Panicking Over Having Sex

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What's the context of the title? Leave your guesses here. ----------------->


Sterling drops a bomb in my lap, one that threatens to soon explode and leave everything within my radius in complete shambles.

She wants what now?

Before I can respond, not that I am even sure what to possibly say, she presses a finger to my lips. Then rolling over onto her side, she gazes at me with affection in her eyes. "Don't speak," she instructs. "Just listen."

I nod.

"You claimed these past few days have been the most fun you've had in years," she carried on. "You said you owed that to me. All that I'm asking for in return, is that you give me the next two months of your time to continue to show you what you've been missing out on."


She clamps her hand over my mouth, her grip firmer. "Shh. I'm not done," she rushes on. "I like you, Jackson. I mean really like you."

My brows shoot up on my forehead. This is unexpected. She takes pleasure in goading me which has never been any indication that she had feelings for me. Rather the complete opposite.

I'm curious to question her as to why she has picked me as her romantic interest. I can't imagine someone that devotes nearly all his time to learning a musical instrument that isn't a guitar or drum set to be alluring to someone with her sort of wild streak.

She bites her lip, the confidence painted in her expression only moments ago, now morphed into one of shyness. "I don't want you to respond to that today..." She pauses. "Mainly, because you've already stated that you find me irritating but when the end of summer comes, and we leave this cabin after you have spent some time alone with me, I want to know if you think that you could ever like me too."

She pulls her hand away and wraps her arms around her knees as she sits up. Wistfully, she stares out at the pines and the sunflowers swaying gently in the soft breeze. My gaze drops to the small of her bare back, her skin so creamy.

It's hard to fathom that just moment before, I was inside of her. And only shortly before that, I was getting ready for a date with another girl and musing to myself over what a nuisance Sterling was to be hovering while I was trying to get ready.

Crickets chirp from somewhere in the distance as silence drifts comfortably around us. My sights follow a lightning bug darting in and out of the trees, its occasional glow giving away its location.

My mind is whirling at a dizzying pace over the new information that has been thrusted upon me. I have never considered Sterling as a dating option before and now, out of the blue, she wants to know if I could ever be attracted to her? 

I need time to process my thoughts. "Sterling, I-"

"You're unhappy, Jackson," she interjects.

I study the light of the moon balancing off the darkened waters of the lake. She isn't wrong. But I don't understand the relevancy of this statement to our conversation.

She slides a cautious glance over at me. "Let me help you discover the real you. The guy that is so much more than just his violin. That's all I ask. If by the end of August, you still want me to leave you alone..."

She shrugs a shoulder. "I won't pester you anymore." 

Leaning forward, she plucks a stray pine needle from the cushion of the outdoor bed and twiddles it between her fingers. "Do we have a deal?"

I gaze up at the stars winking from the navy sky. In theory, her offer seems like a win-win. I get to let loose for the summer and then cut her loose.

But what if...

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