chapter 13

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After ash got his second badge they're next destination is Vermilion city but decided to take a break as they set up camp, Clara and brock were cooking giving ash the job to get fire wood and misty to get water,

Clara's pokemon were also helping with anything they can,

"Clara hand me the peppers please" said brock as they were making curry, Clara handed him the chopped up peppers and got back to making side dishs, Clara got used to eating side dish, she also made muffins as desert for everyone,

Ash came back with more fire wood, and not long after misty with fresh drinking water,

"That smells so good" said ash
"Pikachu~~" Pikachu nodded

"Wow if it smells this good wonder how it tastes" said misty

"Welcome back food is almost ready" said Clara as she was giving Eva a little taste of the muffin, scratch that all her pokemon looks like they had something in their mouth,

Pikachu seeing this ran in front of Clara Also asking for a taste "pika, pika pe~~"

Clara saw Pikachu also wanting his share of muffin tasteing and smile feeding him some, seeing this all the pokemon also wanted a share so Clara was busy satisfying all the pokemon,

Onix liked Clara the moment he saw her he would also hang around her if he had the chance and brock didn't mind,

All the pokemon likes her because she spoiled them to much giving them rubs, feeding them new treats so they can have change of taste, washing them and she was patient with all of them reading them books,

Clara also started to make ash train his pokemon, now Clara makes sure to wake up ash before the sun raised so he could train with his pokemon,

Ash wanted to battle Clara, Clara didn't see a reason to refuse so she agreed

Brock and misty watched from the side

Clara asked ash to choose which pokemon he wanted to battle with of course he want with jewel he was confident he could beat jewel with Pikachu, as water type were weak against electric type

That day ash realize that he needed more training because jewel knocked out Pikachu with three attacks

First ash asked Pikachu to use quick attack, while Clara told jewel to dodge it then us water pulse, Pikachu was hit with that water pulse, ash told Pikachu to use thunderbolt with Clara saying to use hyper canon the Thunderbolt and hyper canon want against each other and created an explosion but jewel's hyper canon was stronger then Pikachu's Thunderbolt it pushed Pikachu away before Pikachu could get back on his feet Clara told jewel to use aqua tail finishing the battle defeating Pikachu,

Jewel didn't have a single wound on its body which Pikachu was knocked out,

Jewel was also going easy on Pikachu because the hyper canon was enough to defeat Pikachu but jewel didn't want hurt Pikachu that much so he weakened it, ash was surprised by the loss but didn't get disappointed as he expected,

He knew jewel was trained by Clara from young all her pokemon were

So he asked Clara to help him train, Clara of course agreed after healing Pikachu and jewel giving half of his food as an apology on his part, Pikachu wanted to refuse but jewel still forcefully give him his share,

Brock expected this battle to be in Clara's favor so he wasn't surprised, but misty was fanning over jewel, saying water pokemon are the best

So after that Clara helped ash with training his pokemon,

Now back to the present Clara and Brock put the food on the table as everyone was eating they didn't noticed the eyes watching them from the bushes

Pikachu noticed as he turned toward the bush as ash noticed Pikachu "what's wrong Pikachu?" Said ash as Pikachu pointed at the bushes

Everyone saw the bushes moving and something red come out nervously,

As Clara's eyes widen seeing a vulpix "it's so cute!!!" Said misty seeing the vulpix Apparning here,

As ash took out his pokedex"vulpix the fox pokemon, before evolving it tails can be as hot as firey blaze "

"I'm gonna catch it!!" Said ash with excitement

"Not if I catch it first" said misty as they both throw their pokedall at vulpix

As the vulpix jumped in fright dodging the pokedall and firing a flamethrower at them both and running behind Clara's leg, surprising Clara and the others

"Huh? Why did it hide behind Clara" said misty

"Hmmm this vulpix might have been the one spying on us this morning when I dragged ash from bed to train I felt something watching us at that time and thought it was wild hungry pokemon and left it some food for it, from the looks of this vulpix it's a few weeks old" said Clara as the scared vulpix was just showing it butt and tails hiding,

Everyone thought it was cute, Eva jumped down from the table and want to greet it

"Espe, espeon~~~"said Eva petting it back to get its attention, as the vulpix took it head out seeing Eva it wanted to run away again but it trapped but jewel used his tail to catch it,

" laaa~~?"


"Haaah~~! " greeted smoke,

"Pikachu~~~" Pikachu. Also came to great it

Vulpix was so nervous that it jumped in Clara's arm to hide again only showing it butt making Clara giggle and gently pet its back to smooth it

While the others saw that it was to easy to frighten the vulpix and it was calm with Clara

"There, there its all right now, they're my family, not bad people and pokemon" said Clara gently

"This vulpix must have been bullied by other pokemons seeing how timid it is look at these scars" said Brock looking at vulpix all over " it hatched just a few weeks ago looking at how small and skinny it is, it couldn't find food on its own and if it did its food must have been snatched" he added

"So because Clara was nice to it, it took a liking to her and followed her" said misty

"Exactly" said Brock

"Clara why don't you catch it" said ash

"Really? Didn't you want to catch it?" Asked Clara

"Yea but it doesn't trust us as it does to you so-" misty finished for him"It's comfortable with you, so you should catch it"

"Alright little one would you like to go with me I'll treat you with various treats" said Clara as the vulpix took it head out,

It actually wanted to be catched by Clara but it was nervous what if she hates her

But it's worry's melt away seeing how kind she was with her pokemon and how much she pampers her pokemon, so it took the courage to approach but it was seen by Pikachu

Clara took out a pokedall and gently tapped the pokemon on its head and want in, the pokedall glowed for a second and it was captured

Clara took out vulpix from her pokedall and told all her pokemon to be gently with her as she's now they're younger sister, jewel, Eva and smoke cheered for a new member,

As the ash and misty apologized to vulpix for scaring it,

Vulpix was still timid but being in Clara arms helped her feel protected and had courage to give a short greeting to everyone and hide again the other thought it was adorable,

Jewel, Eva and smoke were happy for a new sister and didn't leave her side as Clara fed it food and Brock treating it's wound

Ash and misty helped with what they could they spent the day getting to know sunny aka vulpix Clara named it sunny

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