24. Northern Frontier: Seal of Resolve.

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Under the vaulted ceilings of the ancient cave, where the walls seemed to breathe darkness and cold, Darius stood, concentrating a large amount of Mana Particles in his legs. He needed to ensure quick maneuverability in the upcoming battle. His breathing was steady, but determination gleamed in his eyes. With a sudden lunge to the right, he darted toward one of the fallen warriors.

The sword in Darius's hands glinted in the dim torchlight, and with a precise, calculated blow, he struck the neck of the fallen warrior, sending him reeling back several meters. Darius looked at his former comrade with deep sorrow. He understood that this being was no longer his faithful friend but merely a shell controlled by evil.

- "Forgive me, my friend," he whispered, closing his eyes for a moment to control his surging emotions.

But there was no time for reflection. The old man, raising his hands to chest level, conjured several dozen crystalline daggers. With a single motion, he directed them toward Darius.

Darius, noticing the sudden attack, reacted instantly. His movements were swift and precise. He deftly dodged the deadly shards, but in the chaos, he lost sight of the second fallen soldier. The strike was inevitable. Darius felt one of the crystalline daggers pierce his left leg, another his left shoulder, and a third his left side.

- "No... not now..." Darius rasped, trying to pull out the daggers. He immediately yanked out two of them, but the third began to melt like ice, seeping into his body and causing unbearable pain.

The old man, standing motionless, watched Darius with cold indifference. His eyes glittered, and his voice sounded like a verdict.

- "Unfortunate elf. I see many questions in your eyes. I will tell you just one thing. Now you are doomed to eternal suffering, just like your comrades."

The first fallen soldier, despite his broken neck, began to stir. He slowly rose, moving toward Darius. The second warrior, approaching from behind, swung a large shield and struck the wounded Commander.

Darius fell to the ground, writhing in pain. He screamed, trying to understand what had happened to him.

- "What have you done to me?" he asked with desperation in his voice.

The old man repeated his words, sounding like a curse:

- "Now you are doomed to eternal suffering."

Feeling his last drops of strength leaving him, Darius struggled to his feet. He knew escaping alive was no longer possible, but he decided to pour all his remaining Mana into one final blow. Thoughts raced through his mind about never forgiving himself for not making the right choice and giving the necessary command. Even in his last moments, he remained the Commander of the Northern Expedition.

The old man, retreating into the darkness with his new minions, suddenly sensed an incredibly strong Mana. He turned and saw Darius, barely standing, enveloped in a bright orange stream of Mana, as if the very flames of the underworld embraced his body, accompanied by lightning.

The old man fully turned to Darius and, smirking, said:
- "This is quite commendable. A mortal being who can use a Deviant Form of Magic, and at such a young age, deserves praise."

Darius had no intention of listening to the old man's praise. He focused entirely on concentrating the Mana in his Core. Once the Flow of Mana stabilized, Darius moved into action.

He directed streams of Mana from the center of his chest to his legs to gain incredible speed, while streams channeled to his palms created flames that could burn through anything. With a sharp dash out of the enemy's sight, Darius attacked first, unleashing a torrent of scorching flames at the old man. Then, using the lightning, he instantly shifted to another side to attack again.

The old man remained motionless, and Darius's attacks either dissipated into the air or were blocked by a magical shield. At first glance, it seemed the old man couldn't keep up with Darius's movements, but in his bright blue eyes, one could notice how they anticipated every move.

- "No matter how fast you are, you are still mortal," the old man said, raising his hand toward the stone door and conjuring a two-handed sword from crystalline material, covered in ancient runes.

The old man, holding the sword in his right hand, deflected all of Darius's long-range attacks. Darius hesitated, seeing how the massive sword was easily wielded with one hand.

Stopping opposite the old man, Darius realized that his magical attacks were useless against this powerful being. He decided to enhance his body with a Deviant form of Fire and Lightning. Approaching his sword lying near the spot where the first fallen soldier struck him with the shield, he picked it up and, taking a combat stance, looked seriously at the old man.

- "Like true warriors, state your name and who you are," demanded Darius.

The old man smirked and replied, "Angelus Thanatu. You are quite strong for an elf. I will grant you a painless death."

- "I am Darius Crowley, a Pure-Blooded elf," Darius responded, enveloping his sword with bright sparks of lightning and charging toward the old man with a battle cry. His heart pounded wildly, and each step was a struggle. The dagger that had dissolved in his body was slowly killing him from within, spreading a blue liquid throughout his system.

Darius knew his chances of winning were incredibly slim, but he had no intention of surrendering or dying like a coward. Seeing the desperation and relentless courage in Darius's eyes, the old man took a step and suddenly appeared right in front of Darius's face.

- "How is this possible?" Darius muttered in shock.

But the old man swiftly pierced Darius with his sword. The sword began to melt like ice, absorbing into Darius's body.

Darius's weapon fell from his hands, and he collapsed to his knees before crumpling to the ground at the old man's feet, closing his eyes.

Gathering his last bit of strength, Darius reached for the sword lying nearby. With a raspy voice, he said, "This... is not over yet," Darius croaked, his voice weak but determined. "Even in my death... they will hunt you down."

The old man crouched down and looked into Darius's eyes. Uttering words in an ancient language that Darius couldn't understand, the old man brought his hand to Darius's face and closed his eyes.

- "How is this possible?" — Darius exclaimed in shock.

But the old man wasted no time and plunged his sword into Darius. The blade began to melt like ice, seeping into Darius's body.

Darius's weapon slipped from his hands, and he fell to his knees before collapsing to the ground at the old man's feet, his eyes closing shut. Summoning the last of his strength, Darius reached out for his fallen sword. With a rasping voice, he said:
- "This... isn't over yet," his voice weak but resolute. "Even in my death... they will hunt you."

He watched the dying warrior intently. His eyes glowed with a cold light, reflecting the grim wisdom of the ages. He slowly knelt, his knees silently touching the stone floor. His long, thin fingers reached for Darius's face, and he looked directly into his eyes.

- "You are too arrogant, elf," the old man said with mocking coldness in his voice. "But I will tell you one more thing.

The old man began speaking in an ancient language, the sounds of which were filled with mysterious power and deep magic. The words flowed like a river, smooth and inexorable. Their meaning was unfathomable to the ordinary ear, but their power was palpable. It seemed as if each syllable was infused with ancient magic, endowed with the ability to penetrate the very essence of being.

He finished the incantation and slowly brought his hand to Darius's face. His touch was surprisingly gentle, almost tender. He carefully closed Darius's eyes, as if laying him to a final rest.

Darius, feeling the old man's touch, sensed his consciousness slipping into darkness. His last breath left his body, and the room fell into complete silence.

- "Rest in peace, unfortunate warrior," the old man whispered. "Your hunt is over."

Darius felt his Mana Particles leaving his Core. Life slowly drained from his body.

Around them, in the shadows cast by flickering torches, the air was thick with tension and mystical energy. Every sound and every movement seemed laden with symbolic significance. The stone walls of the library, covered in ancient inscriptions and runes, stood as silent witnesses to this tragic scene.

The old man slowly stood up, his figure straightening, his eyes glowing with cold determination. He looked at Darius's body lying before him, and a faint smile crossed his lips.

- "You were a worthy opponent," he said, more to himself than to anyone else. "But now you are mine."

The old man turned and slowly walked deeper into the cave, his steps silent like a ghost's. Behind him, like puppets, the two fallen warriors followed their new master, their eyes glowing with a sinister light.

Kaira And Jean.
As the massive stone door slammed shut behind Kaira and Jean with a resounding thud, a cold wind from the depths of the cave swept over them, causing them both to shudder. They shouted frantically, calling out for Commander Darius.

- "Commander!" Kaira yelled, her voice echoing through the cave corridors. "Darius, can you hear us?"

Jean, staring tensely at the closed door, began looking around for a way to open it.

- "We have to open it, like last time," Kaira said, immediately getting to work. "Jean, help me!"

They began deciphering the runes on the door, trying to recall every detail of their previous attempt to open it. Their hands glowed with Mana, and their eyes scanned each symbol, hoping to find the solution. Kaira and Jean, seasoned mages with years of practice behind them, used their knowledge and skills to unlock the door. They focused their Mana Particles on the runes, attempting to activate the door's mechanism.

The sounds of battle and Darius's cries from behind the door spurred them to more decisive action. Kaira and Jean tried to hasten their efforts, but each time they attempted to open the door, their efforts proved futile. Minutes, then hours passed as they realized time was against them.

- "He needs us, Kaira," Jean said desperately, continuing to work on the runes. "We have to get through."

- "I know," Kaira replied, her voice trembling with tension and fatigue. "But this is much harder than last time."

With each of their attempts, the sounds of battle grew weaker until finally, silence fell. Both mages froze, pressing their ears to the door, straining to hear any sound, but there was nothing.

- "Commander?" Kaira whispered anxiously, her heart tightening with fear.

Jean, enraged by the situation, pounded the door with his fist. Pain shot through his hand, but he didn't feel it, consumed by emotion.

- "Damn it!" Jean shouted, his eyes full of anger and despair.

Kaira sank to her knees, tears streaming down her cheeks like icy droplets. All her confidence and resolve vanished in an instant.

- "We've lost him, Jean," she whispered through her tears. "We couldn't help him."

Jean approached Kaira and embraced her, trying to offer comfort.

- "We can still do something," he said gently. "We must survive for him and finish his mission."

They discussed the possible scenarios of what might have happened on the other side of the door. Their thoughts wandered through grim assumptions, but they understood one thing: their mission was not over. Resolving to follow Darius's last order—to retreat and report what had happened—they gathered all their magical supplies and quickly headed for the cave's exit.

With each step, they felt the weight of their loss, but the determination and desire to avenge their Commander gave them strength. They vowed that Darius's death would not be in vain, and every step they took was filled with resolve to carry out his final command.

Kaira and Jean's journey back to the surface did not take long, as they focused solely on the need to move forward. The path through the narrow, dark corridors of the cave was arduous, but adrenaline and the fear of what had transpired drove them on.

- "We must reach Commander Arturia as soon as possible," Kaira urged, looking at Jean. "She needs to know everything that happened."

- "I agree. We have to report to her," Jean replied, his voice tense and serious.

When they saw the faint light at the end of the tunnel, they quickened their pace, their hearts pounding faster. The bright, warm light hit them squarely in the eyes. After being in the cave for so long, Kaira and Jean felt almost blinded by the brightness. They blinked and squinted, adjusting to the daylight. At the cave entrance, they were met by one of Arturia's patrol members. He was a tall, sturdily built elf with sharp features, who immediately rushed towards them. His eyes glistened with tension and concern.

- "Kaira, Jean! Where is Commander Darius?" he asked in surprise, noticing the absence of the Commander and the remaining warriors.

The air was filled with a chill, and everyone's breath came out in white clouds of steam. Kaira and Jean, feeling exhausted and heavy-hearted, exchanged brief glances before Kaira replied:

- "We need to see Arturia urgently. Where is she now?"

The patrolman, clearly worried, nodded and gestured for them to follow him. The wind picked up, lifting snow dust and creating the sensation that even nature itself was against them.

Kaira and Jean moved through the camp, surrounded by tall pines whose branches creaked under the force of the cold wind. The air was pierced by icy gusts that cut through their warm clothing, making everyone outside huddle closer. The bustling camp, with its many tents, campfires, and bustling warriors, created an atmosphere of tense anticipation.

- "What happened?" Vago asked without looking back. "I can see from your faces that something serious occurred."

- "We'll tell Arturia everything," Jean replied, trying not to reveal his emotions, but his voice trembled. "Just lead us."

Fires burned brightly, illuminating the tents and figures of the warriors preparing for the night. The flames crackled, throwing sparks into the air, mingling with the smoke that trailed along the ground and rose upwards, disappearing among the branches of the trees. This smoke created a thick veil, through which it was difficult to see anything.

The patrol members glanced at them, whispering among themselves as they saw the serious faces of Kaira and Jean. Their eyes showed concern and anticipation. The people in the camp sensed that something important had happened.

When they reached a large tent adorned with the symbol of their unit—a double-headed eagle with outstretched wings—Vago stopped. Kaira and Jean, despite their fatigue and worries, tried to hold themselves with dignity, knowing that a difficult conversation awaited them.

- "Commander Arturia, this is Kaira and Jean. They have returned with important news," Vago introduced them before asking for permission to enter. "May we come in?"

From inside the tent, Arturia's voice, firm and confident but tinged with fatigue, answered:

- "Come in."

Kaira and Jean entered the spacious tent, where the warmth from a large fire mixed with the scents of herbs and resin, created a cozy yet tense atmosphere. The flames cast shadows on the tent walls, their play of light and dark reminiscent of the complex and grim events of the past hours. Inside, it was cozy despite the harsh conditions of the outside world.

Arturia sat behind a massive wooden table, cluttered with maps and documents covered in symbols and notes, attesting to her intense work. Her face, usually calm and assured, now showed signs of fatigue and tension. In Arturia's eyes, there was a mix of determination and hidden worry, and she struggled to maintain control over her emotions.

- "Tell me what happened," she said, gesturing for them to sit. Her voice was firm, but there was an undertone of concern.

Kaira and Jean sank into chairs, feeling the tension gradually leaving them, but aware of the importance of the conversation ahead. The fire crackled, creating a comforting warmth that softened the cold gusts of wind seeping into the tent. Kaira began first, her voice quiet but filled with determination:

- "We reached the depths of the cave, where we encountered various traps and strange ancient symbols. We also discovered bizarre mutations among the Mana-beasts. These creatures were aggressive and incredibly strong."

Kaira couldn't hold back her emotions and fell silent, tears streaming down her cheeks. Seeing this, Jean continued the story up to their exit from the cave, his voice trembling, but he tried to stay composed.

Arturia listened intently, her face remaining stone-like, but her eyes betrayed an internal struggle. She took a deep breath, comprehending the gravity of their loss. For a moment, she closed her eyes as if gathering her thoughts, then looked back at Kaira and Jean.

- "Your actions were correct. Our task now is to uncover what happened beyond that door and report everything to Godrian and Tyrion," Arturia finally said, her voice filled with determination. "We must continue our mission and do everything we can to avenge Commander Darius."

Kaira and Jean nodded, their faces showing a mix of sorrow and resolve. Silence fell again in the tent, broken only by the crackling of the fire and the howling of the wind outside. The fire's crackle created a sense of coziness but also reminded them that they were in harsh conditions.

- "Our primary goal is to fulfill Commander Darius's last order: retreat and report what happened," Jean added, his words sounding like a vow.

Seeing their determination, Arturia rose from her seat and approached them, placing her hands on their shoulders.

- "We all knew what we were getting into when we started this mission. Darius was ready to give his life to protect us and our kingdom. We cannot let him down. Let's gather all our strength and do everything possible to ensure his sacrifice was not in vain."

A fire of determination ignited in their eyes. They understood that their path would be difficult and dangerous, but they had a purpose—and they were ready to do whatever it took to achieve it. Outside the tent, the camp continued its routine: soldiers prepared for the night, checked their equipment, and discussed plans for tomorrow. The atmosphere was tense, but everyone knew their task and was ready to perform it.

- "Tomorrow, we continue our journey," Arturia declared, her voice confident and firm. "We must be prepared for anything. Our mission is not over, and we must see it through to the end."

Inspired by Arturia's words, Kaira and Jean nodded, feeling their hearts fill with resolve and readiness for new challenges. They knew that new dangers awaited them, but they were prepared for them, understanding that they were doing this for their comrades and their kingdom.

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