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At that moment I open my eyes, I can see an unknown ceiling, from the lamp on the ceiling I can deduce that it is old style, when looking around I could see that where I am is in a bed in the infirmary, since I see other beds next to me and I was on the bed that is attached to the window, so I got up with some difficulty since I felt a pain in my shoulder and I look out of it, I can see that it is the base of Azur Lane, it is almost the same. same image of the game lobby screen.

Me: So they did it.

I don't know what happened, but seeing myself here in a very well-kept bed I can deduce that the mission of being accepted by Azur Lane went smoothly.

Just then the door opens revealing a woman who made my entire being twitch in fear.

Me: (Damn it's Ark Royal)

I am currently a destroyer and have a somewhat youthful appearance, I would not fall into the range of me having a Loli appearance.

Ark: Good morning princess. How did you sleep? Do you feel any pain?

Me: Ah... good morning, I'm Izumo, can I ask who you are?

Ark: I'm Ark Royal, Royal Navy aircraft carrier, you are currently in the Pearl Harbor sick bay, you were unconscious for almost 12 hours.

At that she pulls the phone from the nurse's desk and then starts talking to someone, I can't intercept the line since it is a closed circuit and the signal travels by cable.

Ark: Yes, it's me, the injured girl has woken up. Yes I understand.

At that she looks at me and hangs up the phone.

Ark: A friend of mine is coming to ask you some questions soon, so you better answer her.

Me: Understood. What about my allies? I know there were 3 of them accompanying me.

Ark: Don't worry, those girls you're talking about are fine, they're currently in the dining room eating breakfast, do you want me to call them? Sure, but first you have to talk to the base commander.

Me: I understand.

So Ark Royal hands me an apple.

Ark: You will need a little sugar for your body.

Me: thanks...

I'm surprised she's not being cute with me, or maybe this is one of her bullying tactics towards her minors?

I was just a little defensive, but I was hiding it, I smelled the apple right off the bat, it's just a simple apple, there are no extra smells and it wasn't tampered with, I saw that she had a paper bag full of apples so I guess she The apple is inviting me.

So I ate the apple, it is sweet and the taste is good, after I ate the apple I thank Ark for the gesture and she smiles kindly at me, I wonder if this world of Azur Lane is really a kind of world where Ark Royal is not a lolicon.

At that moment the door opens and Prince Of Wales enters.

Wales: I'll take care of the rest Ark Royal.

Ark: Understood.

So Ark Royal leaves, but at the same time Cleveland and London enter the infirmary, they seemed to be Wales' assistants... wait, where does all this seem so familiar to me?

In that I remember, the anime, yes, the anime that came out at the end of 2019 and beginning of 2020, I don't remember the plot well, but I remember about the attack on this base, the reason why I guess is quite simple... Wales as commander of base in Pearl Harbor, I remember quite well that she ran this place before the war against the Sakura empire. The plot is literally based on the war against the Sakura empire, why? Because it seems that Iron Blood was only an observer of the war and did not dare to attack Free Iris or the Royal Navy or the powerful Bear Parliament of the North. On the contrary, it alone supported the empire in its war with Prinz Eugen's fleet.

The problem comes now, how I tell them all this and that they believe me, although they believe in time-space travel thanks to sirens, if I tell them the truth there is a 30% chance that they will believe me, but... it is better to play safe and continue the plan I have made with my friends.

Wales: Good morning, Izumo, my name is Prince of Wales, King George V class battleship, I have spoken with your fleet XO and she has already told me everything, they had been attacked by the sirens, right?

Me: Yes, we were attacked by the sirens.

Wales: Apparently you are private contractors called SSX, right?

Me: No, We are Military Without Borders.

Wales: I see.

How naive, did you think I was going to fall for that trick question? She asks some questions and mixes in some false facts to make me wrong, but what she doesn't know is that I was the one who came up with this.

Wales: From what I've talked to your partner Rider, did they come from another world? It is not like this?

Me: Yes, we came from another world, a world invaded by sirens, the private military was necessary because the population did not want to go to war to die without doing anything to the enemy, the enemies were simply strong, but there were people who They wanted to go to war with their private military groups and many governments hired them to crew government ships lent to mercenaries.

Wales: I understand, what do you know about the sirens of your world?

Me: They are beings capable of manipulating time and space, they can use these powers to teleport at will, they use weapons of mass destruction capable of erasing cities and countries in seconds, the ability to attack out of visual range or from continent to continent, They did not stop at eliminating humanity, but also ********* censored due to age restriction (the author has decided to censor this part due to the bloody, inhuman and sexual content to prevent the page from censoring again my account)**********

And after 20 minutes of summary, Wales was somewhat shocked and disgusted by what she heard, she surely did not expect that the followers of the lie that I have told her would be cruel and more HDP than the one they have as enemies, additionally, In my summary I have also put some useful information that predicts the future events of the anime, I hope she understands the references.

Wales: I understand, I have heard a little about the XO from her, but I think you gave me more information about her world than her XO, for the moment I will decide that you can stay here. I will ask the Azur Lane headquarters to decide what will happen to you, but it is likely that you will end up belonging to our division because you are private military and currently although we have some peace, we need as many ships as we can use.

Me: I understand.

Wales: For now, stay here until you recover from your injuries.

Me: I understand and thank you very much for treating your injuries, but can I go for walks while I recover?

Wales: It is better that you stay here until you heal, due to the severity of your wounds, it will only take a couple of days before they heal, after all the kansen have a very fast regeneration power.

Me: I understand.

After that Wales left the room with her assistants who from the moment they entered just started writing and then they just said goodbye before leaving.

TO BE CONTINUE...............................

Azur Lane: Modern Destroyer.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant