11. Boy Are You Stupid?

Start from the beginning

I shook my head and decided to stop talking to him. He sighed and sat in a chair next to Vin's bed. I knew that Vin would understand, cause he wasn't the hot head in our squad. He was the cool silent one who liked to be on the sidelines rather than being in the game.

After moments passed, I did the one thing I had been scared to do since this all started happening.

I called Maria.


"Took you long enough, old man." I said to my father as he cut the ties around my legs and wrist. He chuckled and shook his head as he pulled his mask from around his face. He hardly ever took it off, and said that it was because nobody would catch him slipping.

"Hakeem I raised you better than this. Yo punk ass could've escaped from them little niggas. Shit is a shame that you boys running around while us old heads cleaning up yall mess."

I rolled my eyes and stood to my feet as I rubbed my sore wrist. "Whatever Martin. Just toss me a gun so we can be on our way. I take it you cleaned up ?" He pulled on his mask and shook his head, making me grown in annoyance.

Leave it to my father to leave dead bodies all throughout the house.

My father claimed he didn't have other kids, or any other woman besides my birth mother, but now I started to question that. He was never at home with her, and he basically lived in two countries at one time. Some months he was in Mexico, and others he was in the states. It was suspicious to me but I didn't give a fuck, my main goal was on killing Kaden.

And that was what I was set out to do.


I rubbed my stomach sadly as I watched the TV screen in the doctors office. My father sat next to me with disappointment in his eyes. The entire time that we've been here, I felt dirty and nasty, like I was ashamed of myself.

I knew for sure that my dates matched up and that Vinny was the father of my child. I would never just try and pin this type of responsibility on someone !


I looked up and she gave me a half smile as she lead me to a room in the back of the clinic. My father sat in the chair across the room and I sat on the bed, staring at the equipment in the room.

"I don't understand why I couldn't just have two boys. Maybe I wouldn't have to deal with the stupid shit that you females do ! Why couldn't you just be more like your fucking brother ?"

I sighed and shook my head as the doctor came in. My father was always putting me down and made me feel like I wasn't good enough because I wasn't the prodigy that he wanted. I wasn't the girl who wanted to become a lawyer and go to college.

I was the girl that wanted to be an exotic dancer and go out and actually live my life, besides staying inside of an office trying to help people win cases or putting people behind bars.

"Ms.M?" The doctor said and I blinked twice as I turned my head to look at him. "I-I'm sorry, yes?" I cut my eyes at my father slightly and frowned while biting on my lip.

"I said how have you been feeling ?" He asked as he directed me to lay back and roll my shirt up. "I've been feeling okay..my stomach hurts sometime but nothing to serious." He nodded and turned the lights off as he started to spread the cold jelly on my stomach. "Well the baby seems fine Ms.M.. Make sure you eat healthy and take your prenatal vitamins."

I nodded and he began to wipe the cold substance off of my stomach. "You'll be a great mother honey, just keep your head up alright ?" I smiled slightly and he gave me a slight hug before handing me pictures from my ultrasound. "Alright, thanks, I'll be back in a couple of weeks doctor brown."

"Do you even know who the father of this child is ? I heard about you being a little hoe." My dad voiced nonchalantly as we walked back to my car, that of course, BNard paid for.

"Dad of course I know who the father is ! I'm fucking 22 years old ! I'm not a baby and I can handle my own shit! If you gone talk shit you can walk yo ass home !" I angrily got in my car and slammed the door shut. Soon after, he got in and remained quiet the whole ride to my mothers house. I was grateful and didn't need to hear his bullshit.

After he got out of my car, I waved to my mother and called my brother on the phone. He picked up after two rings and I sighed as tears started to fall.

"Mook I'm so tired of yo fucking daddy!" I screamed into the phone, and he chuckled after he yawned.

"Daje that's yo daddy too, what he then did to you now ?" I heard him get up and I sniffled as I stared at the red traffic light. "I-I'm pregnant.."

"Pregnant? Who then got my little sister knocked up !" He laughed and I smiled small as I started to loosen up. At least Michael wasn't so mean to me and still had faith in me. "His name is Vinny, but-" "Vinny? Miami Vinny?!" He yelled and I shrugged as I started to pull up in my drive way.

"Yes..Miami Vinny, but still. Daddy acts like I'm a hoe and just got knocked up from a one night." I complained to him as I walked into the house and set my keys on the counter after locking up.

"Baby girl you know you ain't a thotty, so why you letting pops get on your case ? You grown, you know what you doing Daje." He said and I grabbed an apple before kicking my shoes off and sitting on the couch.

"I know ! That's the same shit I said. But it's just because you the one with the dick, so daddy hates me." I chuckled and so did Michael. I heard a female in his back ground so I smirked and decided to be nosy. "What bitch you popping now Mook?" He groaned and I just knew he was rolling his eyes.

"She ain't just a bitch aiight, and her name is Maria, that's all I'm giving." I knew her name sounded familiar, but I didn't push any further. I believed that BNard addressed some girl named Maria as his bestfriend, but they probably weren't the same girls..

Thinking about Bashir put me in my feelings and I pouted as I looked at my feet. "Brother..I miss you. Come back to Miami.." He chuckled and I heard a little boy laughing in the background.

"Maria I told you it's my damn sister ! Chill!" He yelled and I giggled as I put the phone on speaker. "Anyway, I'll be in Miami in about a week or so. I'll talk to you later sis, stay safe and remember that just cause dad don't approve of you don't mean he don't love you."

"Yeah yeah whatever, bye Michael. I love you, stay safe." He agreed and returned it and I hung up and sighed. I walked upstairs to my room, ready to take a hot shower and get in my bed.

"When were you gone tell me you were fucking my brother Amelia?" I froze in place and watched as a figure sat in the chair in front of my vanity.

"B-Bashir?" He smiled and flipped the light switch. My heart beat started to increase and I backed into the wall as I grabbed my small pudge.

"In the flesh baby." He walked up to me and tilted a knife against my chin. "B I didn't know th-"

"You knew Da'Jah. Don't even try and tell me you didn't. Now he laid up in the hospital cause I shot him in the heat of the moment, when I should have came to kill your ass!" He yelled and I flinched as I started to sniffle.

"Bashir please..I really didn't know. You gone kill me after all the shit we been through ?" He chuckled and pointed his knife at my belly, making me cover it with both my hands.

"Can you tell me if that's my kid or not?" I nodded shakily and he rolled his eyes. "Well is it bitch ? Spit it out."

"I-it's most likely Vinny's..the dates add up.." He paused and then frowned slightly. "You even know his real name ? Or when his birthday is ?" I shook my head and he chuckled as he tossed the knife aside.

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't jaw yo shit? You lucky I don't cut you up like Freddy cause you carrying my damn brothers seed." He stressed and I shrugged as I shrunk back further into the wall.

I wanted to scream boy are you stupid and push him out of my house, but I knew better and I wasn't going to test Bashir.

"Because even though the dates add up, there's a possibility that this baby could be yours .."

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