Chapter 23. Northern Frontier: Fear of The North.

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Northern Frontier.

In the Northern Frontier, amidst the most turbulent and desolate corners of the kingdom, where snow-capped peaks rise like sentinels over narrow valleys and frozen rivers, unfolded one of the most crucial operations in the search for Vancliff. This terrain was notorious for its impassability and harsh climate, making it the perfect refuge for outcasts and criminals.

Darius Crowley, commander of the unit, was fully equipped for survival in the harsh conditions of the Northern Frontier. His armor was specially adapted to withstand the biting cold: heavy layers of leather with fur lining provided both warmth and flexibility. Two short swords hung from his belt, their blades forged from a special frost-resistant alloy, maintaining their properties even in the most extreme temperatures. Adorning Darius's back was a hefty crossbow, its metal bolts treated with a special anti-freezing lubricant.

Upon his head rested a helmet with insulated padding and a protective visor, enabling him to see through blizzards while maintaining a wide field of vision. His hands were sheathed in sturdy leather gloves with fur trim, reinforced at the palms for improved grip on his weapons.

Arturia, the deputy commander, was equally prepared for the mission. Her gear was lighter, allowing for greater mobility: an insulated cloak with a hood shielded her from the wind and snow without hindering her movements. In Arturia's arsenal were two one-handed swords, ideal for swift and precise strikes. She also possessed a set of tools for navigation and reconnaissance, including an advanced compass and magical devices for weather prediction, crucial for navigating the treacherous routes of the Northern Frontier.

The commander, his deputy, and the entire unit were outfitted with all the necessary supplies for survival, including warm sleeping bags, magical communication devices, and emergency medical kits. Special attention was given to footwear: each soldier wore insulated boots with non-slip soles, ensuring excellent traction on frozen surfaces.

Thus, every aspect of their equipment was carefully considered to maximize the effectiveness of each fighter in the face of extreme cold and potential military engagements.

In the early frosty hours of the morning, when the feeble light of dawn barely illuminated the snowy expanse around the camp, the unit under Darius Crowley's command began preparations for the upcoming march through the Northern Frontier. Soldiers, each in their role, bustled about, checking their gear and weapons, their breath forming wisps of vapor in the cold air.

Arturia, the deputy commander, moved among the ranks, instructing and bolstering her subordinates. Her voice was calm and assured, lending strength to the warriors:
- "Check your swords and shields, make sure they haven't frozen or lost their effectiveness," — she said, pausing beside one of the fighters who was sharpening his sword.

- "Arturia, how reliable are our magical devices in such cold?" — inquired a young mage, adjusting intricate arcs on his artifact.

- "We've conducted all necessary tests," — Arturia confidently replied. — "Your spells should work flawlessly, but don't forget about the magical amulets to protect you from unexpected malfunctions."

Captain Darius Crowley approached each group of his unit, issuing instructions and paying special attention to the personal preparation of each soldier:
- "Your lives depend on how well you are prepared. Don't make mistakes due to negligence or laziness," — he said, staring intently into the eyes of each one.

He paused before Arturia as she checked the arrow supplies:
- "How are we doing with ammunition?"

- "Everything's under control, Darius. Arrows are stocked, and magical bolts are charged," — Arturia replied distinctly.

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