Chapter 18. Echoes of Authority: The Call of Vengeance.

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As soon as Godrian opened the massive oak door to the council chamber, the heavy, slow creaking broke the palpable silence. Those present, dressed in ceremonial garb and representing various factions of the royal council, instantly rose from their seats, electrified by his entrance.

"Your Majesty, Godrian!" chorused the councilors, greeting the Elder Statesman.

The hall was decorated in a solemn style with high ceilings adorned with carved beams, and walls graced with ancestral portraits and heraldic crests. The light from numerous wax candles, placed in bronze holders, softly illuminated every corner, casting playful shadows on the antique furniture.

"Please, be seated. I am not here to disrupt," Godrian responded calmly, his voice deep and commanding as befits a ruler of his stature.

Tyrion approached his father with a look of surprise and admiration. The young king, clad in a ceremonial uniform embellished with embroidery, expressed his feelings:

"Father, what brings you here?" his tone a mix of respect and slight apprehension.

"I am here to assist you, son. I understand the challenges of assembling and organizing the council, but you are the king of this state. It is for you to decide when to act," replied Godrian, his gaze piercing and resolute.

With undeniable indignation, Godrian added, slamming his fist onto the massive round table made of black wood, which trembled under the impact:

"Since this is not merely a matter of politics but a quest to apprehend a criminal who has abducted my granddaughter, I am bound to exert every effort to capture this scoundrel!"

All present flinched, realizing the gravity of his words. Godrian Stormsong, one of the great rulers of Ellinor, known for his steadfastness and power, stood before them.

Signaling action, Godrian moved towards the map of Ellinor spread out on the table. Taking a pointer, he began meticulously planning the operation. Within minutes, the map was dotted with little figures made of light wood, representing squads that must occupy strategic positions.

"So, each squad must perform its duties: morning, daytime, and evening patrols. Do not miss even the slightest chance!" boomed Godrian, his voice filling the hall with energy and resolve.

"I warn you, any squad that deviates from the order will be immediately disbanded and lose all privileges!"

Everyone took his words with utmost seriousness. Some wrote down every word, while others tried to memorize every detail.

Godrian, passing by the expectant eyes of the councilors, approached Tyrion, who was intently studying the map at the opposite end of the vast oak table. Placing a hand on his son's shoulder, he drew his attention, causing Tyrion a slight startle from the unexpected touch.

"Tyrion, we had a serious discussion about Lawrence and Lucy with Aerin," began Godrian, his voice calm but each word heavy with resolve. "We've decided they should train together. This will not only strengthen their skills but also help build a camaraderie that could be key in the future."

Initially surprised, Tyrion slowly turned to face his father. His expression morphed from shock to enlightenment.

"That's a wise decision. Lucy has always been close to Lawrence, and their joint training could enhance not only their skills but also develop their ability to operate as a cohesive unit," responded Tyrion, nodding in agreement. "What does Aerin think? Will they manage?"

Godrian smiled, his eyes gleaming with pride and confidence.

"Aerin believes in their potential. She suggested not only giving them a chance to train together but also incorporating elements of strategy and tactics we use in battle into their training. She's confident that Lawrence and Lucy will become excellent defenders of Ellinor."

Tyrion nodded, his face reflecting a mix of relief and satisfaction.

"I suppose they'll start right after the meeting?" he inquired, already contemplating the logistics and scheduling of the training sessions.

"Yes, I've scheduled the first session at dawn tomorrow. They'll begin with basic physical exercises and gradually move on to more complex magical practices. I want them also to learn the art of meditation and emotion control—it's essential for a mage," explained Godrian, detailing the plan.

"Excellent, I'm confident that Aerin will find the best approach to their training. Her intuition and experience have always been our trump card," said Tyrion, his eyes sparkling with pride and respect for Lucy's mother.

"Aerin also asked us to ensure that Lawrence and Lucy are provided with everything necessary for their safety. She believes that, given the current political situation, they could become targets for Ellinor's enemies," added Godrian, his tone becoming more serious.

"Understood, I'll see to it that their security is stepped up. We need to protect the future of Ellinor," declared Tyrion decisively, already considering additional security measures.

Godrian nodded, satisfied with his son's response.

"I knew I could count on you. Ellinor is in safe hands," he assured, patting Tyrion's shoulder in a gesture of support and trust.

After Godrian and Tyrion finished their discussion, the councilors began to take active steps in forming squads to patrol the territories of Ellinor. The council hall buzzed with activity, each councilor eager to implement Godrian's directives most effectively.

Godrian's final command was:

1. Formation of Squads
Each squad, tasked with patrolling, should consist of twenty members. The squad includes:

Commander: Responsible for making strategic decisions on-site and communicating with higher command.
Deputy Commander: Assists the commander in coordinating squad actions and steps in when needed.
Four Scouts: Conduct area reconnaissance, identify potential threats, and monitor enemy movements.
Six Infantrymen: The main combat force of the squad, providing protection and support during combat operations.
Four Archers: Provide long-range support, effective in reconnaissance and repelling attacks.
Two Experienced Mages: Responsible for using magical abilities for squad defense, attack, or healing.
Two Medics: Provide first aid in case of injuries and monitor the health of squad members.

2. Territory Distribution
Ellinor is divided into four main sectors for patrolling, each assigned to different squads:

Northern Sector:
Territory: Forests and mountain ranges.
Tasks: Patrol the northern borders, and prevent raids, and illegal activities in forested areas.
Commander: William White.
Team Size: 20.

Eastern Sector:
Territory: Rivers and lakes leading to eastern villages.
Tasks: Monitor waterways, protect fishing villages, and prevent smuggling.
Commander: Sheldi Hardy.
Team Size: 20.

Southern Sector:
Territory: Fertile lands and farming estates.
Tasks: Ensure the safety of farming lands, and prevent attacks on farmers and livestock farms.
Commander: Elara Winflow.
Team Size: 20.

Western Sector:
Territory: Border towns and trade routes.
Tasks: Secure safety in border towns, oversee trade routes, and prevent espionage and smuggling.
Commander: Marques Greenhard.
Team Size: 20.

Each squad was thoroughly briefed on their duties and received maps of their areas of responsibility. Squad commanders conducted final briefings with their team members, detailing patrol routes and checking the readiness of equipment and weapons.

At dawn, as the first rays of the sun began to illuminate the majestic castles and towers of Ellinor, the large square in front of the main castle filled with the heavy tread of warriors. Godrian and Tyrion convened all squad commanders and their subordinates for a crucial assembly. This square, long used for public addresses and military gatherings, stretched under the open sky, surrounded by high castle walls that served as protection from external threats and symbolized the power and resilience of the kingdom.

In the center of the square, a large platform podium was set up, onto which Godrian and Tyrion climbed to be visible to all present. Around the podium, in strict order and military discipline, the squads were positioned, each consisting of twenty members. A total of twenty squads were formed, trained for various tasks from reconnaissance and patrolling to rapid response to threats.

Each squad was equipped according to its functional duties:
Reconnaissance squads were equipped with light armor for speed and maneuverability, as well as devices for night vision.
Rapid response squads were armed with heavy armor and powerful weapons to withstand direct attacks.
Support squads, including medics and mages, were provided with the necessary tools and spells for first aid and magical support.

The territories were divided among the squads as follows:
The northern frontier was designated for squads specializing in mountainous terrain, where high endurance and climbing ability were required.
Eastern territories along the river required attention from squads skilled in boat handling and water tactics.
Southern lands, rich in farming grounds, were under the protection of squads trained to ensure safety in open spaces.
Western borders, adjacent to trade routes, were guarded by squads capable of rapid movement and protection of caravans.

As everyone took their places, Godrian stood up to address the assembled, his voice confidently echoing across the square:
"Brothers and sisters in arms! Today we have gathered you here not just for a show of strength or a parade. We face a number one threat in the Kingdom. Vancliff Lenwain! This Elf must answer for daring to kidnap Princess Lucianna Stormsong! This is a top-priority task, requiring vigilance and heroism from each of us. You have been chosen to protect our people and our lands. Your task is to prevent the shadow of threat from darkening our peaceful way of life."

Tyrion added:
"Each squad must fulfill the tasks assigned to it with honor and determination. You are Ellinor's shield, its defense, and pride. The safety of our homes, and our families, depends on your work. Stand firm, and let your hearts be filled with courage!"

After the speeches, which inspired and mobilized the warriors, the distribution of final instructions and equipment began.

As the last words of Godrian's speech dissolved in the morning air, a brief silence ensued, disturbed only by the rustling of banners and a light breeze sweeping across the square. Godrian and Tyrion slowly descended from the platform, their steps sounding confident and heavy on the stone steps of the tribune. Their figures, outlined against the dawn sky, inspired awe and respect among all those gathered.

Approaching the majestic castle gates, they turned to look at the rows of warriors standing in anticipation of orders. The tension and determination were evident on the soldiers' faces. Godrian, standing upright and majestic, raised his sword to the sky, reflecting the first sunrays on its blade, serving as a signal to all.

"Warriors of Ellinor!" he proclaimed loudly. "It's time to defend our kingdom and restore justice! Squads, prepare to move out!"

Tyrion, standing next to his father, closely watched the squads. His gaze was firm and serious, and his voice, rising above the square, sounded resolute:
"Begin the operation! Let each step be directed towards victory, each action towards the protection of our lands and our people!"

Squad commanders immediately relayed orders to their units. The creak of leather and metal could be heard as warriors prepared to move. Reconnaissance squads quickly headed towards the main paths, rapid response squads took their positions at key strategic points, and support forces spread out to ensure continuous communication and support among different groups.

Mages among the squads quietly began casting protective spells, creating shimmering auras around themselves and their comrades, which faintly glimmered in the morning light. Archers checked the tension of their bowstrings, and infantrymen thumped their fists against their shields, creating a rhythmic and inspiring drumbeat.

As the first squads began to slowly and resolutely exit through the main castle gates, their movement resembled a mighty stream gradually turning into an unstoppable flow. This marked the start of a major operation aimed at protecting the kingdom and its people from an impending threat. Godrian and Tyrion, not taking their eyes off their warriors, knew that today each of them played a role in the history of Ellinor, and every action could be decisive in the struggle for a bright future for their people.

After the squads commenced their movement, preparing for the upcoming operations, silence fell on the square. The sense of an impending storm lingered in the air as the last echoes of footsteps faded beyond the castle walls. Godrian turned to Tyrion, whose face reflected determination and tension.

"Tyrion, I need you to go to Aerin. Make sure she's informed about the current events and prepared for possible consequences. Also, check how the organization of security for Lucy and Lawrence is progressing. This is critically important," Godrian said firmly, emphasizing the seriousness of the moment.

Tyrion nodded, understanding the importance of the task. He quickly contemplated an action plan on his way to Aerin's residence, where she usually handled her affairs.

"I'm on my way immediately. Don't worry, Father, I'll arrange everything," Tyrion confidently stated, feeling the weight of responsibility on his shoulders.

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