I've Always Fantasized About Fucking In The Shower

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"Who does that blasted woman think she is?" I mumble to myself as I lather up my tresses with vanilla scented shampoo.

The rage from inside me channels out through my fingertips and onto my scalp, my poor hair the target while I scrub at it vigorously.

"Sterling," Jackson calls softly from the other side of the bathroom door as he raps lightly upon the wood. "Are you okay? You haven't uttered a word since your mother left town."

He cracks the door slightly ajar and peers through the small opening. A smile tugs up the corners of his lips when he spots me soaking in the tub naked, my skin slick and sheening from the moisture.

He coughs. "Ahem...uh...wow."

"Oh, so now you knock," I spit out. "Where was that courtesy when you came barging in on me earlier in the summer?"

He cautiously steps inside, steam curling around him as he holds up his palms. "Hey, no need to get feisty with me. Last I checked, my name isn't Theresa, and I'm not the one who you're angry with for once. And might I add, thank God."

I snarl at him when he moves in to plant a kiss atop my soapy head. "Unless of course, you want to get feisty with me," he continues with a wicked grin. 

Rolling my eyes, I splash him with a healthy dose of bath water, soiling his pants with bubbles. "Believe it or not," I scold. "I'm not always in the horny mood to jump your bones."

He lowers the lid on the toilet and takes a seat. "So, then use me to vent. Believe it or not, I do have ears that are quite capable of listening."

I sigh, tilting my head up and staring up at a cobweb that has been artfully constructed by a spider during the months in the winter when the cabin has been abandoned.

"I'm just so tired of everyone constantly handing out orders on how to act, how to dress, how to speak..."

My gaze falls upon Jackson, and he chews his lip. "And I suppose I didn't help the matter by throwing it in your face that you aren't classy?"

"No, Jackson," I bite out. "You really didn't. You sounded just like my mother, and if I'm being honest, it made me feel horrible about myself."

He drops his head into his hands. "Sterling, I feel awful. I wish I could take it back."

"Tell me," I demand, raising my voice. "What is so terrible about the person I am?"

In a flash, he springs from the toilet and kneels beside me, grasping my hands and nuzzling them against his cheek. "Nothing, Ster. You're incredible as is, and the right person won't ever try to change you."

I give him a pointed look, the suggestion of his words hanging as heavy in the room as the fog from the hot bathwater.

"Yea, okay," he says on an exhale. "I did try to mold you to fit my ideal woman. But I never claimed to be the guy for you."

He rocks back on his heels, letting his hands fall in between his legs and stares down at the tile. "Did I ever share with you what happened between me and Katie?"

I shrug. "I don't know. You had lots of sex, and she was perfect in every single way?" I retort sarcastically.

Jackson scoffs. "Fuck no. Katie made my life hell. I was forever seeking her approval, and it was exhausting."

I lift a brow. "So, what did Miss Flawless not like about you? The fact that you played the violin instead of a cool instrument such as the guitar?"

He wags a finger at me. "First off, the violin is cool and secondly, I think it's easier to list the traits she did find appealing."

Running his hands over his scalp, he glances at me in earnest. "She would lecture me on the company I kept, namely Brandon. She disapproved that he would drink and get high. She thought that it reflected badly upon me since I was applying for a prestigious college."

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