Chapter 11

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Rosé's pov.

We were checking suddenly...someone hit me with something on my head. My head went numb. I slowly turned around and Jimin was nowhere.

I was trying to move but the hit affected my head so much that everything went black.

Lisa's pov

We were checking suddenly the fog came from nowhere and I was turning blank due to its smell but when the fog lessen Jungkook wasn't with me.


I shouted in the area to see if he is here or not but no sign.

While checking I came towards the south. And The alley's corner had flowing blood on road.

I went towards the source of blood and. Rosé was unconscious and blood flowing from the back of her head.

I immediately took her on my back and rushed towards the car .

Near the car. I found Three people. I took out my gun and pointed towards them only to find out they were Jennie unnie, Sooya unnie and Namjoon oppa.

Jennie: Lisa what happened to Rosie.

Me: her head is injured, blood is flowing from the back of head.

Sooya: oh my god keep her on the back seat I will treat her.

I kept her on back seat carefully while Sooya unnie treated her.

Namjoon: but who did this to her and Jimin was also with her right.

Me: what if Jimin did this to her.

Namjoon: no he won't, we know him, and also jungkook was with you so where he is?

Me: told what happened

Jennie: Taehyung is nowhere to found and he is also missing.

Sooya: so do Jin.

Namjoon: also Jhope and Yoongi.

Jennie: strange thing is that all boys aree missing except you Namjoon.

Namjoon: I was also attacked but I escaped on right time.

Sooya: I treated her and in some time she will woke up.

We all nodded.

Suddenly Jennie unnie got a call from our manager.


Jennie: yeah mr.lee

Mr.Lee: miss Jennie please come to headquarters with everyone.

Jennie: but what happened.

Mr.Lee: someone have sent a box and in it a pendrive is there and I letter for you guys.

Jennie: uh we are coming.

End of OTP

Jennie: everyone. We have to go to our headquarters.

Namjoon: why

Jennie: because someone has sent us a pendrive and a letter.

Sooya: okay Jennie drive.

Jennie: hmm


Driver seat.: Jennie
Passenger seat: Namjoon
Backseats: Lisa,Sooya,Rosé

In 15 mins, Rosé was conscious and Sooya told her everything. While here Jennie and Namjoon are discussing and thinking of what can that pendrive contain.

Lisa is blanked out.

From this drive Jennie and Namjoon get a nice bond of friendship between them.


At the headquarters of Blackpink.

Sooya's pov

We came to the headquarters and directly went to second top floor as it's manager's cabin.

Jennie straightly went inside the cabin.

Jennie: where's the box.

Mr.Lee : here handed her the box

Jennie took the box and left the cabin and we followed her behind on top floor which is meeting area and our cabins.

In the meeting room.

I connected the pendrive to my laptop.

It had a folder and di clicked on it to find a clip.

In which Rest of Bts members were kidnapped, and were taken in an abandoned building.

Namjoon's pov

I saw the clip and it broke my heart.

Some tears fell from my eyes which was noticed by Sooya.

Sooya: Namjoon please don't cry, we will bring them back, trust us.

Me: but how can they get kidnapped. And why didn't I saved them

Sooya: it's okay now stay strong we have to bring them back, hey do you wanna drink coffee. I am bringing for myself.

Rosé: me too

Lisa: me three

Jennie: count me in

Sooya: you will drink coffee Namjoon

She said looking at me.

I smiled and nodded.

Lisa started clapping in excitement.

These girls are angels in mafia's nature.

Well I found some unique friends including my Bangtan soyeondan.

Vanished blood of Love जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें