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3 days had passed since our protagonists arrived in this world, currently Izumo has already recovered from her injuries, but she is still sleeping in the infirmary to monitor her health and supposedly today she would finally leave the infirmary since she is tired of being Locked in the infirmary, she was fortunately able to endure so much confinement since her sister Rider came to visit her every day to tell her the things that Stelle and Xie Li found out about this world and how complicated the war between factions will be.

At that same moment Wales and Cleveland walk through the Azur Lane port.

Cleveland: (excited) Wow! Its really got very exciting here!

Wales: Union and Royal forces are gathering at this base. Things will get busier from now on.

Cleveland: Do you know who else will come to my side? She is the best warrior of Eagle Union and she has the most medals under her identity!

Wales: The famous Enterprise, I have heard many of their most daring exploits. The main forces of the Royal Navy will also arrive soon, this base will surely become the center of all our ongoing activities.

Cleveland: (Happy) Then we better greet them properly! We can't keep them waiting! Let's go quickly!

Wales just laughs at Cleveland's performance, she is a very happy girl and Wales is a serious girl.

Just then a girl passes by, covered in a black cloak and a hood that prevents her identity from being seen. A strong wind blows away the girl's hood, revealing the infamous Ayanami, an Ayanami-class destroyer.

Meanwhile Wales and Cleveland are going to receive the best Milf of the Royal Navy, HMS Illustrious.

Illustrious gets off her ship, she sees Wales and Cleveland, she smiles when she sees Wales.

Illustrious: The prince came to see me, it is a great honor to see you once again.

Wales: Please don't say that. I just came to say hello to an old friend who I haven't seen in several years. Good morning, Illustrious.

Illustrious: Good morning, Prince of Wales, who is your partner?

Cleveland: USS Cleveland, Eagle Union cruise ship, it's good that they docked in port without problems.

At that, Cleveland realizes from Unicorn that she is hiding behind Illustrious. When she sees Unicorn, she hides behind Illustrious, causing Cleveland to get a little uncomfortable because of the strange situation.

Illustrious: This girl is Unicorn, I'm sorry, but she is very shy, I hope you don't feel uncomfortable.

Cleveland: Don't worry, it's nice to meet you, Unicorn-chan.

Unicorn nods and then hides behind Illustrious again.


Now Wales, Cleveland and Illustrious talk in the office.

Illustrious: Hood and the others will join in shortly.

Wales: Shouldn't we keep an eye on Iron Blood? How is that situation going?

Illustrious: A temporary truce due to lack of information and personnel, the most urgent thing is...

Wales: As I expected, the Sakura empire...

Illustrious: Yes.

Wales: If the empire makes a move, this base will be one of the hottest spots, reinforcing the base is the most obvious action to take.

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