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After that the Purple Tigress passed her trial and the trial that Zoferos had prepared for her. As Vamperin said earlier, the next ones to be pass trial will be Rooster Bold and Caprikid. And their trial began on the Canyon of the Winds, and they themselves found themselves on the right side near the bridge.Once there, they immediately begin to explore the area. After examining it, they immediately decide not to pull and take out their mirrors to ask how they can awaken their spiritual animal.
Mirror, Mirror, tell me how to awaken my spiritual animal!- says Rooster Bold and Caprikid in unison.
And the mirror responds to them in a few minutes:
To awaken a spiritual animal, you need to cross the bridge of diffidence, no backing away !
Hmm, what does that mean?- The Rooster Bold thinks about the phrase.
Capricid also thinks back, but then a thought passes through him.
Me seems, it has to do with the bridge. And I see its outlines in the distance - suggests Capricid and points with his finger at the bridge, which was slightly visible in the distance - Maybe when we reach it, we will be able to understand the meaning of the phrase.
The Rooster Bold nods in agreement, and they both head towards the bridge in the distance. When they reach it, they notice that the bridge is located above a cliff where a river flows below, and it also connects two rocks together and it wobbles a little because of the wind, making it feel like it is about to come off and fall. While they were examining the bridge from top to bottom, someone on the other side called out to them:
I suppose you came here to pass the trial? An unfamiliar voice asked them.
When they hear that someone called out to them, they immediately raise their heads and see that on the other side of the bridge there was a hero in a turkey costume sitting on a stone, who waved at them affably, and held his balalaika with the other hand.They were also greeted by his kwami, who was sitting on his hat.But they were also greeted by the familiar Wallaby heroine and her kwami Guuru, who stood next to hero-turkey.
Rooster Bold and Capricid did not dare to greet him yet, instead they looked at each other in surprise. But then Capricid gathered all his courage into a fist and, taking a deep breath, decided to answer him:
Yes!We have come to the test! Capricid screamed at the top of his voice to be heard, and his voice echoed through the canyon and immediately reached the ears of the turkey-hero.
Good. Well, then welcome to your test," the turkey hero nods his head at them, "But before I tell you about your test and you start taking it, we need to get to know each other, otherwise it will be uncivilized to explain the meaning of the test to you without knowing your names., and suddenly, after passing the test, you will become The chosen ones! My name is Cocky Turkey, and this is my kwami Brawlli, and the heroine who stands next to me is a wallaby kangaroo and her kwami Guuru. And how your names ?he presents himself and heroine to them - By the way, we have another hero, but I can't introduce him to you yet, because at the moment he is busy patrolling the area.
After the turkey-hero introduced himself and the heroine to them, Wallabi waves hand to them as if greeting them and their kwami shouted in unison to them:
Nice to meet you!
Before telling the turkey-hero her names they looked at each other uncertainly, probably not trusting him yet.
Don't be afraid, I'm not a villain or a Imitator , I'm also the same hero as you, but I have a different purpose and role here. The only thing you should be wary of and afraid of here are mirror shadows and imitators, because they those are still critters! So don't be afraid and brave to tell me your names, the Cheeky Turkey assures them, who noticed that they didn't tell him their names.
Realizing that they can trust him, they still decide to tell him their heroic names. The first one decides to say is Capricid, who decides to introduce himself to him and, in addition, his friend Rooster.
I am a Capricid, and this is a Rooster Bold-The goat-hero appears to him and his friend- We are also very pleased to meet you!-He shouted at him from afar.
Well, now that we've met each other. I can now explain to you how your trial is going. As you can see, there is a bridge hanging in front of you. You need to cross it to get to this side where I am now, but only you have to pass it without backing back. If you do this, the trial will not be read out. Well, it seems that's all, I said everything I wanted to say- the Cheeky Turkey explains to them - Well, who wants to cross this bridge first and be the first to awaken their spiritual animal?
The Rooster and the Goat exchanged puzzled glances, and then the Rooster decided to speak first.
I Of course, won't against if you go first," the Brave Rooster tells him and politely makes way for him to the bridge, like a real gentleman.
No, only after you!- Capricid rejects Rooster's politeness and gave way to him on the bridge.
- After you!
- After you!
At this time, on the other side of the canyon, a Cheeky Turkey was watching them and watched as they tried to give way to each other on the bridge, and he put his hand on his forehead disappointedly, raising his head up.
Mda, it seems like it's going protracted to long time!- the Cheecky turkey says to himself with displeasure, watching as the two heroes on the other side try to give way to each other.
They look so much like a Gazelle and Emu!- Turkey-kwami Brawlli says to him with a smile, comparing Rooster Bold and the Capricid with the old chosen ones of the canyon of the winds.
The Cheeky Turkey chuckles at Brawlli's comment and shakes his head, amused by the situation unfolding before him.
But while the Rooster and the Goat were trying to decide who would pass the test, giving way to each other the way to the bridge. At this time in the Midnight City, Miss Hound, who saw how to pass the test of a Tigress, decides to see how the test of a Rooster and a Goat goes on in the Canyon of the Winds out of pure curiosity.
I wonder how have Rooster Bold and Capricid trial is going?-Miss Hound asks herself.
So, let's look through the mirror at how there going have them , and I hope that this time the gallogram will not end in an interesting place!-Barkk advises her.
Miss Hound nods her head and takes her mirror out of her pocket, saying the phrase:
Mirror, Mirror, show me what's going on in the Canyon of the Winds!
And after a few minutes, the mirror showed her an extensive hologram where Capricious and a Brave Rooster were depicted, who could not decide in any way so they would go first over the bridge on the Canyon of the Winds.
Oh, I see them," says Barkk, noticing through the gallogram of his hero friends, "And what are they doing?
They are trying to cross the bridge, well, I would say they are trying to decide who will do it first - Miss Hound answers her and then thinks about it - And this is their test to cross the bridge, does it look easy to pass?
A where, are the complications from Zoferos, as it was with the tigress? Barkk asks, considering this trial too easy.
No complications need to be done there, because this trial without him complications looks difficult !- Campbella answers their questions, who comes closer to them.
Miss Hound and Barkk look at her in surprise, waiting for her to explain about this trial.
Take a closer look at this bridge, don't you think it looks shaky and may soon break off?- Campbella advises them to look at the bridge by pointing at it with their finger.
Miss Hound and Barkk both look closely at the bridge and notice that it does indeed look shaky and unstable.
Oh, I see it now. It really looks shaky," Miss Hound tells her, seeing that the bridge is really unstable.
Yes. Also considering that it is wooden and is held on a cliff by barely strong ropes that keep it from breaking. And the wind that blows into it makes it feel like it's wobbling a little. Not every hero can pass this test and cross this bridge, because to do this you need to have a no small bravery- Campbella explains to them the meaning of the trial with the bridge.
Now I understand. I also noticed that the heroes who are in different places in the mirror world have different challenges. For example, I had a trial related to saving a longing person, and they had a trial with a bridge, Miss Hound tells her.
You noticed correctly. This is because the mirror world chooses trials based on qualities of spiritual animals - Kampbella explains to her - Well, for example, I had a trial to find things in the Midnight Town that symbolize home comfort and move them to a place where you think they will create an atmosphere of comfort!
And what kind of items were they, if not a secret? Miss Hound asks her.
Well, these were the usual things that are found in our ordinary world. Well, as I remember them, there were three. Among them were things like a pillow, matches and an ordinary mug, -Campbella answers her.
That sounds like a nice trial-Miss Hound comments, impressed by Campbella's challenge.
Yes, it was quite enjoyable, and it made me appreciate the little things that make a place feel like home- Campbella replies, reminiscing about her trial.
After they talk, they continue to watch the Rooster Bold and Capricid pass his trial through the mirror.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the Rooster Bold and the Capricid sat a disgruntled Cocky turkey who was tired of watching them try to decide who would go over the bridge first and decides to stop it.
Well have you decided there or not?- Cheeky Turkey shouts at them at the top of his voice.
Upon hearing the cry of the turkey hero, both heroes immediately stop their actions and guiltily retreat from the edge of the cliff, realizing that they have gone too far.
Good. Then I'll go - the rooster sighs and decides to go over the bridge first
Well, finally. I already thought that it would last a long time- Turkey smiles, that they finally decided who would go the bridge, of course, thanks to his shout, they still decided- Well, then forward!- says to him Turkey-hero and points hand in the bridge.
But when the Rooster enter the bridge, he suddenly stopped because he felt a gust of wind below, which shook the pieces of wood where he was standing. Meanwhile, he was standing holding onto the railing of the bridge and looking at the rushing river that flowed below.
Well what are you standing there? Go. - the Cheeky turkey asks him, noticing how he stopped on the bridge and did not go.
You know, I've changed my mind about going over this bridge - the Rooster says him uncertainly without lowering his eyes from the water - Are you sure this test is for us?- he asks him, hinting about himself and Capricid.
On all one hundred percent. The mirror world never makes mistakes when choosing challenges-the Cheeky Turkey shakes his head- Come on, go!
What if this bridge breaks off and I fall right into the river? -Rooster asked him without taking his eyes off the water.
No, this bridge has survived many trials and many human feet have walked on it and it has withstood all this and is still hanging in place, as you can see!- the Turkey shakes his head - So stop afraid and go!
The rooster did not dare to cross the bridge yet and continued to look at the rushing river below. But suddenly his careful examination of the river was interrupted by the hand that was on his shoulder. Noticing that someone put a hand on his shoulder, the Rooster immediately turned around and saw that there was a Capricid standing next to him on the bridge, who probably saw the uncertainty of the Rooster and decided to walk across the bridge to him.
If you're not sure, I can go!- the goat-hero suggested to him with smile
The rooster did not answer him and looked at him with surprised eyes.
And the Capricid went across the bridge with a confident gait, not even paying attention to how the wind shakes the bridge from below. And finally he calmly got to the other side where the turkey-hero was sitting.
There, you see, even your friend was able to walk across the bridge, if he could, then you can, too-says him the Turkey and hints at the Capricid who stood next to them.
Yes, it's not at all difficult!- the Capricid confirms the turkey-hero's words-The most important thing is not to pay attention to what the wind is doing to the bridge below and go on!
The Rooster would like to obey Capricid's advice and walk across the bridge. But suddenly, when he started walking, he was stopped again by the swaying of the bridge from below by the wind and he stopped for several kilometers where he stood on the other side.
Are you a rooster or a coward?-Turkey asks him, noticing that he has not yet passed the bridge, but has only moved a little along it.
I'm a rooster! The Rooster shouted back at him.
So prove to me that you are a rooster so that I can look at you and say oh, he's a real rooster!- The Turkey tells him.
But the Rooster did not dare to go any further and continued to stand looking at the river bubbling below.
Realizing that the Rooster would not be able to cross the bridge without his help, the Turkey decided to help him. He looked at his kwami, like making a gesture with his eyes, "Can i ?". Kwami looked at him, understood his sign and nodded his head in agreement.Realizing that he could help him, the turkey took his balalaika in his hands, but before he started playing it, he called on strength:
After he called power , he closed his eyes and began to play some melody and hum something on it:
Once upon a time there was a one rooster
and proud he was,was not afraid of anything
and walked with his head held high- The turkey hums the first three lines of the song.
After the first three lines of the Turkey's song reached the Rooster's ears, he suddenly felt a cutting surge of pride. He unknowingly stood in the center of the bridge and put his hands on his belt and began to walk slowly across the bridge with a proud gait.
Watching through the mirror in the Midnight City, Miss Hound and Barkk were surprised by the sudden change in the character of the Rooster.
A what's the matter with him?He kind of was don't be sure that he could cross the bridge, and now he suddenly became as proud as a real rooster? Barkk asks, noticing the changes in the character of the Rooster.
I don't know myself Barkk-Miss Hound shrugged her shoulders
It's all thanks to the power of the Cheeky Turkey- Campbella, who was watching with them, explains to them.
Miss Hound and Barkk looked at her in surprise.
The power of the Cheeky Turkey is called a ballad. And when he plays the balalaika, he can give any hero who hears his song a certain quality that will help in different missions, for example, when passing a bridge or when fighting an enemy. He seems to act as a supportive link in the team, who can give his comrades any quality he wants. Also, thanks to the awakened animal, his power effect learned that he could keep this quality in a person simply by continuing to play a melody on a balalaika to him. But most of all he prefers to keep this quality by singing a song, but as he himself admitted, he quickly ran out of ideas for the lines of his songs, and because of this, he sometimes has to play a melody on a balalaika to keep it-Campbella explains to them.
Miss Hound and Barkk looked at each other in surprise, amazed by the strength of the turkey hero.
It looks cool! The power that can endow qualities sounds amazing, because with this power you can endow heroes with qualities and energize them when they get tired! Barkk speaks to her admiringly, delighted by the turkey's strength.
Campbella just smiled at her, closing her eyes.
Yes, it's definitely cool! But kind of, didn't you say that his effect of power was improved by the awakening of an animal?Miss Hound asks her.
Campbella just nodded at her.
It turns out that a spiritual animal is able not only to protect the hero from the penetration of darkness into his soul, but also to strengthen his powers? Suggests Miss Hound.
If so, it will be very cool! Because the spiritual animal is a powerful cheat code that can be used against darkness! -Barkk tells her.
Yes, exactly. The awakening of the animal enhances the hero's powers and abilities, making them even stronger and more effective in their mission to fight darkness- Campbella confirms.
Miss Hound and Barkk were truly amazed by the abilities of the Cheeky turkey and the power of the spiritual animal, they nodded their heads in agreement and continued to look through the mirror like a Brave Rooster crossing the bridge in the canyon.
Meanwhile, on the bridge in the canyon of the winds, the Rooster still continued to walk across the bridge and the Turkey helped him maintain his quality of pride by singing:
Suddenly on the way he meta bridge
he certainly, looked shaky
but the rooster said himself to himself
what is be difficult for me to pass it
if I do not pass it , then I am not a rooster
and with these words he walked along him
with a proud gait and with his head held high-Turkey ends song.
After the Turkey finishes, the Rooster manages to reach the end of the bridge on the other side to the other heroes who were waiting for him there. When he did end up on the other side, two heroes and a Capricid came up to him and started clapping their hands like kwami, applauding him.
Thank you.Thank you.I was tired - the exhausted rooster thanked them for their applause and sat down on the ground.
There You see. It's not difficult, you already passed, but of course with my help, but it's at least something, the Turkey tells him, continuing to applaud. to him.
Yes. This trial is really easy! Even I was able to pass it twice. Once with a normal gait, and the other time backwards- Wallaby tells him, who also applauds.
Yes, But you better not do as she did, otherwise the world will spit on you and decide that you are too audacious and will not make you the chosen one- Guuru tells him, advising him not to do what Wallaby did.
Then they all laughed together at Guuru's phrase and continued to stand and relax on the other side of the canyon. While they were resting in the pocket of the Capricid , something shone with a white light where his mirror lay, and then a mysterious voice rang out:
Capricid, for your fearlessness and courage that you showed on the trial, I reward you with your awakened animal, a mysterious voice tells him and rewards him with a white aura that surrounds his body- Well done, you passed your trial!
Capricid immediately realized what this meant and took out his mirror from his pocket, from which a few minutes later a tall column of white color burst out, which then changed his mirror from silver to white. That wasn't all, because after few minutes a ray of light burst out of the mirror and showed him on statue that was next to the bridge and stood a little further away from him hidden behind the trees. When he got closer to this statue, he noticed that it was a statue with an antelope stand on the mountains, but then the antelope changed under the radiating light from the mirror into a goat on the mountains.But that wasn't all, because after a few minutes white light poured out of the statue, which reached the floor where the Capricid stood and instantly captured the entire half where the heroes were in white light, proving that he had become the chosen one of the Canyon. Having shown that he became the chosen one, the light was shine for a while, and then disappeared.Well there, after this then precisely all.

Miraculous story of miracle workers: On the other side of the mirrorWhere stories live. Discover now