I've Never Been Fucked So Good

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I am going on a stakeout. A secret mission known to no one except for myself and the squirrel that watches me from outside the window.

"But you won't tell anyone," I mutter to myself, slipping on my oversized black sunglasses. 

There is not much of a point in me being discreet, because I know that I will be the one who gives up my own ruse. However, it's considerably more fun to pretend that I'm a spy, so on goes the baseball cap that I stole from Jackson's suitcase and the trench coat that I purchased at the thrift store for solely this assignment.

I know where to find Jackson. I overheard him speaking on the phone with Kelsi, confirming their lunch reservations for noon at The Shady Cow.

An appropriate name for my antics. The shady part that is. I enjoy my three scoops of mint chocolate chip ice cream all summer long, but I like to think that I am no heifer.

The mosquitos are already buzzing around the pines when I spot the couple dining at a picnic table. Kelsi is wearing a yellow gingham dress with her hair pulled back into a ponytail. She is nibbling delicately on a hot dog while Jackson inhales a hamburger.

I grimace as he takes a handful of fries and stuffs them into his mouth. 

Does the boy have no manners? That's no way to win over a date. I scoff. As if their relationship isn't doomed anyways.

Sorry, Jackson. I don't make the rules. I just break them. And right now, I'm about to enact a heist.

Straightening out my shoulders and raising my chin, I march over towards them as he tries to feed her a pickle and she bats his hand away.

"Oh hiiiii, Kelsi," I coo, strolling up to their table. "I didn't realize you two were lunching here."

Jackson stares at me with a cross expression. "What are you doing here?" He demands to know, narrowing his eyes. "And why are you wearing a trench coat in eighty-degree weather? And is that my hat?"

"It's a whole bit I'm doing," I mumble, taking a seat next to Kelsi. "You wouldn't get it."

"You look ridiculous," he says but I catch the amused smirk on his face.

"And you look lovely!" I exclaim. I reach over to give Jackson's hand a pat. "Not you."

Then turning towards Kelsi, I stroke her arm, letting my fingertips trail lightly over her skin. "Yellow is definitely your color, girl. Rawr."

She beams and Jackson shoots lasers at me with his eyes. Metaphorical ones, that is because real ones would just be unrealistic and terrifying.

"I know what you're doing," he hisses.

I prop my chin in my hands and lean forward. "Oh? Do tell."

His face flushes pink and he laughs nervously. "I...um."

The little rat is reluctant to give away his secrets but unfortunately for him, I've been spilling tea since the time I was five and dropped my grandmother's kettle on the floor after she specifically instructed me to wait for an adult to pour me a serving.

"Ooooh," I continue, slapping the table. "Do you think my sudden appearance is me trying to sabotage your date because you went down on me in the canoe the other night?" 

I wave my hand. "Think nothing of it, Jacks. We're all friends here." I give Kelsi a wink before adding, "Close friends, if you catch my drift."

His mouth drops open while Kelsi studies him with a curious lift of her brow. "In fact," I rush on. "I'm nothing short of ecstatic to have run into Kelsi. How are you doing, girl?"

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