Eagle Owl

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Luka stood alone for a few seconds in a remote and dark alley, trying to digest the picture he had seen and the words from Wallaby about a creature called Zoferos that has no feelings.But then he decided to follow the advice of the Wallaby and headed towards the direction where the sea is located in order to get through it into a Dense Forest.
As he walked to the sea, Luka could not get Athena's gaze out of his head, it seemed to him that the relationship between the mysterious entity that was her father and between her was not good, and they hid some other meaning inside and this meaning tugged at his heart from the inside.He was thinking about that look so much that he didn't even notice when he reached the sea. Luka didn't dare go into the water yet and instead watched the wind slowly ripple the surface of the sea. But then he took a deep breath and, with full determination to find answers to his questions, entered the water.And as soon as he entered the water, he immediately found himself in a completely different place. This time he found himself in a Dense forest. This place was an ordinary dense forest, with trees everywhere, creating the atmosphere of an impenetrable forest maze. After examining the new place a little, Luka went to look for the Eagle Owl house, which was in a tree.Luka thought that he would quickly find a tree house, but it turned out to be much more difficult than he thought, because going into the deepest wilderness of the forest, he got lost and could not figure out where to go.
Of course, he tried to navigate himself somehow, trying to find signs in the wilderness of the forest that would help him find a way out of the forest impasse, but he did not succeed.
Are you lost?- an unfamiliar voice asks Luka from behind, who was desperately trying to get out of the forest at that time.
Upon hearing an unfamiliar voice, Luka immediately turns to the source of the sound and notices that a heroine in a deer costume is standing behind him and her kwami deer is flying next to her.Luka was taken aback by the sudden appearance of the girl in the deer costume. She had a calm and serene expression on her face, and her presence somehow reassured him.
Yes, I seem to have lost my way in this dense forest, Luka replied, feeling a sense of relief that someone had finally appeared to help him-I just wanted to find the Eagle Owl's house and accidentally wandered into the wrong place!
Don't worry! I'll help you find the way to the Eagle Owl's house, just follow me and you won't get lost!- the deer heroine tells him.
Then the unknown heroine smiled slightly and made a hand gesture to Luka to follow her.After that, the deer heroine led Luka through a dense forest, directing him to the Eagle Owl's house as a compass.
On the way to Filin's house, they met various grassy paths, hills that the heroine bravely and deftly bypassed, and Luka obediently followed her and did not lag behind her.
By the way. My name is Faun- an unfamiliar heroine decided to introduce herself- And this is my kwami Anntli- the deer heroine introduces her kwami by pointing at her with her finger.
Nice meet you , Luka- Luka greeted her- I see that you also a carrier of the Miraculous?
Faun only nodded her head in agreement.
I am also a bearer of the miraculous. I am the bearer of a Snake Miraculous. And in the hood of my jacket is my kwami Sass,-Luka continues to speak.
Nice to meet you- greeted them from the hood the Kwami Sass.
And you go to Eagle Owl what fates?- Fawn asks him, -Because they go to the owl to get advice or for answers to desired questions.
Yes, I need to ask him something, -Luka answers her.
Clear, but I won't asks in what you want to ask him, because according to the rules of the forest it's forbidden to do that!- Fawn tells him.
And what is this rule? Luka asks the Faun.
Acts one rule in the Dense Forest, if someone goes to the Eagle Owl with some question or advice, then he must keep it a secret and not tell anyone- explains Anntli.
And what happens if break this rule?- out of curiosity, Luka decided to ask.
If someone tells someone about the question he wants to ask the Eagle Owl, then the forest that surrounds them can hear and convey what he heard to the Eagle Owl in the form of a rustle,- Anntli explains to him.
But it's all clear. But I still have what is dangerous and forbidden about telling questions to others? -Luka asks them.
And the fact is that if the Eagle Owl hears not from a person but from the forest in the form of a rustle the question that they want to ask him, then this will make him not a sage but a knowledgeable person. This violation of the rule somehow reduces his status, which gave him the mirror world! Anntli answers him.
That's for sure. Even Eagle Owl himself believes that violating this rule is, as it were, desecration the mirror world and no satisfaction his pinning hopes! -Faun tells him.
We also call this rule the rule of the secret question here, and Eagle Owl calls it the rule of wisdom,- Anntli added.
After listening to the special rule of the Dense Forest, Luka only nodded understandingly, realizing the importance of keeping the question that needs to be asked from the Eagle Owl a secret and how importance and necessary it is to preserve the status of the sage the Eagle Owl.Then they fell silent and continued on their way to the Eagle Owl's house.
Oh seems, We've reached! I can already see the outlines of his house from afar," -the Fawn joyfully declares, putting his hand on his forehead and peering into the distance of the forest.
And Faun was right, as soon as they walked several kilometers through the thicket of the forest, the outlines of some kind of house began to be seen from afar, which was attached to a large oak tree that stood out for his size among other trees.
Approaching the tree where the outlines of the house could be seen. They really saw a house that was made of wood with a roof and a beautiful statuette in the form of an owl attached to the roof. Strange symbols in an incomprehensible language were engraved on the walls, and a pleasant warm light poured from the windows. A spiral staircase led to the entrance of the house, which began from the bottom on the ground and neatly ended at the top in the middle of the tree.
Luka stared at the structure on the tree in surprise for several minutes, until his careful inspection of the building was distracted by a Fawn who put her hand on his shoulder.
Well, it's time for us to go about our business! I think the Eagle Owl will help you find answers to your tormenting questions!- the Fawn says goodbye to Luka.
After that, Luka said goodbye to the deer heroine and her kwami, who wished him good luck in finding answers and then they dissepeares into the wilderness of the forest.
Left alone in the forest, Luka takes a deep breath and climbs up the spiral staircase to the entrance to the Owl's house. Having risen to the door, Luka hesitates to knock on it for a while, but then, having gathered the courage, he makes a decisive knock on it.
It's open-an unfamiliar voice is coming from the house.
Hearing that he can enter , Luka carefully opens the door, which creaks swings open and enters the house, not forgetting to close it behind him.
Entering the house, Luka saw that it was a spacious and small room that was located inside a treehouse. There were two large tables with chairs in the room, strange objects and books lay on the tables, and there was also a cauldron under the table. But the walls of the house were decorated with only one large mirror.
Oh, this is the first time I've seen you here," the unknown hero says and turns to him-Is this your first time here?
When the unknown hero turned to him, he saw that this hero was in an owl costume and wore glasses in front of his eyes, it was probably his miraculous, and his kwami-owl was sitting on his shoulder. After looking at the stranger for a while, Luka hesitantly replied:
Yes. And you're probably an Eagle Owl, the sage of the mirror world?
Yes, you're right. It's me!- the Eagle Owl answered him-But what are you so insecure about, don't be afraid, I'm not a monster or a villain, I don't have any malicious plans to harm anyone, so you can talk to me in a calm tone -owl-hero calms him.
Luka felt a sense of relief wash over him as he listened to the calm and reassuring voice of the Eagle Owl. He took a deep breath and finally felt ready to open up about his questions and seek the answers from them he was looking for.
I....I'd like to ask you something!- Luka says with some uncertainty to him.
Oh, the questions. It's good. Heroes come to me here to find answers to questions that torment consciousness- says Eagle Owl, sitting down on a chair and pushing back the chair next to him, as if making a gesture of inviting Luka to sit with him. Luka understands his gesture and sits down on a chair.
Well, what questions are you interested in? Eagle Owl asks him with some curiosity.- I'll help you find out the answers to all the questions just ask!
I want to know more about the strange mark on Athena's shoulder that I accidentally saw when I was in the canyon and about the strange silhouette of man, whom I saw next to Athena in the reflection of a dark mirror! Luka confidently declares to him.
Oh, I see you know Athena? Eagle Owl asks him, hearing that he is asking about the mark on her shoulder. Instead of answering, Luca just nods his head.
Good. So let me start with Athena, and then slowly move on to the silhouette that you saw in the reflection of the mirror - offersto Eagle Owl to Luka- Because these two things are connected to each other.
Luka nods at him in agreement, anticipating something interesting or, conversely, serious.
Okay, then let's get started- the Eagle Owl answers and gets up from his chair, "But first I want to show you something. Do you have something that belongs to Athena?
Hearing that Athena's thing is required of him, Luka thinks a little, but then remembers that he accidentally took her old and new bandages with him and takes them out of his pocket.
Will that do? Luka asks and hands him the bandages.
Oh, this will certainly do!- says the Eagle Owl and takes the bandages from Luka's hands and goes with them to the other half of the table - You sit for now, and until I do a special ritual that will show you something special!
After he began to perform his ritual by taking out a cauldron that was filled with water from table and throwing bandages into it. Then he started waiting for a few minutes, after he waited, he takes the bandages out of the cauldron and puts them on the table and starts looking into the cauldron.
Oh, my God,- the Eagle Owl exclaimed in shock after a few minutes of examining the water in the cauldron and hid under the table with the him.Then, still under the table, he crawled on his haunches to Luka, who was calmly sitting on a chair and did not suspect anything terrible, and dragged him under the table.
Is really so much serious that we're even sitting under the table? Luka ask to Eagle Owl in a whisper.
It's much more serious than you think- the Eagle Owl answers him. - We are sitting under the table because "he" may hear us.
Who? -Luka asks in surprise- We seem to be alone here!
Zoferos - the Eagle Owl answers him
Is this by any chance the type I saw next to Athena in the reflection of a dark mirror? -Luka asks him, remembering that he had seen this Zoferos before. The Eagle owl nods his head instead of answering.
It is said that he can eavesdrop through the cracks that are everywhere in this world. Of course, they are not visible now, but they really are here have, only they are so inconspicuous that they are difficult to find. Zoferos uses these cracks to eavesdrop on the heroes who are left in mirror world! Eagle Owl explains to him.
Luka 's eyes widen in surprise. He was shocked that some unknown silhouette of a man could eavesdrop on their footsteps and conversations. He became nervous and his heart began to beat faster and he began to inspect the place where they were sitting for signs of cracks but found nothing. Eagle Owl was right, they were really invisible, what even Luka couldn't find them.
Don't be afraid! I don't think he can eavesdrop on us in the house, because there are no cracks here, they are only outside!- the Owl calms him down - And we hide under the table only for the sake of safety and safety net!
Luka nodded back at him, feeling a little relaxed by the hero's words-the words.
Okay. Let's see what your bandages that you gave me showed me!- the owl hero offers to him - But I warn you that I saw something terrible and scary there!
Luka sat down closer to him and began to watch how the Owl was holding the cauldron and moving the water with one hand.
Oh, look at this!- says the Owl and points to the ordinary water in the boiler.
Luka obediently looks at the water, expecting something terrible. And it really happens because a fuzzy image of someone a heart begins to appear in the water.
Now you can see Athena's heart because I looked into her soul,- Owl-hero explains to him,- And to my horror, something strange is happening to her heart!
Luka was shocked by the words of the owl hero that something strange was happening to Athena's heart, and goosebumps ran down his back expecting something terrible.
And what do you mean by "that something strange is happening to her heart? Luka asked to him, lowering his voice to a whisper.
I can't say for sure yet, but I'm sure it has something to do with the mark that you saw on her shoulder - sighs Owl-Hero - Because I suddenly remembered that I conducted such a ritual once.
And what kind of mark is that? Luka asks him in surprise.
The mark you saw is called the Dark Mirror Mark. A very dangerous sign with powerful power. This mark appears on a person's body when he makes a deal with the darkness- Owl-Hero explains to him.
A deal?- Luka asks the owl hero in surprise when he hears about a dark deal.
Yes. A dark deal in which a person who concludes it with another person promises to give another something that he lacks in life, but only for a certain fee- decided to join the conversation kwami-owl.
Yes. And this is the danger of this deal, that when a person agrees to this deal, he himself does not know what he needs to pay to get what he lacks, because the pieceworker himself secretly chooses what he will take from him in return to give it to him.- the owl hero agrees-And it looks like Zoferos chose to control Athena's heart and her emotions.Because her heart is now surrounded by a mirror film.
Luca was speechless, trying to digest all the information he had just received. He couldn't believe that Athena had made such a dangerous deal, and now her heart and emotions were in danger.
And what is this mirrored film doing to her heart?- the shocked Luka decided to ask.
This mirror film blocks the penetration of emotions into her heart, thus making her not feel them at all! Filin explains to him. - But I see that the mirror film has started to crack and now there is a crack in her heart, which is bad! It looks like you did it!
Luka suddenly fell into a stupor because he suddenly remembered how Athena asked him how to love and whether love brings pain, does she really not know about love because she just never felt it because of this film in her heart. Thinking about this, Luka swallowed nervously and goosebumps ran through his body.
Yes, I did it!- Luka admits - What's wrong with a crack appearing in the film?
The danger of this mirror film is that when it begins to crack, it causes a sharp stabbing pain in the chest, which eventually leads to fainting - the owl hero answers him - And it looks like your manifestations of love for her caused her two cracks, which joined together and formed a large crack!
Luka suddenly fell into a stupor again, because he again remembered how Athena fainted twice and he caught her. Is it really all because of this damn mirror film again, which not only does not allow her to feel emotions, but also causes her pain?
Means, when did she get embarrassed for the first time...?" suggested Luka, who was already slowly starting to put a puzzle in his head.
Means, when for the first time at least some particle of emotion entered into her heart!- Eagle Owl sighs sadly - But there is one more thing that I forgot to tell you that who makes a deal is telepathically connected to another person who made this deal and that the one who made this deal can fix these cracks and one more thing that the person who agreed to the deal is forever concluded in the the dark looking glass and this means that he can never leave the mirror world!
But wait, in mean, she can't leave the mirror world, I saw how Athena was able to leave him, but I met her in the human world on a bench? Luka asks him, remembering how he met Athena.
Yes, she can visit the human world from time to time, but she cannot completely leave the mirror world and cannot stay in the human world for a long time, -Eagle Owl explains to him.
Only one small condition helps her to stay in the human world at least for a while, and this is she can leave the mirror world only when a reversible Moon appears in the sky in the mirror world and she can only stay in the human world for no more than an hour while the reverse moon is in the sky - adds Kwami-owl- And, yes, in your world, this moon looks reversed, but in the mirror world it looks ordinary.
This discovery made Luka even more dizzy. Athena was locked in a mirror world, could not fully experience emotions and could only briefly visit the human world when the reverse moon appeared. He experienced mixed feelings - sadness over Athena's predicament, hatred for Zoferos, who forever imprisoned Athena in a mirror world and covered her heart with a film that prevents her from feeling fully emotions and determination to free her from the dark oppression of Zoferos. It is these emotions that help him stay in line and start a battle with the lord of darkness.

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