Chapter 20. Echoes of Deceit: Tracking the Hidden Foes.

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When the squads arrived at their designated territories, each one began their tasks with full commitment and organization. All efforts were directed towards ensuring maximum coverage of their areas of responsibility and preventing Vancliff Lenwayn from escaping.

Northern Frontier:
The squads allocated to the mountainous terrain set up temporary camps at the base of the mountains. Their task was to control all narrow passes and trails that could be used by fugitives. Reconnaissance groups, equipped with light armor and climbing gear, ascended the high slopes to monitor enemy movements from above.

Eastern Territories:
Teams stationed along the river used boats and small ships to patrol the waterways. Utilizing their expertise in water tactics, they monitored the shoreline and set underwater traps to detain or slow down Vancliff and his followers.

Southern Lands:
The squads responsible for the southern farmlands implemented a rotation system for patrols, ensuring continuous surveillance over the vast open areas. Their tasks were not only to detect Vancliff but also to protect the local inhabitants and farms from potential attacks. Soldiers trained in agricultural terrain used their skills for camouflage and ambush.

Western Borders:
The western squads focused on securing trade routes and caravans. Positioned at key points, they not only monitored major roads but also conducted inspections of suspicious vehicles and individuals. Commanders utilized their knowledge of trade and logistics to identify unusual activity that could indicate the presence of hostile forces.

Each squad maintained communication with central command through magical artifacts and signaling systems, allowing for instant transmission of information about any movements or changes in the terrain. Godrian and Tyrion regularly received reports from the commanders and, if necessary, redistributed resources and reinforcements to strengthen defenses or search the most problematic areas.

As night fell, illuminated only by stars and torches, the squads continued their vigilance. Everyone was resolute, and each soldier knew that the successful completion of their mission was crucial for the security of the entire kingdom of Ellinor and the life of Princess Lucianna Stormsong.

Southern Lands.

In the Southern Lands, where vast open farmlands alternated with small strips of forest, one of the squads under the command of Captain Elara discovered traces suspected to belong to Vancliff's accomplices. The situation called for immediate and precisely coordinated action.

At dawn, as the first light of morning barely illuminated the land and a dense fog still hung over the fields of the southern lands, creating a ghostly and mysterious landscape, the squad's scouts led by Captain Elara noticed something alarming. On the edge of an old, gloomy forest, where the tree shadows seemed almost black against the foggy morning, tracks were found. They led deep into the forest: footprints and wagon tracks saturated the soil, showing clear signs of recent activity.

Elara, confident and focused, immediately recognized the importance of the moment. She gathered her best soldiers for a meeting right at the edge of the field, where the faint morning light began to break through the dense fog. They surrounded their commander, ready for instructions.

- "This could be our chance. We need to act quickly and decisively," she confidently stated, unfolding a portable map of the area before those gathered. The map showed all approaches to the forest, and Elara pointed to key points. "We will surround the forest from three sides to minimize their chances of escape. Archers and mages on the flanks, infantry in the center."

Under her command, the squad swiftly moved to execute the task. Archers, clad in light leather armor ideal for stealthy movement, quietly moved to positions Elara had indicated on the flanks. They used the natural terrain, hiding in bushes and under low-hanging branches, ready to act. Their mission was crucial for the success of the operation: they were to prevent the enemy's escape attempts.

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