Chapter 10. A Whisper of Destiny: The Night of Awakening.

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As soon as his parents closed the door, Lawrence, filled with new knowledge and impressions from the magic lesson in the garden, could not fall asleep. He lay in his cradle, gazing at the twinkling stars outside the window, his mind swirling with thoughts of magic and the books he had seen in the library. He had decided early in the evening to visit the library and continue his study of magic. Therefore, Lawrence waited for his parents to fall asleep. As soon as he heard his father's snoring, Lawrence quietly slipped out of his cradle, took a candlestick, and headed to the library. The door creaked faintly as he carefully opened it. The library, bathed in moonlight, appeared before him like a gateway to another world.

Lawrence headed to the farthest corner of the library. Standing near rows of giant shelves, where he previously could not reach the desired books, Lawrence knew that now no one could hinder his study of magic. Now, fully immersed in his mind, Lawrence was ready to use all the knowledge he had acquired to retrieve the necessary volumes.

Focusing, Lawrence raised his hand toward the top shelf. Understanding how Air Magic worked, he began to absorb a large number of Mana Particles into his Core, forming a mass spell that Lawrence wanted to use on the books.

- "Come on, Lawrence. You can do this. Since I'm trying a mass spell for the first time, of course, it will be difficult,"
He muttered, gritting his teeth and chuckling nervously.

Remembering all the information he had studied during nights in this very library, Lawrence skillfully managed the Mana Flows, distributing the Mana Particles throughout his body. Victor's words about feeling the air as part of himself also helped Lawrence concentrate the Mana Particles in the Core. Having prepared enough Mana Particles, Lawrence directed them into his palm through the Mana Flows in his body. Light-green Particles began forming in the center of his palm, transforming into "Air Threads." At first, Lawrence struggled to direct and maintain the "Air Threads," but soon he learned to control them more precisely, and the books gently slid out of the desired row.

The books hovered in the air like birds, moving toward Lawrence. The more threads Lawrence created, the harder it became to control the Air Magic and direct them accurately.

He was still inexperienced to use a spell of this level. His Mana Core had awakened only recently, and Lawrence was already beginning to deplete it.

Despite the difficulties, he skillfully extracted and stacked the books in front of him, anticipating the opportunity to study them. After a few minutes, a pile of books on magic, the history of mages, and even ancient spells lay before him. Lawrence picked one up and began reading, engrossed in the information that opened up entirely new horizons to him. His little fingers quickly flipped through the pages, his eyes wide with surprise and joy from the newfound knowledge.

Practicing summoning and dispersing magical spheres, Lawrence also strengthened his magical abilities in practice. Besides ordinary spells, Lawrence also practiced more complex ones. Magic ran through his veins, and with each repetition, he felt himself growing stronger. The power of air magic was no longer just an abstract concept—it had become part of him, something he could summon and use at will.

As Lawrence delved deeper into reading and practice, the sun slowly rose outside, illuminating the room with the first rays of sunlight. Tired but satisfied, Lawrence eventually fell asleep right at the table, surrounded by open books and softly falling rays of sun, dreaming of the days when he could use his knowledge and powers to explore a world full of magic and wonders.

At dawn the next day, when the first rays of sunlight broke through the curtains and softly lit Lawrence's sleeping face, he slowly opened his eyes. His mind was still swirling with images and knowledge from his night of study, and despite a slight fatigue, he felt unusually full of energy and inspiration.

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