Chapter 2. Day Break of Discovery.

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Upon awakening at dawn the next day, Lawrence behaved as though all of this were commonplace for him. A young maid named Loren treated him with special warmth and tenderness. She bathed him in a large brass tub filled with warm water that sparkled in the rays of the morning sun filtering through tall windows. Loren fed him porridge slowly cooked over a low flame, and each of her movements was filled with care, as if Lawrence were her own son.

Suddenly, a voice from behind the door called out:
- "Loren! Come here! Urgently!"
Lawrence, lifting his head and looking at the maid, made a sound:
- "Aaa-aaa-aaa."
Loren smiled back:
- "Yes, Lawrence, our names really are similar! Just wait a minute, I'll be right back."
With a sweet smile, she ran down the wide wooden staircase.

At that moment, Lawrence realized that despite all the wisdom of his previous world, he was unable to speak. Deciding to start a comprehensive exploration of this new world, he began to look around.

The nursery where he was seemed immense. The high ceilings and broad walls made of quality wood emitted a scent of freshness. A fur rug on the floor added coziness, and the windows offered a picturesque view of the village and surrounding hills.

- "So, I must learn about the entire house as quickly as possible, and then take steps to study the language and literature of this world. I need to pull myself together,"
Lawrence thought.

Exploring the new world was incredibly interesting.

Before Lawrence could take any action, Loren appeared:
- "Lawrence, please forgive me for the delay. There's a lot of work downstairs for my mom and her assistant."
With curious eyes, Lawrence looked at Loren.
- "Loren talks to me as if I understand... well.. I actually do... but Loren, I'm still an infant!"
Thought Lawrence.
Unaware of his internal reflections, Loren continued to tell him about the incidents in the house.

Days, weeks, and months passed, and the day came when Lawrence turned exactly one year old.

Every moment Loren left Lawrence alone, he tried to carefully study everything around him. His eyes eagerly absorbed details of the interior, memorized the arrangement, shape, and quality of objects, which might help him in the future. Lawrence intuitively understood that every item, every book on the shelves could tell him more about the world of Eldoria.

- "How unusual it is to see the world through the eyes of a child. Although I'm almost one year old, I still can't move or talk independently. But the plus side is that I can look at everything, touch and feel different things, and no one will scold me for it."

As Lawrence delved deeper into his surroundings, his interest in the outside world began to grow. Victor and Eris noticed this and decided it was time to show him more of the world beyond the walls of their estate. An ideal opportunity for this was the preparation for the upcoming celebration of Lawrence's birthday, so one morning they took him to the market.

- "Mr. Victor!"
Someone shouted from a distance.

- "Mr. Victor! I have a message for you!"
Continued the same stranger.

- "Hello, Dan. Do you have a message for me?"
Asked Victor.

- "Yes, Mr. Victor. Reports directly from the neighboring village! Here, take it!"

- "Eris, I apologize, go ahead, I'll catch up,"
Said Victor to his wife.

- "Windsom, walk with my wife and child, help them with their purchases,"
Victor told the butler.

Victor anxiously opened the letter and carefully read the contents. As he delved into the text, Victor's face changed from grim to downright angry. Quickly rolling the letter in his hand, Victor rushed towards the estate.

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