Ch41 The End

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Months passed after her confrontation with Macao, Kaya's heart grew more appeased as time with her friends flew by. That day, Laxus and her marched up the hills of Magnolia. Laxus led the woman to a clearing in the forest. Behind them was the town.

The thunder god asked the woman to keep her eyes closed, but obviously the spiky blonde had prepared her a surprise. Since her return to Fairy Tail, Laxus and Kaya gradually spent more and more time together. Weirdly, none of the guildmates could tell whether they were a thing or just simply 'close' friends.

"Laxus, where are we going? We're surely not at the guild." threw off Kaya with sarcasm.

She could hear the dragon slayer chuckle at her remark. "Well, of course, have you heard cries and glasses shattering yet?" he replied playfully.

Kaya giggled in return, and Laxus' chest swelled with joy. There they were happy and content. Slowly leading hands in hands, Laxus turned her towards the beautiful sunset that was covering their beloved Magnolia.

"Open up your eyes, birdy..."

"Stop calling me..." the young woman was about to nag when the breathtaking view stopped her from going further. She turned to Laxus with hopeful eyes, "it's beautiful."

"You only deserve the prettiest sunset." he lit up, his ears blushing redder. The Raijinshû briefed him on what he could tell her today. The cheesiness was overflowing with every word.

Kaya smiled with delight at Laxus, losing herself in his hazel eyes. "You really..."


"You're so cheesy today, it's even suspicious." she observed a pout making its way on her face. "Something's on your mind?"

Laxus looked at her, it was the first he hesitated in front of anyone. No one provoked him such trouble, and somehow, he wanted that trouble in his life. But he also feared losing her at the same time.

The dragon slayer sat on the blanket near Kaya, and took out two glasses out of the basket, then he proudly showed Kaya a bottle of wine. She smirked smugly. "I thought you didn't want me to drink, you said I was 'too young'" she pouted, mimicking his own expression weeks ago.

He chuckled lightly, "I wanted you to have your first bottle of wine with me." he revealed to her to which she scoffed.

"Laxus, I worked in a bar, I already tasted a lot of wine." she smiled sheepishly, sitting near him, accepting the glass of white wine he offered her.

"Of course, but I want you to have your first fine wine with me first." he admitted, his cheeks flushing. He didn't dare to admit that he asked Freed and Ever for wine selection.

"If so, I have to make a toast," she boasted. "Can't let this bottle go to waste?" she grinned like a Cheshire cat.

Kaya gently cheered, "to what are we cheering for?" questioned Laxus doubtful.

The light mage smiled timidly, "Maybe for the future?"

"Oh, I like this idea, birdy." he sang back.

"I told you to stop calling me birdy...!" she replied back, staring at him with a defying gaze.

Since her return, both mages have acted very close to each other. Both often bickered over trifles, always trying to win over the other and having the last word. The thing is both secretly loved their moment of flirting and those bickerings as their guildmates called it. But deep inside, Kaya feared that the swelling she felt during those times were just one sided. So, she decided to only enjoy it, as she dreaded the point where they would stop.

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