Strange Mark

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After that, how they be sat on the lawn and rested from the chase, which then turned into hide-and-seek. Athena decided that it was time for them to go to a new place.
Well, shall go? Athena asks Luka, getting up from the ground and giving him her hand.Luka just smiled at her and gave her his hand in return and got up from the lawn.
Then they went hand in hand to the river that flowed next to them and entered it. And like in the past times, as soon as their bodies touched the water, they immediately disappeared from the Weeping Valley and found themselves in another completely different place.This time they found themselves in the Windy Canyon on the right slope and not far from the bridge. The Windy Canyon consists of two large slopes on which vegetation and trees grew, from below, from the sounds of murmuring, it could be assumed that a river was flowing below.Luka is surprised to begin to consider the expanses in which he found himself, and Athena at this time releases his hand and depart several kilometers forward in the direction where the bridge is located.
Shall go , we need to cross the bridge to the other side! Athena says to Luka, who is still looking at the canyon in surprise and makes a hand gesture for him to follow her.When he hears Athena calling for him to follow her, Luke immediately recovers from the shock and calmly follows her.
Having reached the bridge, which was wooden and suspended and connected the two slopes together. Athena calmly walked onto the bridge, which at that time was gently swaying from the wind and from of this it seemed that it would come off in hour and hang on the in the air.Luka did not dare to enter the bridge yet and stood in place, watching with eyes full of fear as the bridge swayed in the wind in different directions.
Well, are you coming or not? Athena asks Luka, who was looking at the swaying bridge with frightened eyes.
Are you sure what need to go there , and what if the bridge tear off and we fall into the water?- Luka asks her to and at the same time looks down where the river flows.
I am one hundred percent sure that this is the only way to get to the other side, there is no other way- Athena answers him-Don't be afraid!Of course, at first glance this bridge looks shaky and unreliable, but it has passed many tests and, as can see, it still holds!-She assures him.
Luka swallows his fear and steps onto the bridge with one foot and then slowly with the other foot, and thus finds himself standing on the bridge. When he was standing, everything was fine, but suddenly he felt a sharp shaking of the bridge plank under his feet from the wind. He would have liked to run out from the bridge and never enter it, but then immediately changed his mind, because he did not want to look like a coward in the eyes of Athena and fearlessly walked calmly step on the bridge.
Here you see, there's nothing scary here!- Athena says with a smile, watching him fearlessly move across the bridge - Shall go next, we're almost further to the end of the bridge!
Feeling satisfied, Luka calmly follows Athena until they cross to the end of the bridge. Crossing the bridge in front of them opens a view of a vast clearing that is overgrown with grass and trees that stood haphazardly on the canyon, some stood close to the canyon cliff, and some far from it.
After looking around a little at the expanses that surround them, they decide to walk through the clearing that was located on the canyon. During the walk, Luka noticed that this slope had some collapsed descents, probably to make it easier to go down to the river, but then how to climb up if it is possible to descend from them and it is impossible to climb up, and this question was spinning in Luka's head. But then this question disappeared from his mind because he was amazed at the view that opened before his eyes when they entered the depths of the clearing.What he saw were high, sprawling, overgrown hills that rushed up and led somewhere into the distance, but besides the hills there were also slopes that were inclined to the ground and connected to the ground, thus creating a slide along which one could descend from the slope.But besides the suspension bridge, there was also a cable car in the canyon, which also connected the two slopes, but was far from the bridge and probably allowed you to move down the canyon quickly.
They walked along the canyon for a very long time until they decided to rest and sit down next to the nearest tree.They sat in silence for several minutes enjoying the canyon, listening to the water gurgling below and the wind rustling the leaves of the trees. At this time, while they were sitting, Luka automatically, without knowing it, sat closer to her and put his arm around her shoulders, and Athena just silently put her head on his shoulder and instantly fell asleep.Luka watched Athena sleeping on his shoulder for a few minutes, but then decided not to disturb her sleep and continued to admire the beauty of the canyon.
Listen, Athena!- I decided to disturb Athena Luka's sleep after a few minutes. When she hears that Luka is calling her by name, she slowly wakes up and looks down from his shoulder.
You know, for the first time I experienced love with only one girl - Luka confesses to her with a shrug - She was the melody of my soul for me, I thought that we would become lovers, but we did not succeed because I broke off relations with her, as she constantly hid something from me-Luka continues to talk with a certain sadness in his voice.
After that, Luka falls silent and sadly lowers his head down, while Athena looked at him from the bottom up with a gentle smile and there is a deathly silence.
You know, but then when I met you, it was like I learned to love again- decided to speak after a few minutes of silence, Luka- Your appearance in my life gave me a new opportunity to feel what love is, you seemed to remember the emptiness inside me and gave me hope for a new love.
Athena looked at him with a gentle smile for a few minutes, but then her face changed to a puzzled one.
A how is it to love? -Athena asked Luka in surprise
In sense, Athena, don't scare me, girls at that age should know what love is! Luka answers her in fright and moves away from her for several kilometers. But Athena didn't answer him and just stared at him with puzzled face.
Athena's question about how to love introduced Luka to some shock and horror, that after hearing what he was sitting in a stupor and looked at Athena with shocked eyes, who at that time looked at him in surprise, as if not understanding what Luka meant.
But his state of shock was short-lived, as a slight tugging on the hood of his jacket helped to get him out of this state. Luka immediately recovered from the shock and realized that it was his kwami Sass and left Athena for a minute hiding behind the other side of the tree.
Sass, you hear what she said, yes ? Luka asks his kwami about Athena's question while hiding behind the other side of the tree.
Yes, I heard- Snake-kwami answers him- Well, why did you start to worry so much, remember that she lives in a completely different world, and maybe because of this she doesn't know how to love! Just calm down, go back to her and continue to admire the places of the mirror world with her!
After listening to the end of the assumptions about Athena and the advice from his kwami , Luka hard sighs and decides to return to Athena as if nothing had happened.
You know, Athena! Of course, forgive me for my reaction, I was just shocked and a little scared by your question "about how to love", to be honest!- Luka trying to apologize to Athena coming out of the tree and scratching his head. But Athena did not answer him and just looked at him with a gentle smile.
Then Luka sat down with her again and they started enjoying the canyon together again.
They sat in silence for a few minutes enjoying themselves, but then this silence was broken by Athena, who decided to ask her question about love again:
A does it hurt to love?
Luke was again shocked by Athena's question about love, but then calmed down and decided not to pay attention to it and calmly answered her with a question:
Who told you that love can bring pain?
My dad told me that love is a heartbreaking wound that cripples us from the inside and brings pain!-Athena answers him.
Would like to i meet your father, who thinks so," says Luka calmly, "But you know, in some ways your dad is right, love can bring us pain, but this is only when relationships break up, but in other cases love can only bring us warmth and joy to the hearts!- Luca explains to Athena about his father's judgments.
You know, you're right about something! If honestly, I'm starting to feel warmth in my heart when I'm with you!-Athena confesses, placing her hand on her chest and unconsciously blushes.
You said you didn't know how to love, but you blush like a tomato- Luka smiles slyly at her- Embarrassment is a sign of love.
Upon hearing what Luka told her, Athena immediately comes to her senses from embarrassment, changing her face to a surprised one and immediately jumping up from her seat.
No, no.What are you! It's not what about you think it is!-Athena tells him, gradually moving away from him and spreading her hands, trying to prove that she was not blushing.
At this time, Luka was still sitting under the tree and calmly watched with a smile as Athena gradually moved away from him and tried to prove that she was not embarrassed, but at the same time blushing.As he watched her trying to justify herself, he began to think to himself, "How cute she is when she tries to justify herself, but still at the same time embarrassed."But suddenly Luka's happy face was replaced by an excited one, when suddenly he saw Athena gradually approaching the cliff of the canyon.
Athena, watch where you're going!- Luka trying to warn to Athena from falling.
But Athena didn't hear him because she was so much embarrassed that she ignored Luka's warning and was still trying to justify not blushing. But suddenly, when she was very close to the cliff, one of her feet slipped and she fell off the cliff down into the rushing river.
Athena! Luka shouts, noticing how she falls off a cliff right into the river below and runs to her aid.
Luka immediately runs up to the cliff from which Athena fell, and begins to inspect the area in search of the collapsed slope that he saw earlier when he was walking with Athena. Having found what he was looking for, he quickly approaches to him and descends from his to the riverbank.
Once on the riverbank, Luka began to hastily inspect the river for signs of Athena, and fortunately he immediately noticed on the right side of river a familiar crown of a head with blonde hair and recognized Athena in this ways.
Noticing Athena, who was being carried slowly but surely by the river in an unknown direction. Luka immediately decides to throw himself into the river to prevent Athena from being carried away by the river.Once in the River, Luke quickly swims to Athena and grabs her by the shoulder and drags her to the left bank.
As they reach the left bank, Luka lays Athena down on the ground and checks for any signs of injuries. To his relief, she appears to be unharmed, just unconscious. After carefully checking Athena's body for signs of injuries and not finding them, Luka decides to climb back up the canyon cliff with Athena and takes her in his arms.But after examining the canyon shore several times, he does not notice at least some way to climb up, he sighs sadly realizing that he was at a dead end. But suddenly someone's voice is heard from the top of the canyon:
Hey, you're there on the other bank!
Upon hearing someone's voice, Luka immediately raises his head up and notices that an unfamiliar heroine in a kangaroo costume is standing on the right mountain and a kangaroo-like creature is levitate next to her. The heroine herself waves her hands like her companion probably to attract his attention and she did it.
If you can hear me, there are rungs on the side where you are now, away from you. We made them specially to make it easier to climb back up - the kangaroo heroine continues to scream.
Yes, try to look for them!- This is her kangaroo companion.
Thank you-he thanked the unknown heroine in surprise.
You're welcome- heroine replied to him and after that she left with her companion along the canyon, that she could not be seen.
At this time, Luka, heed the advice of the heroine, begins to wander along the shore of the canyon holding Athena in his hands and looking for steps that will help him climb up.
While Luka was walking along the shore and trying to find the steps, Athena at this time managed to come to her senses at that time and was able to say something in a trembling voice:
It's cold!
Oh, I see you're awake!- Luka says to Athena, noticing how she woke up - And I don't think the water was cold, because when I rushed into the river to get you out of there, she wasn't cold, but on the contrary warm, and by the way, when I dragged you a shore, I wasn't wet, my clothes were dry!
This is a mirror world, he felt that you were will wetting your clothes when you jumped into the water and he found out that you would want your clothes to dry and he fulfilled this desire immediately, -Athena explains to him.
Ah, that's how mirror world can do it. I can't stop being surprised by his abilities - says Luka rapturously - But know, I wouldn't call it a desire, it can be call a thought!
Then they fall silent again for a while and Luka continues to look for the steps. After some time of searching, Luka finally spots the rungs on the side of the canyon that the heroine in the kangaroo costume had mentioned. He carefully starts to climb up, making sure to keep a tight grip on Athena so she doesn't slip from his hands.
I'm so cold," Athena says in a trembling voice, feeling a slight tremor begin to pass through her body.
Be patient, there's still a little bit left. We'll get to the top of the canyon and in hour and there you'll warm up under the sun,-Luka assures her, continuing to climb the stairs.
Climbing to the top, Luka carefully carries Athena to the tree where they were sitting until Athena fell off a cliff into the river. When he reaches that place, Luae carefully puts Athena under a tree and carefully sits down next to her.Then he sits closer to her and starts feeling her body to check if her body is dry or not. To his great happiness that it had dried up a long time ago, he breathed a sigh of relief. But then the question arose in his mind why she still feels shivering and cold if she is dry and not wet.
But Athena's voice distracted him from his thoughts:
It burns!- Athena says, I feel a slight heat in some part of my body.
Where? - asks her Luka - Let me see!
Here! Athena says and points her finger at the bandage of bandages on her shoulder.
Luka understands her gesture and begins to carefully remove the bandage from her shoulder. Having completely removed the bandage from the bandages, he saw that there was something incomprehensible and strange under them, and it was a mysterious tattoo of a large oval black mirror that covered half of the upper shoulder with its size and which radiate weak heat. Seeing this, Luka was shocked and did not understand that such a fragile body of such a girl how see  was  tattoo. Luka did not dare to ask her about this strange mark on her shoulder yet, instead he decided to touch it with his finger to check if it was burning sensation from this place.Touching the mark, Luka  does not feel any burning sensation yet, but then after a few minutes removes his finger because the heat hits his finger.
This really burns!- admits Luka, who felt how the tattoo gave him heat - I've seen  first time tattoos give off heat!
But suddenly the mark begins to increase its heat and after a few minutes this heat completely covers Athena's body and Luka looked at this incomprehensible process with surprise.
Can you please tie her up with something? Athena asks him, turning to face him.
Oh, good. got it, says Luka and picks up the bandages from the ground, which he took off her shoulder. He was about to tie them back, but Athena stopped him.
No.Not with these. They are already no suitable,  need dry ones! Athena stops Luka from tying her shoulder with old bandages.
Yes, they're seems dry!-Luka tells her, probing the bandages with his hand.
No, you don't understand, they soaked a little moisture before the mirror world fulfilled your wish to dry your clothes on the riverbank! They cannot be used for bandaging! Athena explains to him.
Okay, okay. I understood!- says her Luka- And where can I get them?
Try to look for them in the Twilight Town , you will probably find them in one of the buildings, or try to wish them, but not here in the town. You can't wish for them here, -Athena answers him.
Why won't it work, but this world is capable of fulfilling our desires, didn't you tell me that yourself?-Luka asks her, remembering how Athena told him about the mirror world.
Yes it is. But desires are fulfilled in different ways, for each desire there is a corresponding environment where they are fulfilled. For example, in places where there is a river, you can wish  a boat or wish  clothes dry, but not bandages. To wish them, you need an appropriate environment for them and this urban one, because when a person is in a place associated with the city, the mirror world understands what he needs and gives it to him in this place, but if he is not in the appropriate place to wish bandages, for example, in the jungle, then the world will not understand him and will not be able to fulfill his wish." -Athena explains to him.
After listening to Athena's long explanation to the end, Luka only nodded understandingly, got up from the ground and headed for the collapsed slope to go down on him  to the river.After descending from the slope to the riverbank, Luka enters the water without hesitation and, as was the case in previous times, as soon as he entered the water, he immediately disappeared from the canyon and found himself in the Twilight Town. Once in the Twilight City, Luka decides that he will not look in the houses of the city and instead makes a wish about bandages  at the place of his  appearance.Luka closes his eyes and focuses on his wish for dry bandages. He imagines the feeling of the soft cloth wrapping around Athena's  shoulder, providing comfort and support. As he opens his eyes, he sees a shimmering light in front of him, and suddenly a bundle of clean, dry bandages materializes in his hands.Having received what he wanted, worried and surprised, Luka returns back with bandages to the canyon to Athena. To his great happiness, he finds himself not somewhere on the right slope, but immediately on the left on the place  where they were sitting.
Athena, I found the dry  bandages! Luka says to Athena, coming closer to the tree where they were sitting. But he does not receive an answer from Athena.
This  begins to get scared to Luka  of this and decides to speed up his pace in order to reach the tree as quickly as possible. But when he reached the tree, Athena was not in the place where they were sitting.

Miraculous story of miracle workers: On the other side of the mirrorМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя