Have Your Way With Me

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"Ooh, kinky," I giggle as Jackson tosses a blindfold at me. "What do you have in mind?"

"Put that on," he prompts, nodding at the black scrap of fabric clutched in my hands. "I'm taking you somewhere."

I slide the band over my head, my vision suddenly overtaken by darkness. "Is it paradise?" I ask breathily, sprawling out across the mattress. "Or perhaps, a pool of bliss?"

"No," he replies firmly. "It's none of that."

"Oh." Disappointment washes over me at the idea of not being utterly ravished by him. "Then what's the point of wearing this?"

I start to slip the mask up over my forehead, but his touch on my wrist stops me. "Just trust me, okay? Now, come with me."

Scoffing, I grapple around in front of me, trying not to get stabbed in the abdomen by the corner of the dresser which I know is lurking here somewhere. Jackson's fingers suddenly curl over mine and he steers me out the door.

His touch is as warm as the dull ache inside my belly, and I will happily follow wherever he leads. Which he does. Across the scarred hardwood, past the gravel that crunches beneath my boots and straight into the front seat of the car.

"You're not kidnapping me, are you?" I inquire. "I never really found Beauty and the Beast to be all that sexy, to be honest. I mean, isn't he essentially an animal and she's a human? It's weird that they fall in love, right?"

Jackson ignores my question, instead asking one of his own. "Do you have a favorite spot that you escape to whenever you're sad or just needing to think?"

An image of a dilapidated and faded red barn instantly springs to life inside my brain. The ancient structure still smells of hay and cows even though it has been abandoned for years. It's the place I run to, lungs burning, whenever my mother and I have yet another quarrel.

"I do," I answer slowly. "But what's that have to do with anything?"

"I'm taking you to mine," he announces flatly.

If I was the Grinch, my heart would be growing three sizes right now from the pure emotion of Jackson letting me into a part of his life that means so much to him. "But why?" I question.

"Because I think you'll enjoy it." His reasoning is simple, straightforward and I'm grateful that my eyes are covered by a blindfold so that he cannot see how his reply is causing me to well up. 

I do not say anything more for fear that my voice will quiver if I try to speak.

We continue to drive along in silence for a while until the noise of the traffic fades away, being replaced by birds chirping. My hearing now heightened as a result of my sense of vision being stripped away, I immediately pick up on the sound of rushing water.

"Where are we? Can I take this thing off now?" I swivel around in my seat, my limited senses straining to focus on any detail that will allude to where we are."

Jackson chuckles. "Not just yet."

Eventually, the vehicle slows to a stop and the car door slams shut. In another moment, mine opens and he is by my side, gripping my arm and helping me out of the passenger seat.

He walks me a small way, and the roaring of the water intensifies. The spray of a mist lands on my cheeks. It's refreshing on the sweltering summer day.

"Okay, now," Jackson instructs.

I nudge up the mask and instantly gasp at the sight before me. "Jackson," I breathe. "This is incredible."

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