chapter 26

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After Clara had a full recovery they needed to head of this island but they were late and missed their chance so now have to wait for three whole hours for another boat

They were already prepared for Clara she has motion sickness medicine packed in all their bags for good measure and lots of energy drinks so she could stay hydrated

Clara knew the only way to get of this island was by boat but she was thinking of swimming out the island herself or use jewel or cove but didn't want to tried them out so she swallowed her pride and want with them,

So now they were sitting in the docks looking at the sea

Suddenly Pikachu pointed at something in the ocean

"Oh look it's a horsea how cute!" Said misty

"Hmm?" Said Clara looked up from her book as ash got up from her lap to see the horsea

"Huh? Where?" Asked ash as he saw the horsea in the ocean

"Hey I'll just get daxter to tell me" said ash taking out his pokedax

"Horsea a dragon pokemon this unique pokemon species 1000's of eggs hatches on every spring and then the male raisers them himself"

"It looks like it's injured" said brock

As they all noticed horsea injurys

"And there is no pokemon center around here I know what" said misty taking out a pokeball

Suddenly horsea shot out ink making it look like a pokemon Clara saw before but where

"Huh? It's trying to say something" said ash

"We have to take care of it's wounds first I'll capture it in my pokeball" said misty as a huge explosion happened in a boat

"Oh no the boat!!" Yelled brock

"I wonder what's happening?" Said ash
"We gotta act fast" said misty

"Clara take out cove!" Said misty

"Huh? Why cove?" Said Clara

"Why do you even need to ask that! cove is a gyarados he can save them all at once" yelled misty

As Clara took out cove "cove I need help!" Said Clara launching out cove's pokeball

"Gyyyyaaaaa~~~~~~!!" Said cove once he saw Clara he was all over her

"Haha cove love you too but we need you to save those people" said Clara not caring that she has saliva on her cheek

Cove took action quickly and jumped into the water and swimmed in a fast pace and saved all the construction workers as misty, brock and ash took a boat to help them up on it from cove's back

Clara didn't come because they will take a boat out of this place soo she isn't wasting any of her strength for another boat,

After they got out of the boat Clara was praising cove for a job well done,

"Clara!" Yelled ash

As Clara looked at him "we are going to see the boss of those guys let's go" said ash

"I'm not going" said Clara calmly

"Huh? Why" asked misty

"Don't you want to know what's happening around here?" Asked brock

"Yes but I have a feeling that the 'boss' he speaks of isn't a great person so I will sit this one out and find evidence for myself" said Clara as ash nodded

"Ok tell us if you find anything" said misty as they headed of to meet with the boss

"Now then shell we go diving cove" said Clara with a smile as cove nodded

Pokemon: journey to rememberOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz