chapter 38

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"Scissor street? Why did we come here?" Asked ash

"You'll see" said brock
"There sure are a lot of Pokemon beauty parlor's" said misty

"Hmmm" said Clara looking at her tablet for good recommended shop for Pokemon treats

As brock looked around "is there any place you want to go brock" asked ash

"Wait a minute I just remembered scissors street is called breeders lein" said misty

"It's about time you figured it out" said Clara

"Ahh Clara you knew and didn't tell me" said ash whining as Clara petted his head "I just forget to tell you" she added

"Clara are do you also want see the breeding lein?"asked misty

"I'm actually here for Pokemon treats and some ingredients to make my Pokemon treats healthier"said Clara

" ohhh"said misty

"So that's why we're here brock always gotta see the latest breeders gear" said ash

"Some of the best breeders the shops here some pick up makeup place and salon too just for Pokemon" said brock

"Hey look this must be the new fashion how cute" said misty looking at the poster

"You think that's cute?" Said ash
Misty took his arm and want in"come on"

"I don't wanna go in there" said ash as Clara followed

They heard a voice from the mic from the shop"welcome to the salonroke"

"Did he just say salon ro ke?" Asked ash

"Why does that name sounds so familiar?" Asked misty

"It's very familiar" said Clara rising an eyebrow

"Woah is that supposed to be a Pokemon or a tree decoration" said brock looking at the poster with ekans in a dress and koffing in a pink ribbon

"I think I'm going to get in line" said misty

As Clara and ash looked at her with weirdly when brock found the place he was looking for "it's there  I've been looking all over for this place" said brock running to the shop

"This is the place your looking for?" Asked misty as brock was nervous to open it

Clara and ash pushed open the door "what are you so nervous about" said ash as they want in as brock freaked out and followed

"Hi can I help you"

They saw a girl massaging a chansey"just relax release all your tension"said the girl Clara was impressed

"Now you will have more energy"
As chansey hop off the table and looked at the mirror when it's owner came for it"chansey I'm here for you darling"

"Oh don't you look precious" said the owner

"Thank you for bringing chansey to my salon" said the girl

"See you soon susie" said the owner

"May I help the next customer" asked susie

"No we're just browsing around-" before ash could finish brock pushed him back making Clara catch him "ohh aahh"

When misty pushed him away "look isn't that vulpix the cutest thing" said misty

Clara also noticed it thinking if sunny would like a friend"awww don't you wanna hug it"said misty

"Don't you hug sunny" asked ash
"Hmmm sunny don't like being away from Clara so I never get to hug her for long" said misty with a pouting face

"I love it's hair I wish I had hair like vulpix that looks shiny and soft" said misty as she was going to touch it

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