chapter 5

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After informing ash what happened, he came to visit with his mom

"Clara you look horribly are you going to be alright,it looks bad" said ash seeing Clara rapped in bandages, his mom hit him on the head for being rude

"Ash that's not a very nice thing to say" said delia as ash rudder his head

Clara was in her bed being hugged by jewel and Eva reading a book, stared at them with a blank face why ash isn't surprised by jewel and Eva evolution well he is but Clara looking all injured surpassed the surprise of evolution

He always thought Clara was very strong to lose a fight "don't look to surprised ash, it was big gyarados who attacked so of course, I would look beaten up" said Clara calmly

"I'm actually surprised your not freaking out over jewel and Eva evolution" said Clara smiling at him,

"Of course I'm surprised but it's more surprising that you fought a gyarados" said ash,

"I didn't stand a chance against it actually it was very big, it could have killed me but jewel and Eva saved me" said Clara

"Yes but i'm great your okay, I was freaking out then I heard you were in a coma" said ash and hugged her"please don't do it again "he added, Clara smiled at this and petted him on the back " I'll try, I didn't even want to fight it"said Clara

Layla was still emotional because of the shock she got few days ago, deila was relieved to see Clara ok and as calm as ever "Clara I made some of your favorite pudding"said deila, hearing pudding" Clara looked at her with bright eyes "pudding!!"

"Hahaha it looks like only your homemade pudding could make her lose her calm" said Layla,

As ash asked Clara "hey Clara I didn't know eevee could evolve into a.. "

"She a espeon, ash we learned about it from a johto book about Pokemon" said Clara

"Johto?" Asked ash

"Hmmm after many trainers finish battling in Kanto they travel to johto to get even stronger, there's many kinds of Pokemon there" said Clara

"So cool you sure do know alot" said ash smiling big as he petted espeon on the head,

"If you had read the books I sent you, you would have known" said Clara with amused smile, seeing ash trying to avoid eye contact

"Well your going with me on my journey so I don't have to learn" said ash trying to defend himself, as Clara just sighed,

They stayed for dinner as deila helped Layla make dinner for many kids, ash had fun playing with Eva and jewel as Clara wasn't allowed to get out of bed, ash didn't win against jewel once when playing board games, being influenced by Clara jewel is a master in playing, Eva isn't bad either, as Clara watched them play,

For few months until Clara didn't have pain moving this routine continued Clara was sorry to deila for coming over so much and even if she had busy schedule,but deila told her not worry she wanted to do it, and she knew Clara needed a friend in times like these, so they become her support, the kids also sometimes leave snacks in front of Claras door step, Clara was surprised seeing them trying to interact with her and she didn't reject them,

They bonded over these months Layla couldn't be happier, jewel and Eva were Clara's biggest supports, they were always with her, Clara felt bad that she couldn't spoil them, but they didn't mind at all they know Clara will spoil them again when she's better,

After she was better she actually did spoil them rotten again but Clara also started to train them again she will train with them because if she moves alot she can heal faster,

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