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Meanwhile on the beach Javelin, Laffey, Unicorn and Illustrious eat manjuu to pass the time on the beach.

Laffey: I hope Ayanami can eat with us next time.

Javelin: Huh?

Laffey: Do you refuse?

Javelin: Huh? No, of course not.

Then Javelin looks at the sea while she eats and thinks about eating with Ayanami and Unicorn looks at Javelin.


I am meeting with the high-ranking girls while we listen to the report from the Dragon Empery girls, no one from my fleet is in this meeting since only the most important people from each faction are there.

NH: Dragon Empery detected some suspicious activity on the part of the sirens, it could be a sign that they are preparing a massive attack and we went out on an exploration mission to obtain more information, but... While we were sailing in enemy territory they caught us and attacked us , we escaped to the east since the course to our base was obstructed by Arbiter class siren, then we were chased by a high class siren.

Me: (Chased by a high-class siren? Where was she when we rescued them?) Can I ask a question?

NH: Yes.

Me: Where was the high-ranking siren?

NH: I don't know.

Me: You don't know?

NH: During the chase, she had disappeared and we were aware that we had not injured her.

PH: We assume that she underestimated us and left the job to her henchmen.

NH: After sailing for several days avoiding the attack of the sirens, they finally cornered us and forced us to fight at close range and it was at that moment that I sent that SOS.

We all remained thoughtful at Ning Hai's words.

Hornet: You mean upper class sirens could do something?

NH: Yes.

Wales: The girls from Dragon Empery are active members of Azur Lane, I am very grateful for this information they gave us.

NH: Azur Lane and Red Axis are fighting each other right now...

Me: So they will attack after the war ends and by that time...

Wales: We will be weakened enough to stop their onslaught against us if we win the war.

Me: (whispers) Divide and conquer...


The meeting had ended, everyone left the room with grim expressions, Wales had ordered everyone that this should not be leaked and that this information is classified for the moment, Enterprise and Belfast walk through one of the base's passageways.

Enterprise: Increased siren activity and the empire's new technology is no mere coincidence, we should investigate this case immediately.

Belfast: Don't worry, that activity is one in which the Royal Navy excels greatly.

Enterprise: (surprised) What did you say?

Belfast: We, the Royal Maid Corps, are already on a new mission (Bows) "Cloak and Dagger" espionage in enemy territory.

Enterprise is very surprised by Belfast's actions.


In the shopping area, Ayanami's friends take her to the local restaurant to discuss Ayanami's infamous exploits during the start of the war, Yuudachi and Yukikaze race to the restaurant while Ayanami and Shigure walk calmly.

In the opposite direction, two British girls dressed as Shinto priestesses pass by, they are Sheffield and Edinburg, they are here by order of the queen to spy on the enemy.

Sheffy: Starting the mission.

Meanwhile, in the imperial palace located in the highest area of this island, Kaga and Akagi are in front of their empress to deliver their reports.

Nagato who is the empress of the empire for a few decades, she carefully reads the report and then she looks at the black mental cube that is near her.

Nagato: So this black cube is the object that allows us to control mass production sirens, right?

Akagi: Indeed, but it's just a byproduct, the black mind cube is also a normal mind cube made with the same materials as our mind cubes.

Nagato: Orochi Project.

Akagi: Yes, the bright hope for us of the Sakura empire.

Nagato: But that forced us to take the first step...

Akagi: It was inevitable.

Kaga: Great conflicts between us and the siren, the humanity of our territory barely survives.

Akagi: Azur Lane's strategy isn't fast enough to solve all of our problems. For the Sakura Empire to have a future, we must complete this project at all costs.

Nagato is still not convinced by the words of Akagi who has proposed this war to impose her ideals on the rest of the world, she still wants to do things through peaceful means, but the reason why Nagato agreed to go to war is that in A large part of Akagi's reasons are totally justified.

Nagato: I understand, thank you for handing in the report, I will read it thoroughly later. You can leave.

Nagato returns the black cube and Akagi along with Kaga retreats from the imperial palace, Nagato as she watches the first division leave the palace, she thinks about whether her decision to go to war was correct or not.

Nagato: (I guess war never changes no matter the era)

Meanwhile, Kaga and Akagi descend the steps that lead back to the imperial city, Kaga is somewhat upset by Nagato's decisions.

Kaga: She still has many doubts, Nagato lacks determination.

Akagi: Please don't speak so badly of her, she is also driven by a deep and strong love for her citizens.

Kaga: But sister...!

At that Kaga stops her words when she sees that her sister is not listening to her, Akagi holds the black cube while she looks at the cube in an evil way.

Akagi: But it is insufficient... my love is strong enough to incinerate the world and remain burning eternally (Looks melancholy at the mental cube) Yes, our reunion will soon be...

Kaga: Akagi...

TO BE CONTINUE................................

Azur Lane: Modern Destroyer.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon