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"Can we talk?"

These are the words I speak as she lounges in front of the bonfire, the reflection of the flickering light casting a golden dance across her delicate features.

"Sure," she replies, nodding and pushing off the sand. She wipes the stray specks from her shorts as she follows me out to the dock.

"What's up?" She asks, lifting a brow. She wraps her arms around her waist to ward off the soft breeze that blows in from the lake.

Rubbing the back of my neck, I gaze out at the ripples that move in a quiet motion. "I like you a lot," I begin, blowing out my breath.

"You're very pretty and you're exactly the type of person I've been searching for..." As I trail off, I chance a cautious peek at her.

Will she cry when she hears the rest of what I need to say? Will she throw a fit and stomp off, leaving me deserted?

"But?" Kelsi questions. She faces me, searching my eyes for the answer to my unspoken word.

I sigh and gesture back and forth between our bodies. " have to admit that there's no chemistry between the two of us," I finish weakly.

She nods, a light of comprehension in her expression. "I have noticed that our connection seems to be a bit bland."

Grasping her hand, I stare down at her fingers as I massage them. "There's no fire, no passion." I shrug. "No spark. It's nothing against you, Kelsi. You're amazing. It's just that I've lived my life very rigidly and am at a point where I guess I'm seeking something more exhilarating."

She places one hand on my shoulder and smiles sympathetically. "I completely understand, Jackson. I'm not upset. In fact," She pauses as a small giggle tumbles from her lips. "I should be the one hoping that won't be mad at me."

Frowning, I furrow my brows. "What do you mean?"

Her sights shift past my shoulder and focus on something in the distance. I turn around to see what's caught her attention but it's just my friends and Sterling casually lounging by the blaze.

However, the grin on her face is wistful.

At last, she sighs, returning her gaze back upon me. "I'm not proud to admit this but perhaps, the reason why I was so agreeable to seeing you again is because I was wishing to get closer to Sterling."

My mouth falls open but in reality, I should have seen this coming. She had made her intentions clear the night of the threesome. It was never me who Kelsi was interested in.

"Oh, well..." I clear my throat. "I'm not her."

She chuckles again, shaking her head. "Definitely not. Your hair is far too short and not blonde enough to qualify, I'm afraid."

A silence descends upon us, and her sights fall to the wooden planks of the dock as she bites her lip. " you happen to know if she and Brandon are an item?" She continues. "They seemed rather cozy today."

Images of Sterling's flushed cheeks while I thrust inside of her, take center stage in the forefront of my brain and I can't help the snicker that escapes from my mouth. "I believe that she's spoken for at the moment."

Kelsi may be beautiful, but she is a bit dense to have not picked up on the reason behind the high tension between myself and my friend today.

Disappointment washes over her features but she doesn't pout or scream. Instead, she straightens her posture and extends her palm outwards to me. "That's alright. Friends?" She asks.

My Best Friend's Hot Brother (18+)Where stories live. Discover now