chapter 29

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After the entire ghost maiden thing that only turned out to be gastly's prank they decided to just continue on with their journey

Clara was better than ever she feels like she could run a marathon,

When she was finally better she almost cried of joy,

Others could only smile with how happy she was, Clara chewed brock out by giving him a scolding of a lifetime, he could only sit and listen

Now they are continuing their journey they head to the cliff near the ocean

"Wow look at those rocks!" Said ash he looked down the cliff

"That's a long drop" said ash nervously

"Fall from here and the ball games over" said misty

"That's why you should stay away from the edge" said Clara standing behind them

As they a drop behind there heads as brock nodded and looked around "the map said that this bridge lead right to saffron city"

"And to our next challenge in the saffron city gym yeah" said ash excited for his next badge but suddenly he noticed something"huh what are those?"he asked

"Those look like butterfree's" said misty
As Clara looked a bit closer and looked at brock "is it mating season for the butter free already?" Clara asked brock

"Yeah good eye Clara the butter frees are celebrating the season of love" said brock


"The season of love is the day the butterfree Lay's their eggs, the butterfree find mate's and lay there eggs across the sea" said brock

"Across the sea?" Asked ash

"That's right" said brock

"How cute" said misty

"It always wonderful to see nature taking it's course" said Clara smiling

"You mean my butterfree go too?" Asked ash

"If you don't let it across the sea it will never have baby's" said brock

Ash quickly took out his butterfree's pokeball "babies?!"

"Yeah it's pretty much nature ash" said Clara as brock nodded

As they decided to go and check it out they were able to find a hot air balloon of course they first asked Clara if she will have motion sickness

"I don't have a problem flying, my stomach just hates boat's is all" said Clara as they sighed in relief

"It's amazing we were able to rant a hot air balloon near here" said misty

"We will probably see lot's of other balloon's up into the air hold on guys" said brock as he started the balloon to fly

"What a view!" Said ash
"chu, chuuu~~~" yelled Pikachu looking at the butterfree's flying

"There they are!" Said misty

"It's amazing to see it" said Clara

"Let's go" said brock getting them closer

"Wow the other butterfree's are paring up and becoming a couple's" said misty

"Ok ash "said brock

" oh right "said ash taking out butterfree from his pokeball"butterfree go" as his butterfree flew toward the group of butterfree

"Go out there and find your mate" said ash

"Good luck butterfree" said misty

"Best wishes butterfree" said Clara

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