chapter 39

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After they left scissor street they were passing by a small town when they saw a fighting pokemon on the road

Clara had buddy out for a walk because he can't always stay in the poke ball
"Wow look it's a wild hitmonchan" said ash wanting to catch it

"So that's one of the fighting pokemon's I heard about" said misty

"That ones a real fighter" said brock

As ash took out his pokedex "hitmonchan a skilled fighting pokemon that packs a incredible strong punch"

"Alright let's capture it ready Pikachu?" Asked ash

"Pika chuu~~!!!" Yelled Uneasy Pikachu

"If you defeat hitmonchan you'll become the world champion" said ash

Pikachu hide behind Misty's leg as he imagines his defeat against hitmonchan

"You don't have to be afraid I'll teach you my secret punch and no one will be able to beat you" said ash

"Really ash why didn't you tell me about that secret punch we could have match with our fists" said Clara smiling showing her fist

Ash backed away from Clara"my punch isn't as good as your's and your punch could leave a mark in the tree with how much you train"said ash

Making Clara smile shaking her head as ash explained boxing to Pikachu

"When did ash know about boxing" asked Brock

"Beat's me"said misty

" he watched boxing match before in the tv"said Clara

"Ohhh" said both misty and brock
After ash explained everything to Pikachu they were ready to confront hitmonchan

"Ok hitmonchan ready for a match?" Asked ash

As hitmonchan didn't take Pikachu seriously

So the match begins with Pikachu trying all the moves ash showed him because Pikachu was small he was stopped by hitmonchan hand

"Make Pikachu stop ash this isn't even a fight" said misty as Clara was feeding buddy his snack's while they weren't paying attention something was watching them

"Pikachu give him that special punch I taught you " said ash as Pikachu had a red aura around him "give it the rocket punch" said ash

Pikachu boxing gloves launched with Pikachu and punched hitmonchan on the face

"We did it" said ash
"They did?" Said brock
"No way" said misty
"Well done" said Clara

Pikachu was standing victorious but hitmonchan was just hit on the face nothing major happened


"Chaa~~~" said hitmonchan putting his hands on his hips

As Pikachu backed away with his ears down

"So much for the great rocket punch" said brock

"How many times do I have to tell you don't drop your guard keep your gloves up hitmonchan fight smart less fighting stupid" said hitmonchan owner

Hitmonchan nodded "now go knock that pipsqueak out"

As hitmonchan knocked Pikachu out with more punchs "ah Pikachu are you ok?" Asked ash picking up Pikachu

"I declares hitmonchan the winner congratulations one two three hooray" said the owner

"Who is that guy anyway?" Asked ash
"He's a pretty serious trainer" said misty
"I guess it wasn't wild" said brock

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