Tree of suffering

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After the Capricid and the Rooster Bold passed their trials and became the chosen ones of the Canyon of the Winds. As Vamperin said earlier, the test for the Monkey King has begun, which will take place in the Impenetrable Jungle. He found himself not on suspension bridges, but in the middle of the jungle. Once there, he takes out his mirror without hesitation and tells him a mysterious phrase:
Mirror, Mirror, tell me how to awaken my spiritual animal!
The mirror gives him an answer in a few minutes:
To awaken a spiritual animal, need to take off a heart full of laziness out of the tree of suffering!
Hmm, what does that mean!- The Monkey King is thinking about the phrase.
But while the Monkey King was thinking about the phrase, he unknowingly went to walk along the jungle path and think about the phrase at the same time. But after a few minutes of reflection, he could not understand her, and went on wandering along the path, but now without thinking. But as he wandered, he was suddenly attracted by a funny picture that he saw ahead of him. This picture represented how a familiar hero King-Kong was shouting at someone and at the same time jumping down. But it was not yet known who he was shouting at there, because the silhouettes were poorly visible in the distance.The Monkey King became interested in what was going on there and he came closer to take a look. As he approached, he finally saw who King Kong was yelling at. It turned out that he was shouting at the Sloth, which had climbed the tree again and was obviously trying to take it down from there. At that time, the Sloth lay sprawled like a pancake on the highest branch of a tree and slept a blissful sleep.
Hey, you, well come down from this tree vividly, who am I telling!- King Kong shouts at the Sloth from below, jumping, obviously to get his attention.
But the Sloth did not answer him and continued to sleep blissfully on the branch.
Can you even hear me? King Kong asked him at the top of his voice, noticing that he did not pay attention to him as he continued to jump.
Finally, the Sloth heard him and woke up and reluctantly opened his left eye looking at him from above.
What you scream?-The awakened Sloth from above asked him reluctantly- Let sleep!
Then the sloth turned on its side to the trunk and continued to sleep, but it failed to do so and had to return to its pancake shape, due to the scream of King Kong, who continued to try to remove it from the tree with the words:
I say, that you would vividly descend from this tree to the ground!-King Kong shouts at him from below
No! There's no way I'm coming down from this tree! I at how home here!- the Sloth shakes its head, continuing to lie on a branch.
If you don't come down from this tree right now, otherwise I'll have to...- King Kong did not have time to finish his threat how suddenly the Sloth interrupted him.
Try!- says the Sloth who guessed what King Kong was going to do.
You're finish badly into trouble if you don't come down from this tree right now! I'm not kidding!- King Kong continues to threaten him
He's not joking-gorilla-kami confirms King-Kong's words which levitate near to him.
But the sloth did not pay attention to his threatings, because he fell asleep at that time.
Our Monkey King, as a lover of jokes and funny situations who watched this funny spectacle, could not restrain his laughter as King Kong tries to remove a Sloth from a tree.While the monkey king was laughing uncontrollably at the situation in front of him. In the midnight city, Miss Hound decides to look through the mirror as the Monkey King's trial takes place through the mirror. With these thoughts, she takes her mirror out of her pocket again and says the magic phrase we all know:
Mirror, Mirror show me what's going on in the Impenetrable Jungle!
After this phrase, the mirror shows her an extensive gallogram of the jungle where King Kong is trying to remove a Sloth from a tree, and the at this time Monkey King who is watching this and laugh.
What we going to watch a cinema again?- Barkk asks her with a smile.
Yes, it looks like it, Barkk," Miss Hound replies to her.
A What's going on there?Barkk asks, who doesn't understand what's going on in the jungle.
Well, seems a hero in a gorilla costume is trying to take down a hero in a sloth costume from a tree, and our familiar hero, the Monkey King, is watching this and laughing-Miss Hound answers her.
Yes, I recognize our Monkey King - says Barkk-And what are these two heroes called?
The heroes you see now are called King Kong and Sloth, and they are Mirror Researchers of the jungles. But there's also another heroine named Koala, but she's not there right now, she's probably on the bridges and patrolling the area from above-Campbella answers them.
Clear! What with the Sloth, why he lies? It's the first time I've seen a hero lying down and sleeping when such a horror is happening in the mirror world-Barkk asks her.
Yes, this he changed after the trial," Campbell replies with a little laugh
Miss Hound and Barkk look at her in surprise.
After he passed his test, he changed so much that he couldn't even be recognized! The heroes who take him on patrol say that he doesn't even take a couple of steps, and halfway there he immediately lies down on any tree branch to take a nap or lie down, they also say that he doesn't look like the old Sloth that he was before passing the test. And that's all because he allowed his spiritual animal to take over his body, which in no case can be done, but if it happens, that a spiritual animal can take over his body and turn him into a man with animal habits-Campbella explains to them.
Wow! And I didn't know that y spiritual animals could so that," Miss Hound tells her, amazed by her explanation.
Yes, they can't do that yet. They have many functions, such as protecting the hero of darkness, enhancing their abilities, and manifesting the most spiritual animal in the form of a spirit to use it as a guide to help them search for what they cannot find in the mirror world, but these spiritual animals have their drawbacks,as you've probably heard from me-Campbella tells her.
So it turns out that the Sloth got lazy after the test and was  no able to control its spiritual animal-Barkk suggested.
Campbell just nodded her head and then said: Let's better get on with how your friend's trial is going to go, it seems trial about to start! Campbella says and points her finger at the hologram.
Miss Hound and Barkk nods and continue to look through the mirror how Monkey King passes the trial.
Meanwhile, in the jungle, King Kong is still trying to shout at the Sloth, but it does not answer him because he is asleep. Realizing that the Sloth does not answer him, King Kong sits down on the ground to catch his breath.
There stubborn, pancake!-King Kong says to himself with displeasure, trying to catch his breath
How are we will be to get him out of there?We are not such experienced the tree climbers as a Macaque and the tree is big, unlike those from which we previously removed him-the Gorilla-kwami Sterkk asks him.
King Kong thinks about this question for a while, and then he comes up with an idea.
Although.... King Kong says to himself, rubbing his hands and coming close to the trunk of the tree.
Don't think-Sterk stops him from his planned actions, clearly guessing what he is up to- Have you forgotten what the Macaque told you, if you spoil the flora of the jungle, then the jungle will unleash its fury on you and on all the heroes who are here.
You know, I anyway don't believe in his stupid deliriums about the fury of the jungle-King Kong confesses to him and reaches out with his hands to the trunk again
Anyway don't think -Sterkk stops him from acting again.
Then King Kong sighs and abruptly stops doing what he was up to. And he and his kwami puzzled look up at the branch where the Sloth lies.
How did he manage to climb up there? Sterkk asks himself.
King Kong shrugs his shoulders and they continue to look up the tree.
The monkey King who was watching couldn't help but laugh at their hopelessness and continued to laugh to himself. But suddenly his laughter suddenly came to an end, because King Kong turns his head and sees our laughing hero and calls out to him:
Hey, you come here!
When King Kong hears that he is being addressed, he points at himself in surprise, like asking them with a gesture "Are you addressing me?".
Yes, yes, you! I'm to you adresses!Come here!-King Kong tells him, who understands his sign and makes a wave of his hand for him to come up to him.
Realizing that they are addressing him, the Monkey King reluctantly approaches them with his hands down and realizing that he was interrupted from watching such an interesting spectacle. As he slowly trudges towards them, King Kong turns his head to him and asks him:
You came to the test, didn't you?
Yes!" the Monkey King answers him reluctantly.
Oh, then it's generally super. Now then you will help us - King Kong exclaims joyfully after learning from him that he came to the jungle to pass the test - Yes, you boldly, boldly , come here! Don't be afraid, we're not Imitators, we won't steal your powers!
When he finally reached the tree, King Kong began to explain his ordeal to him.
Look, so your trial sounded like this: to lower a heart full of laziness from the tree of suffering?- King Kong asks him about the test.
The Monkey King slowly and reluctantly nods his head at him.
Well, then everything is clear.You've come to the right place. Your task is to remove there this sluggard from this tree - explains to him what to do in the King Kong test and points his finger up to the branch where the Sloth lies.
The Monkey King looks where King Kong is pointing his finger, and sees a Sloth that has woken up a little but is still sleepy and who is waving at him from above, like teasing him or greeting him.
After looking at the sloth, he looks at King Kong again.
Well, kind of all. If you do, well done , you will become the chosen one of this jungle, if not, do not upset, maybe next time you will be lucky. I also can't pass this test in any way to become the chosen one," King-Kong says him.
And this all a trial? It seems to be easy!- The Monkey King asks him looking in the tree.
Yes, you are not happy ahead of time! When you climb this tree, this task will no longer seem easy to you, but on the contrary difficult and impossible, if you knew how I do it every day, you would understand it, - King Kong answers him - The only thing I want wish for you is good luck in your trial! But while you're doing this, I'm going to lie here for now, otherwise, if honestly, I'm tired of jumping and trying to cry to him!-he
says and lay flat on the ground like a pancake.
Good luck- Sterkk wished him good luck, and then lay down on the ground with his master.
The Monkey King took a deep breath and looked up at the branch where the Sloth was waiting. With determination in his eyes, he started climbing the tree, focused on the task at hand.
He seemed to be able to climb a tree. But when he almost reached the Sloth and was about to grab a branch, but suddenly began to slide down and finally found himself at the very bottom where he was standing.
A I told you, it doesn't look as easy as it really seems, - King Kong tells him, turning to face him and lying on the ground.
The Monkey King sighed in frustration, but he was determined not to give up.
He looked at the tree again, took a deep breath, gathered all his determination into a fist and climbed the tree again. He seems to have succeeded again. But when he almost got to the sloth, he started sliding down again. But the monkey king did not give up, he looked at the tree again, but now with a determined look he spat into his hands and began to crawl carefully again so as not to slip down again this time.And finally he succeeded. And he finally got to the Sloth and climbed onto its branch.
Once on its branch, he began to slowly crawl towards the Sloth, which at that time was lying on the very edge of the branch. I wonder how he hasn't fallen yet? The question was running through the Monkey King's mind.But he decided not to think about it yet, but to focus on the Sloth. Finally reaching him, he starts poking him with his finger to wake him up, but the Sloth does not answer him and is fast asleep.
Realizing that he cannot be woken up, he abruptly grabs him by the suit and descends from the tree with him.
He does exactly the same as a Macaque! I wonder if he will drag him by the leg?-King Kong thinks to himself as he watches the Monkey King descend from a tree with a Sloth.
At this time, the Monkey King had already descended from the tree and put the Sloth on the ground, and he sat down on the ground from fatigue.
- Phew! It's really difficult!- Says the King Monkey and take a breath.
Yes!But you well done, that you passed, and now you can rest for now and wait until the mirror world chooses you as the chosen one-King Kong tells him lying on the ground.
The King Monkey obeyed his advice and start to rest after he passed the test. And King Kong was right, and the mirror world really chose him as the chosen one of the jungle. Because after a few minutes, a golden light flickered from his pocket and then a mysterious voice rang out:
Monkey King, for your determination and perseverance that you showed on the test, I reward you with your awakened animal, a mysterious voice tells him and rewards him with a golden aura that surrounds his body - Well done, you passed your trial.
The monkey king immediately realized that and took out his mirror, from which a few minutes later a column of light burst out, which replaced his mirror with gold instead of silver. And then a ray shot out of the mirror that pointed him to the statue of a Macaque that was next to the tree where his test was taking place. The monkey king approached the statue, which then changed to a monkey instead of a Macaque under a ray of light. Then a light poured out of the statue that filled the entire jungle with golden light, showing him that he had become the chosen one of the jungle. Having shown that he had become the chosen one, the light disappeared.
Having become the chosen one, the Monkey King immediately decides to ask the mirror world to materialize his kwami. With these thoughts, he closes his eyes and begins to think about his kwami being next to him. And he succeeds and his kwami appears next to him. Noticing this, he opens his eyes.
Hurray!I'm here! Let's make a stir in this jungle!- The monkey-kwami Xuappy exclaims joyfully.
The King Monkey smiles at him and pats him on the head.

Miraculous story of miracle workers: On the other side of the mirrorTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon