Chapter 12. The Threshold of Adventure: Hans Family's Farewell.

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In readiness for the move, each member of the Hans family busied themselves with packing and reminiscing about moments spent in their old home. Eris was packing personal items with a hint of nostalgia, while Loren helped her, providing support and encouragement.

- "Mrs. Eris, your son is truly gifted. I've never met a child who has an innate talent for Magic!" Loren exclaimed admiringly as she helped pack items into boxes.

- "Thank you, Loren, I really appreciate your care. And I would like to ask you for a favor." Eris responded gratefully.

- "I'm listening, Mrs. Eris." Loren replied eagerly.

- "There will come a day when Victor and I can no longer control every move Lawrence makes. Since our Lawrence is just like his father, I'm sure that when he grows up, he'll choose the same path as Victor did in his time. The spirit of Adventure. The insane desire to travel and explore the World. I'm being very selfish. I know. But. I want to ask you just one thing: Please, Loren. Be there for Lawrence when he needs warmth and care. Although you are still a child yourself, Loren, I can trust Lawrence to you."

- "Mrs. Eris. We, the Velms, owe our lives to you, the Hans family. We serve you from generation to generation. And fulfilling your request will only be a joy." Loren replied obediently.

- "Loren, please! You owe nothing to our family, especially to us. If our ancestors once saved your family, it does not mean that subsequent generations should give up their will to live! Loren! For Victor, Lawrence, and me, you are not servants! You are our family!" Eris responded seriously.

Loren, unwittingly and not intentionally, threw herself into Eris's arms. Losing control of her emotions, Loren cried and repeated: - "Mrs. Eris... Mrs. Eris..."

Meanwhile, Shelly was bustling around the house, gathering kitchen utensils and household supplies. Hearing someone's cry, she immediately ran to the source of the sound. Seeing Loren hugging Eris, Shelly wanted to approach and scold Loren. But Eris stopped her. Gently tapping Loren on the back, she winked at Shelly.
- "It's okay, all is well" Eris whispered while embracing Loren.

After some time, Loren fell asleep in Eris's arms. The room was warm and cozy thanks to the soft light emanating from the flickering flames in the fireplace. The carpet by the fireplace was soft and inviting, and nearby stood a sofa upholstered in dark green velvet, which harmonized with the warm tones of the room. Lifting the girl slightly, Eris carefully picked up Loren, who had fallen asleep on her shoulder, and headed to the sofa. She gently placed Loren on the soft pillows, making sure she was comfortably settled. Loren's hair was neatly pushed back so as not to bother her, and a blanket, lying next to the sofa's armrest, was gently draped over her shoulders by Eris.

The fireplace radiated warmth, creating a play of light and shadows on Loren's face, highlighting her calm breathing after a stressful day.

Eris, smiling, adjusted Loren's hair on her face one more time, then continued packing.

Eris approached Shelly and explained everything so that she would not scold Loren. Understanding the whole situation, Shelly and Eris headed to the kitchen. The kitchen was bustling and chaotic as Eris, Shelly, and the other maids were busy packing things in anticipation of the impending move. The air was filled with the aromas of fresh baking and spices, which Shelly was putting away at the last minute. All the shelves, usually bursting with homemade preserves and dishes, were now gradually being emptied.

Eris carefully wrapped clay dishes in paper, and glass bowls were placed in a separate box covered with soft leather to prevent them from being damaged during the journey. On the table, kitchen utensils - wooden spoons, whisks, a hand pepper mill - were neatly arranged. Eris packed all these into a separate wooden box, which Shelly, armed with ropes, was already ready to tie up.

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