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After discovering that Athena was not under the tree, Luka began to worry a little, then he calmed down and decided to look behind the tree, suddenly she decided to play hide-and-seek with him again.But when he walked around the tree, she wasn't there either.Realizing that Athena was nowhere to be found, his excitement increased dramatically and various thoughts began to come into his head.Questions began to arise in his head, such as Where could Athena have disappeared, did she go into the forest? Was she lost? Or did she go to another place or went to the twilight city to look for him because she thought he had been there for a long time?. But all these questions were quickly dispelled, because I remembered she had a heat from a strange mark on her shoulder and she couldn't go anywhere with a heat and that she knows this world very well and couldn't get lost.He then began combing the entire canyon slope for signs of Athena. When he was looking, he remembered that he had met an unknown heroine on the other slope, maybe she knows where Athena is.But after combing the entire slope, he found no signs of Athena and decided to return back to the place where they were sitting, suddenly he was not looking closely. When he reached the tree, he began to carefully examine it again.
While he was looking, a heroine in a kangaroo costume with a kangaroo companion on her shoulder approached him from behind, who probably crossed the momt to get to him.
You're looking for Athena, yes?- A familiar voice asked Luke from behind.
Hearing a familiar voice, Luka immediately recognized in this voice the kangaroo heroine who helped him find a way to climb up the canyon and turned to her.
Yes-Luka answered her- She asked me to find new bandages, but when I came with the bandages what I found, she wasn't here.
You don't search, she's not here!- said the heroine and calmly approached to the Luka.
Then where is she? Luka asked excitedly- Since I also know that she couldn't have gone far because of the heat from the strange mark on her shoulder.
She didn't leave, she was taken away!-kangaroo companion answered him.
Didn't you take away her by any chance?- excitedly asks her Luka.
No. It's not us, we were busy doing things on the other slope at that time!- kangaroo heroine answers him.
Then who is it? Luka asks them.
Athena was taken away by her pseudo-father! The heroine calmly replied to him
Pseudo-father,- repeated the last word of heroine answer, Luka, clearly amazed by what he had heard.
Yes!- the kangaroo heroine nods at him in response- When we were busy with business, we saw with one eye how the man approached the place where you were sitting and took away Athena and left with her.
Luka was shocked by the heroine's answer , but of course he had heard from Athena that she had a father, but he did not know that her father was a pseudo-father. But he was also glad at the same time that her father, even pseudo, took her to take care of her.
And by a pseudo father, what do you mean? Luka decided to ask her the question that had arisen in his head.
I mean, it's hard to even call him human!- the heroine answers him-You'd better see it, come with me, I'll show you!
Then Luka calmly followed the heroine, who led him in an unknown direction. While they were walking, he felt mixed feelings, it was excitement and curiosity caused by Athena's pseudo father.
And where are we going?- Luka decided to ask to the heroine after a few minutes of quiet walking
In the Twilight Town. This is the only place where you can see the "pseudo-father " well, the kangaroo heroine answers him.
But still, I didn't understand what you meant that it's hard to call him human? Luka asks her.
Wait, you see now and you'll understand everything!- the kangaroo companion answers him.
After that, they continued to walk silently through the canyon until they reached the steps where Luka was climbing with Athena in his arms to the top of the slope. Then the kangaroo heroine carefully descended from them to the shore, and Luka calmly followed her. Once on the shore, the kangaroo heroine calmly entered the water and Luka also entered the water to her without further ado, because he already knew about the interesting way of moving through the water in this world.And as soon as they entered the water, they disappeared from the canyon and immediately found themselves in Twilight Town.
And what, where next? Luka asks the heroine. But she does not answer him and walks forward down the street of the city with a serious face. Realizing that she wants to show him something serious, he decides not to ask her questions yet and calmly follows her.
You know, it's kind of rude that I showed up so abruptly and decided to help you without telling you my name!-After a few minutes of silence the heroine decided to tell him - By the way, my name is Wallaby.
Nice to meet you, I'm Luka- Luka greets her- I see you are the bearer of the miraculous-Luka tells her with a smile.
The Wallaby nods his head in agreement.
I am also the bearer of the Miraculous, Luka tells her, I am the bearer of the Miraculous Snake, and the creature that I have in my hood is my kwami and his name is Sass.
Nice to meet you," Sass replies from the hood of the bow.
Me too. My name is Guuru- kwami kangaroo answers him.
You know, Wallaby, even before that, I met heroes with kwami when I studied the mirror world with Athena. What I don't understand is how their kwami are next to them if they are supposed to be inside the miraculous? Luka asks the Wallaby.
Ah, that's a very interesting question. It's good that you asked, Wallaby tells him- Athena didn't tell you about the ability of the mirror world to fulfill desires?
Yes, she told. She told me back in the canyon that desires are fulfilled in different ways and they depend on the environment of their fulfillment.-Luka answers her.
But it seems she forgot to tell you about another one that heroes can make a wish to materialize their kwami in the mirror world, Wallaby explains to him.
I didn't know about this ability,-Luka admits
Yes, because this is a very secret and expensive ability, and in order for the mirror world to fulfill this desire, you need to sweat a lot to earn it- Guuru answers him.
In the sense, a expensive ability, I thought that in the mirror world all desires are fulfilled for free? Luka asks them.
Yes, but not all except one, which can the materialize in the mirror world the kwami!-Kangooro-Kwami answers him.
And how can this desire be earned in order to be fulfilled?-Luka asks them.
And in order to earn this desire, need to go through difficult tests that the mirror world will choose for the hero - kvami answers him.
And after this test is successfully passed by the hero, he will prove to the mirror world that he deserves to stay in this world and allow him to make this wish!- explains to Luka Wallaby.
After listening to Wallaby's explanation to the end, Luca was shocked by the abilities of the mirror world and that he did not know some of them.
Oh,we've reached it! Wallaby tells him and stops. Luka immediately recovers from the shock and notices that they stopped in a dark alley where there are no lanterns, and that darkness reigned in this alley that nothing was visible and only the light of the moon helped to see something in this darkness.
Suddenly, a mysterious black smoke begins to appear under the moonlight, which takes the form of a large black oval mirror. When he saw the mirror, Luka immediately recognized in it the tattoo pattern that was on Athena's shoulder.
Then the kangaroo heroine took out a pocket mirror from her pocket and said some incomprehensible phrase on the mirror, as if activating something:
Mirror, Mirror, show me what is hidden from me!
After the phrase has been said, the mirror on the Wallaby's hands begins to emit a bright beam of white light that is directed directly to the mirror. When the beam touches the surface of a dark mirror, it changes its surface from dark to light.Looking into the clarified reflection of the mirror, the following picture opened in front of Luka. The reflection of the mirror shows Athena, who is clearly sitting on a chair, and next to her stands a mysterious silhouette of a man who is clearly taller than her. The mysterious silhouette of the man was completely black as a shadow.He was wearing a black robe with purple lines at the ends of the robe and an amethyst brooch with silver edging. His head was covered by a hood from the robe, which did not allow you to see his facial features.
How many times have I told you not to get your bandages wet!- the mysterious silhouette of a man chastises Athena in a rough voice, standing in front of her and bandaging her shoulder with new dry bandages - Your reckless actions only bring you pain, if you hadn't fallen into the water, then you wouldn't have gotten a heat.
Sorry, I won't do it anymore!- Athena apologizes to him.
Okay, I forgive you this time, but next time watch your actions, the unknown silhouette of a man warns her. But suddenly a mysterious silhouette notices how someone is watching him and turns his face directly to Luka and Wallaby, what was could see his eyes, which were white and glows as lanterns and looked right into the soul when someone looked at them.
Noticing that they were noticed, the Wallaby gasps in surprise, grabs Luka by the hand and quickly pulls him away from the mirror and hiding with him behind the wall of the building.
A, probably seemed- says the silhouette of a man, turns his head away and continues to tie Athena's shoulder new bandages.
Phew!It was close,- Wallaby says, sitting on the floor and wiping sweat from his forehead with his hand.
I'm still scared of his glance- admits kwami the kangaroo.
Then Wallaby and Luka cautiously peeked out of the wall and began to watch what was happening in the mirror together.They could see Athena sitting obediently while the mysterious man slowly bandaged her shoulder and his white burning eyes still sent chills down their backs.
And who is this person who stands next to Athena? Luka decided to ask in a whisper.
Meet her pseudo-father! Wallaby replies with a slight smile, probably to lighten up the tense atmosphere a little.
He doesn't look like a human at all, he looks more like a shadow! Luka says, looking at mysterious man appearance from afar.
Yes, he's at all not human- says kwami, the kangaroo sitting on the Wallaby's head
How is not a person? Luka asks in surprise
In fact, it is the darkness, which has taken the form of a man. We called him Zoferos in this world. He is the lord of the dark looking glass, Wallaby explains to him
Yes, the type is not from very pleasant.- says the kwami kangaroo- Also He an insensitive creature who does not experience any emotions at all.
The information he heard shocked Luka. He could not believe that the person who is next to Athena is not a person at all, but a dark entity that pretends to be a person and who does not experience any emotions at all.
If you don't believe me, you can ask the Eagle Owl,- says Wallaby to Luka, noticing how hard he is trying to believe the information he has heard
Yes, he is a kind of sage in this world,- adds kwami kangaroo,- He will not only tell you, but also show you.
F she nodded her head to him in gratitude.
Then, after a few minutes, Athena got up from her chair and stared uncertainly into the mirror for several minutes, as if feeling that someone was watching her and trying to tell an invisible observer something with her eyes.But she does not have time to do this, when suddenly the reflection in the mirror begins to fade and return back to the dark.
And after the mirror completely faded to black  Wallaby closed her pocket mirror, put it in her pocket and headed somewhere in long distance  far away from Luka.
Where are you going ?- asks Luka to Wallaby, noticing how she leaves him - I thought that you would go with me to the Eagle Owl and show me the way to him!
I would with joy to, but I can't- the Wallaby answers him, stopping and turning to face him.
We have a heap of unfinished business in the canyon- says the kangaroo companion.
Yes. So you alone will have to solve this mystery,- Wallaby says from afar,-But don't worry, I think the Eagle Owl will help you shed light on this mysterious darkness.
But though  tell me where to look for him? Luka asks the departing Wallaby.
You will find him  in the Dense Forest, search  for a treehouse in the forest and then you will definitely not make a mistake!-Wallaby answers to  Luka  and walks away from him, disappearing into the distance on the street of the Twilight Town.
After the Wallaby left, Luka was left alone in the Twilight Town with a mirror that abruptly disappeared and left only black smoke from himself.

Miraculous story of miracle workers: On the other side of the mirrorحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن