chapter 23

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Clara opened her eyes and saw everything was upside down, Clara was confused she got up and felt a headache and rubbed her head

Clara looked around and found brock and misty passed out on the floor and ash is hanging on the ceiling

Clara want to brock and slapped him wake "brock wake up!"

Brock got up from the pain "ouch what was that for?"

"It helped you get up didn't it now help me wake up misty" said Clara as brock was still rubbing his cheeks

Clara took out the nasty smelling bottle brock eyed it"what's that?"

Clara smirked "it a rare plant that I made to paste it makes people want to vomit it helps to keep wild pokemons away, this will wake up misty no problem"

Brock was about to ask how bad was it when Clara opened its led and nasty smell came out that brock had to block his nose "uhh it disgusting, but it will be affected"

So clara put the bottle almost against misty nose when misty smelled it she woke up screaming "ahhhh its so disgusting, what is that?" Yelled misty

Then she saw Clara hold a bottle and brock holding his nose "Clara it was you?!"

"Yep! it woke you up that's a great thing" said Clara Putting the led back to the bottle and putting in her bag

"Now to wake up ash" said Clara as she walked passed misty and want to ash who was just hanging

Clara didn't use any force with him knowing it won't work"ash wake up your going to be late for your battle!!!'yelled Clara

As ash got"whaaaaa what battle? where is the battle? And why are you guys upside down?"said ash

"Your the one who's upside down" said misty

Soon ash realized where he was and fall down thankfully Clara caught him in time before he could hit the ground

"Thanks for the save Clara, but can someone tell me what's going on?" Said ash in Clara's arm's

"Just take a look out the window" said misty  as ash got down from Clara's arms and want to the window to see fish swimming outside "huh? Fish swimming!it can't be but that must mean this ship has sunk"said ash

Then ash realized what Clara said came true he carefully looked at Clara who wasn't looking impressed
" don't worry, I won't say I told you so, but we survived and we have to get out of here"said Clara knowing why ash was looking at her nervously

Ash sighed in relieved they want out of the room and saw water "what are we supposed to do with the ship leaking everywhere" said ash

"We got to keep calm as long as there is air in here it will take much longer for the water to fill up" said misty

"Sure but better not waste any time while escaping" said brock

"Well we should either go up or down" said misty

"Well if we are sinking its better to go up and if the ship is filled up side down"said ash not being very clear

" the deck is below us and the ships bottom is up above our heads "said misty

" when we have to dive down to the deck"said ash as Pikachu nodded with him

"But if we dive down to the deck and come across a dead end then we are done for" said brock as ash image himself drowning

"But how are we supposed to know" asked ash

"Water is my specialty go golden" said misty taking out golden

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