chapter 12

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Before they completely left the forest they came across a sign that said Cerulean city, but there was something else written here as well it wrote 'gary was here, ash is a loser' when ash saw that he was furious and ran off toward the city as clara wrote something else in the sign and ran off after ash

What She wrote beside Gary was here was "Gary's an idiot"

After a while ash forgot about Gary "ahh it's a great day to just enjoy the sunshine" said ash stretching his arms as Clara was reading about Cerulean city gym which was show instead of a gym she didn't know how to tell that to ash

"While your enjoying the sunshine, Gary is catching more pokemon" said brock shocking ash "but I guess a trainer can enjoy the sunshine while catching pokemon" as ash smiled as Pikachu looked behind and saw misty running behind "hey where are you going?"

"Well I know where we are going Cerulean city" said ash as misty freaked out"why are you going there"said misty

Seeing misty like this Clara get suspiciou,

"Well it's none of you business but I'm going for more badges" said ash

"Ahh ash you don't want pokemon from there trust me" said misty nervously

"Why not?" Asked ash


"Because what?"

"Because they're all scary ghost pokemon like this" said misty trying to make her face scary

"your saying ghost pokemon are scary, well I think they're lovely, like my smoke, so I will gladly go" said Clara as ash nodded with her as ash also laughed at misty's face "and nice face misty" as they left

"Hey wait, wait a second" yelled misty as  she got in there way to convince them to go to somewhere else, say this and that but Clara pushed her a side gentle with one hand and they continued walking
Until they made it to Cerulean city

"So this is Cerulean city" said ash

"Pretty nice place isn't it" said brock

"Hey misty didn't come with us" said ash looking back

"She really didn't want came to Cerulean city did she " said brock

"I wonder why she hates this place so much " said ash

"My guess is she didn't want to see some people here" said Clara

"That could be it" said ash

They came across a crowd of people in front of a building,

"I wonder what's going on?" Asked ash

"Yeah" said brock

"We might as well see" said Clara as they want in the crowd to know what's going on

Ash asked a person besides him"excuse me can you tell me what's going on here"

"Some burglars broke into this store last night" said the person

"Burglars?" Asked ash

"What do you know about burglars?" Said officer Janney"you two look suspicious to me"

"HeyJanney that motorcycles officer from viridian" said ash

"Ah so you must have met my sister in law, if you know my sister in law that means you have some trouble in Viridian, maybe you stopped to ash her for direction, or maybe you found a wallet on the road and tuned it to her or maybe your burglars who broke out of jail" said the officer

"I never been to jail" said ash

"Neither have i ma'am" said brock

"This is just ridiculous why would burglars go back to the place they stolen from and why would you suspect some kids" said Clara rubbing her forehead

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